  • Jul 25, 2023
    1 reply

    holy s\*\*\* olimar has his own campaign, you unlock it super late

    after areas 5 and 6? just got 1st credits

  • Jul 25, 2023

    after areas 5 and 6? just got 1st credits

    I think you unlock it after 1st credits but I didn’t find it until I had reached area 6\. after you talk to olimar and get a new ability you have to talk to him again later

  • Jul 25, 2023

    Can we talk about how fire the Piklopedia is and how it lets you rebattle ANY enemy including ALL BOSSES to the most basic enemy GRUNT

  • Jul 25, 2023
    1 reply

    never rly fw the older titles but im rly liking dis one

  • Jul 25, 2023
    1 reply

    never rly fw the older titles but im rly liking dis one

    Pikmin 4 one of the few sequels in a series that I would say is genuinely objectively better than the rest or at the least damn-near.

    Only thing you can argue imo is the tone of each entry & which tone/vibe you like more which each one def has its own feel like 1 being the most serious & anxious, 2 being jokey & chaotic, 3 being really relaxed & 4 having a more cinematic feel. Which I can see arguements for or against any of them & why someone would prefer it.

  • Jul 25, 2023

    I also love how they balanced difficulty in this game too. One of the few rare moments in where trying to please everybody actually succeeds.

    The surface is mostly chilled out & laxxed like Pikmin 3, the dungeons are a difficult challenge & brain teasers like Pikmin 2, the later on side content brings the anxiousness & resource management of Pikmin 1, the night expeditions are entirely new that have its own difficulty curve & the dandori battles bring back the optional side modes of the old games but for the main game

    Its genius. So much of this game is just so damn clever. They really maxxed out all their time and delays man. Its an incredible feat & it genuinely feels like a proper "next gen" game for Nintendo which is a rare feeling from Nintendo these days. From gameplay to content to graphics

  • Jul 25, 2023

    All bronze on Dandori White Sage is still passing

  • Jul 26, 2023

    Bruh how tf do I have 31 hours IN A PIKMIN GAME and on a single playthrough that isnt even finished yet holy s***. I think it took me 14 hours to beat Pikmin 3 lmao

    S*** is crazy the amount of content I think you could beat all 3 other Pikmins within the time to do everything in Pikmin 4

  • Jul 26, 2023

    And I love how natural & enjoyable completing every area to 100% is - the flow of doing so is so good you dont even think about it that often & theres no annoying chores or unnecessary goals/busywork n s*** with it. More games should take that in as inspiration & as an example

  • Jul 26, 2023
    Water Giver
    · edited

    Pikmin 4 one of the few sequels in a series that I would say is genuinely objectively better than the rest or at the least damn-near.

    Only thing you can argue imo is the tone of each entry & which tone/vibe you like more which each one def has its own feel like 1 being the most serious & anxious, 2 being jokey & chaotic, 3 being really relaxed & 4 having a more cinematic feel. Which I can see arguements for or against any of them & why someone would prefer it.

    ya i agree, i did rly like the atmosphere of the older ones, it felt more cold and isolated

  • Jul 26, 2023

    game went from a 9 to a 10 after the olimar campaign, this is the definitive pikmin game, it’s got everything the old games did well but then refines it to perfection. This is it’s final form, but I hope Miyamoto doesn’t retire here. now it’s time to platinum all the challenges and explore the last area

  • Jul 26, 2023

    Trial of the sage leaf 40 hours in and this game just keeps getting better and better

  • Jul 26, 2023

    Whenever i do replay this game after my first playthrough is done imma DEF need a mod that makes Shepard n ESPECIALLY COLLIN STFU outside of critical scenes/moments tho

  • Jul 26, 2023
    1 reply

    imo the text only heavy in the beginning, they lay off afterwards unless story stuff so in short game is a masterpiece nintendo really back lets f***ing go

  • Jul 26, 2023

    imo the text only heavy in the beginning, they lay off afterwards unless story stuff so in short game is a masterpiece nintendo really back lets f***ing go

    Theyre still interrupting me about basic stuff every now and then such as map usage, using the drone, info about stats and some other things when im 34 hours in s*** is so annoying - which is classic Nintendo but new for Pikmin. Also some other small things like Collin saying the same thing about Olimars ship over n over when im trying to talk to npcs etc.

    Besides that tho game is a 10/10. Its the only negative I can think of.

    But yeah area 1 is really bad with the dialog, thanfully it does get a lot better after besides the occasional pop ups mentioned above.

  • Jul 26, 2023

    Pikmin 3 intoduction is GOAT and straight to the point and Pikmin 2 is GOAT with how it leaves you alone entirely after the tutorial.

    I understand why its like this in Pikmin 4 tho, just wish it wasnt so "overdone" at least in my opinion. Especially since Pikmin is/was one of the very few rare Nintendo series that left you alone & let you really figure stuff out.

    Thankfully its the only "negative" in the entire game tho. Everything else is literally PERFECT.

  • Jul 26, 2023
    1 reply

    100% every area, completed sage trials

    Now I can go back to TOTK. Couldn’t put this one down

  • Jul 26, 2023

    100% every area, completed sage trials

    Now I can go back to TOTK. Couldn’t put this one down

    Two bangers pretty much back to back full of hella content from Nintendo alone & in-house is wild

    Legit two goty contenders right after the other in a row & so close in releaee date

  • Jul 26, 2023
    1 reply

    If this is really the Switch's true full final year its such a good one.

    Bayonetta + Kirby in the beginning, Zelda + Pikmin in the middle & Mario RPG Remake + new Mario 2D at the end.

    Bros went extra bananas 🍌

    Most of it was a surprise or late announcement too

  • Jul 26, 2023
    Water Giver
    · edited

    If this is really the Switch's true full final year its such a good one.

    Bayonetta + Kirby in the beginning, Zelda + Pikmin in the middle & Mario RPG Remake + new Mario 2D at the end.

    Bros went extra bananas 🍌

    Most of it was a surprise or late announcement too

    Mario Bros movie went crazy at the box office too

  • Jul 27, 2023
    1 reply

    This game is hilarious because it looks like it’s made for 5-year olds but it’s actually got some challenges that’d make the average adult rage quit

  • Jul 27, 2023

    One Fell Jump

  • Jul 27, 2023


  • Jul 27, 2023

    Now I can continue back to the Areas
