He could do more if he wants to I feel like. TLOP4 was never huge, it found it's audience and those people still check for him.
From a producer standpoint he could do way more if he wanted to. I believe he's very selective with who he gives beats to or works with. Cause I still see a lot of people saying hope some Pierre is on this when a new project is dropping. And not like dudes beats be missing or mid.
Want a tlop4 vinyl tbh, tlop5 cover ass
I would kill for a TLOP4 Vinyl. You ever find it tag me asap no rocky
pierre is not a fantastic rapper so idk why he thinks tapes like the one with juicy j are gonna be good, but his production on both chavo’s worlds and the wolf of peach trees is very good. i’m still excited for any producing he has to do
Guy has been going crazy since he was doing the soundcloud s*** with trippie. He’s talented af and I hope he keeps grinding
Production and Juicy parts were on point but Pierre performance as a rapper is just painfully weak
Always have been Ik he wants to be a rapper but that’s not his strength man
Bruh need a ghostwriter. Most producer rappers generally don’t make it (see: Sonny and Hit Boy until recently with that Corsa record/half a mil and even that is a workaround lol) and that’s that…
But he sucks so bad that his punchlines and s*** get meme’d to where it goes beyond him not making it, niggas be ridiculing them lines lol. Sad bc if Quavo or Uzi or some s*** said a lot of those they’d be called hard lines even tho they’d still suck.
Funny he had that “niggas wanna be Kanye but that’s reAlly Cyhi” line but nigga needs to honestly hit Cyhi up
Also it seems like he only gives beats to himself and his label and that is not a good idea to do at your peak when the entire game has ran off with your sound