  • Jul 27, 2023
    2 replies

    Worth a buy?

  • Jul 27, 2023
    1 reply

    Pikmin 4 is more popular than ff xvi in Japan now, could never see it coming just 10 years ago

    We really won

  • Jul 27, 2023

    Worth a buy?

    Read the last page

  • Jul 27, 2023
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    We really won

    Need to finish totk man i wanna post itt so bad, this year gon be Nintendo only for me im afraid, with a armored core interlude

  • Jul 27, 2023
    1 reply

    This game is so pretty, pikmin 5 on a PS4 type hardware is crazy to think about

  • Jul 27, 2023
    1 reply

    Need to finish totk man i wanna post itt so bad, this year gon be Nintendo only for me im afraid, with a armored core interlude

    Literally same.

    Bayonetta & Kirby in the beginning.

    Pikmin & Zelda in the middle.

    Then got the 2 Marios at the end of the year to cap it all off.

    S*** is crazy, Armored Core & Hogwarts the only other none Nintendo Games worth getting so far this year.

    Over half of the games were stealth last minute announcements by Nintendo too.

    S*** is so good. Pikmin 4 turned out better with so much content than I could ever imagine.

  • Jul 27, 2023
    1 reply
    Water Giver
    · edited

    Literally same.

    Bayonetta & Kirby in the beginning.

    Pikmin & Zelda in the middle.

    Then got the 2 Marios at the end of the year to cap it all off.

    S*** is crazy, Armored Core & Hogwarts the only other none Nintendo Games worth getting so far this year.

    Over half of the games were stealth last minute announcements by Nintendo too.

    S*** is so good. Pikmin 4 turned out better with so much content than I could ever imagine.

    Demo was crack, despite the annoying dialogue. And the shift in camera angle is so fire, you feel even smaller

  • Jul 27, 2023

    Just noticed it scored higher than FF in metacritic too
    Pikmin is so back

  • Jul 27, 2023
    1 reply

    This game is so pretty, pikmin 5 on a PS4 type hardware is crazy to think about

    It along with Shin Megami Tensei 5 are the best looking Switch games overall imo they pushed Switch visuals to its absolute peak. HMs to Zelda Botw/Tears, Astral Chain & Kirby Forgotten Land.

    Pikmin 4 is also crazy stable & steady. A technical marvel plus all the rendering & models going on. I cant believe it keeps a locked framerate no matter what which is already better than most current games yet its on hardware bascially 2 gens old at this point & part mobile.

    Legit looks like a current gen game pretty much. The game is crazy long too. Im 40 hours in and still not done with my playthrough, meanwhile it took me 14 to 16 hours to beat Pikmin 3. You can beat P1, 2 & 3 in the amount of time it takes to beat P4 alone itself.

    If this really is Switch's last full year & send off, then its leaving on a very highnote with some of its most technically impressive games I never thought possible.

    Really maximizing their hardware development experience to the fullest & not just on one game either.

  • Jul 27, 2023
    1 reply
    Water Giver
    · edited

    It along with Shin Megami Tensei 5 are the best looking Switch games overall imo they pushed Switch visuals to its absolute peak. HMs to Zelda Botw/Tears, Astral Chain & Kirby Forgotten Land.

    Pikmin 4 is also crazy stable & steady. A technical marvel plus all the rendering & models going on. I cant believe it keeps a locked framerate no matter what which is already better than most current games yet its on hardware bascially 2 gens old at this point & part mobile.

    Legit looks like a current gen game pretty much. The game is crazy long too. Im 40 hours in and still not done with my playthrough, meanwhile it took me 14 to 16 hours to beat Pikmin 3. You can beat P1, 2 & 3 in the amount of time it takes to beat P4 alone itself.

    If this really is Switch's last full year & send off, then its leaving on a very highnote with some of its most technically impressive games I never thought possible.

    Really maximizing their hardware development experience to the fullest & not just on one game either.

    Yeah, i thought pikmin 3 was pretty too, but after pikmin 4 it looks so dated now lol, and they aint that far apart in terms of hardware, these mfs cracked the code

  • Jul 27, 2023
    1 reply

    Demo was crack, despite the annoying dialogue. And the shift in camera angle is so fire, you feel even smaller

    YUP the dialog is the only "negative" to me in the entire game while everything else is perfect. And the introduction is a bit tedious.

    Good news is tho is that the dialog DOES die down a lot after Area 1 - the demo area. With only some occasional annoyances here n there for the rest of the rest.

    I get why its like that tho. Just wish it was toned down a bit at least personally but its more a person to person personal issue or like.

    P3 intro is GOAT with how too the point & quick it is, and P2 is the GOAT with how it leaves you alone entirely after the tutorial section & lets you figure everything out.

    P2 is my fav Pikmin game & a top 10 game of all time for me, but P4 might beat it out in both regards. Which is WILD!

  • Jul 27, 2023
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    YUP the dialog is the only "negative" to me in the entire game while everything else is perfect. And the introduction is a bit tedious.

    Good news is tho is that the dialog DOES die down a lot after Area 1 - the demo area. With only some occasional annoyances here n there for the rest of the rest.

    I get why its like that tho. Just wish it was toned down a bit at least personally but its more a person to person personal issue or like.

    P3 intro is GOAT with how too the point & quick it is, and P2 is the GOAT with how it leaves you alone entirely after the tutorial section & lets you figure everything out.

    P2 is my fav Pikmin game & a top 10 game of all time for me, but P4 might beat it out in both regards. Which is WILD!

