  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    nah Fantano is a rym puppet at this point, been slowly falling off for the past 2 years. He def was one of the most relevant critics in the early 10s tho, s/o to him for introducing me to GY!BE and Death Grips when I was still only listening to like Earl, Krule and Kanye back in the day, he def put me on a path with that stuff

    Fantano reviews always shift rym ratings lol

    I liked the older format more cause the newer gen of rym users were really influencing the ratings. The albums they were able to get high in the rankings was unreal. And then the album dropped down all their hard work dead:

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    pretty chill

    once listened to this song 20 times on the same day not even kidding rly in love with it. Video is great too

  • Dec 7, 2020
    2 replies

    they really picked murder most foul as the best dylan song ffs

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Jay Z and Atlantic putting in the call for spots 1 and 4

  • Dec 7, 2020

    they really picked murder most foul as the best dylan song ffs

    They always go for the lead single/biggest song on those lists

  • Dec 7, 2020

    needs Eartheater. she dropped at least two SOTY

  • Dec 7, 2020

    I was rolling until #1

  • Dec 7, 2020
    math fifty

    howd i know wap would be number one

  • pneu
    Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    they really picked murder most foul as the best dylan song ffs

    Which other one would you pick? Near 17 minutes of brilliance.

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply
    the end

    Fantano reviews always shift rym ratings lol

    I liked the older format more cause the newer gen of rym users were really influencing the ratings. The albums they were able to get high in the rankings was unreal. And then the album dropped down all their hard work dead:

    nah fantano just brings in 5x the people and it's natural that high averages drop first because a lot of people will check it out even if they're not familiar with the artist or even genre. He isn't influencing averages that much. He gave MIKE a 3 or so and now it's not at a 3.7 anymore but on a 3.5 but it's also by far his most rated album now (2700) whereas it was at like 500 ratings before. Still close to the top 100 at the end of the year...

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    wap is a good ass song but #1

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Jay Z and Atlantic putting in the call for spots 1 and 4

    They got Jay E somewhere on it too

    Crazy how Nas gets bad press everywhere with a positive album and Jay E loses his mind running an e-cult and it gets swept under the rug. It's the ROC

  • Dec 7, 2020

    They got Jay E somewhere on it too

    Crazy how Nas gets bad press everywhere with a positive album and Jay E loses his mind running an e-cult and it gets swept under the rug. It's the ROC

  • Dec 7, 2020
    2 replies

    how is GOSPEL FOR A NEW CENTURY lower than wap

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Which other one would you pick? Near 17 minutes of brilliance.

    I contain multitudes, I've made up my mind to give myself to you, mother of muses, key west

  • Dec 7, 2020

    also no uzi in top 20 list disqualified

  • Dec 7, 2020

    wap is a good ass song but #1

  • Dec 7, 2020

    yves got snubbed!

  • Dec 7, 2020
    2 replies

    how is GOSPEL FOR A NEW CENTURY lower than wap

    What you're saying is, you hate women?

    We living under new rules, get with it

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    nah fantano just brings in 5x the people and it's natural that high averages drop first because a lot of people will check it out even if they're not familiar with the artist or even genre. He isn't influencing averages that much. He gave MIKE a 3 or so and now it's not at a 3.7 anymore but on a 3.5 but it's also by far his most rated album now (2700) whereas it was at like 500 ratings before. Still close to the top 100 at the end of the year...

    That makes me wonder

    What was veteran by jpegmafia rating before fantano push?

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply
    the end

    That makes me wonder

    What was veteran by jpegmafia rating before fantano push?

    good question. I think I faintly remember it was already pretty hyped but only really took off after the fantano co-sign. Peggy is def like Fantano's best contribution to criticism in recent years

  • pneu
    Dec 7, 2020

    I contain multitudes, I've made up my mind to give myself to you, mother of muses, key west

    I like Multitudes but really Murder Most Foul is the true highlight off that album, thought it was extremely impressive how he was able to make a song near 17 mins this late in his career and not sound tedious (well to me). The references were pretty cool and loved the dreamy production.

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    once listened to this song 20 times on the same day not even kidding rly in love with it. Video is great too

    i like it might peep more of her stuff

  • Dec 7, 2020


  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    i like it might peep more of her stuff

    whole tape with Digital Nas is solid, but imo Summer is by far her best song so far. Got high hopes for her future tho