    My guess is they wanted new players to get pikmin and not be overwhelmed. Miyamoto was interviewed recently and said he didnt get why people thought pikmin was hard and stressful, so they're probably trying to tackle those criticisms

  • Jul 27, 2023
    1 reply

    Yeah, i thought pikmin 3 was pretty too, but after pikmin 4 it looks so dated now lol, and they aint that far apart in terms of hardware, these mfs cracked the code

    That 10 years was def used well & makes total sense now. Getting it to work on the Switch must have been hell nevermind when it originally started on Wii U.

    Thank God they were able to pull it through & we didnt lose this masterpiece in development hell & cancelation.

    A long delayed game that actually makes sense why it took so long & you can see all the quality, polish & hard work in the game. Nothing was wasted & it looks/feels like every year was put to good use, unlike most overly delayed games.

    Such a standout & success its a miracle. Hope we get some behind the scenes info & breakdown of the game & its development history within the next few years. Im so happy for myself of the series & so glad & happy for the team. And extremely happy it seems to also be paying off outside of the hardcore once small fandom from reviews to especially sales. S*** is no longer niche in a good way. Similar feeling to what happened to FromSoftware

  • Jul 27, 2023
    1 reply
    Water Giver
    · edited

    That 10 years was def used well & makes total sense now. Getting it to work on the Switch must have been hell nevermind when it originally started on Wii U.

    Thank God they were able to pull it through & we didnt lose this masterpiece in development hell & cancelation.

    A long delayed game that actually makes sense why it took so long & you can see all the quality, polish & hard work in the game. Nothing was wasted & it looks/feels like every year was put to good use, unlike most overly delayed games.

    Such a standout & success its a miracle. Hope we get some behind the scenes info & breakdown of the game & its development history within the next few years. Im so happy for myself of the series & so glad & happy for the team. And extremely happy it seems to also be paying off outside of the hardcore once small fandom from reviews to especially sales. S*** is no longer niche in a good way. Similar feeling to what happened to FromSoftware

    Now imagine metroid prime 4

  • Jul 27, 2023
    1 reply

    My guess is they wanted new players to get pikmin and not be overwhelmed. Miyamoto was interviewed recently and said he didnt get why people thought pikmin was hard and stressful, so they're probably trying to tackle those criticisms

    The thing is that the difficulty is balanced very well. I said it previously but its also another rare thing this game achieved where it tries & SUCCEEDS pleasing everyone.

    The surface is mostly chilledout, easy going & laxxed like P3, the dungeons are challenging and has its own brainteasers like P2, the side content & extra quests have the resource management & chaos/anxiety like P1 & the Night expeditions is its own unique thing that has its own difficulty curve. Then theres this side content you also unlock later on in the game that is really difficult & frustrating but not necessary to do. Over half the stuff to do & see in the game isnt "needed" either for basic progression - so kids arent walled out the story & areas neither even if they dont want to do or cant get pass the harder content.

    Whole game is just clever - simply put. Its amazing & should be applauded for.

  • Jul 27, 2023
    1 reply

    Now imagine metroid prime 4

    I mentioned that itt before too few days ago

    Has me really excited & encouraged for it with how Pikmin 4 came out, but also a bit more worried & anxious than before


  • Jul 27, 2023
    Water Giver
    · edited

    The thing is that the difficulty is balanced very well. I said it previously but its also another rare thing this game achieved where it tries & SUCCEEDS pleasing everyone.

    The surface is mostly chilledout, easy going & laxxed like P3, the dungeons are challenging and has its own brainteasers like P2, the side content & extra quests have the resource management & chaos/anxiety like P1 & the Night expeditions is its own unique thing that has its own difficulty curve. Then theres this side content you also unlock later on in the game that is really difficult & frustrating but not necessary to do. Over half the stuff to do & see in the game isnt "needed" either for basic progression - so kids arent walled out the story & areas neither even if they dont want to do or cant get pass the harder content.

    Whole game is just clever - simply put. Its amazing & should be applauded for.

    Yeah, its cool that the game has become more accessible without forgetting its roots. I hope that the sales in japan arent the exception and that it sold well worldwide, we need to make miyamoto happy

  • Jul 27, 2023
    Water Giver

    I mentioned that itt before too few days ago

    Has me really excited & encouraged for it with how Pikmin 4 came out, but also a bit more worried & anxious than before


    Retro cant miss with Metroid, they got this one. And if It looks as good as mp1, its so over

  • Jul 27, 2023
    1 reply

    While we're on the subject

  • Jul 27, 2023

    Worth a buy?

    if you’re a pikmin fan this is the best in the series and longer than all the other games combined, it’s like the ultimate pikmin game. 50 hours in and I’m still discovering new s***

    if you’re new to the series you should try the pikmin 4 demo, it’s several hours long and btw you can skip dialogue with +- they explain a lot of stuff but I preferred to skip

  • mishima 😈
    Jul 27, 2023

    Pikmin 4 is more popular than ff xvi in Japan now, could never see it coming just 10 years ago

    Gamers eating

  • Jul 28, 2023

    Outselling FF16 lmao

  • Jul 28, 2023

    While we're on the subject

    It’s almost as if a fun and creative game will always sell and find an audience

  • Jul 28, 2023
    1 reply

    On second thought, Pikmin 4 isn’t a 4K @ 60FPS realistic gritty game that’s rated mature!

    Pikmin trash!
