  • Wait how am I just now realizing what the "auto" button does for solo battles

  • Feb 5
    2 replies

    i'm just getting on this less and less

  • u ok jay

    i'm just getting on this less and less

    Haven't opened the app in over a week, haven't seen these new packs/cards. Work kicking up is a factor but the gameplay also just gets old after a while

  • u ok jay

    i'm just getting on this less and less

    I've stopped playing since december haha

    literally just boot up and open the daily pack now

  • Game needs to incentivise battling more by not capping the rewards you get after only playing like 5 battles

    its so stupid

    no one gives a f*** about the stupid emblems

    keep rewarding pack hourglass instead of glitter and people will dedicate themselves to battling so they can continue opening packs.

    dumb ass greedy game

  • My luck has been crazy. Pulled the immersive palkia ex the other day and just now I pulled the gold dialga ex

  • Legit just open this app, open my 2 packs, do some wonder picks and close it again. Grinded that solo event and got one Cresselia card the day before it ended, haven't played a single match against another player since the update

  • Feb 21
    1 reply

    this meta is putrid

  • Feb 22
    1 reply


    anyone still playing and want a trade?

  • Feb 22
    1 reply


    anyone still playing and want a trade?

    I'm down, what you need? I'm sl0wp0ke on there

  • Feb 22

    I need to get back into this. I basically completed mystic Island then never used the cards to battle

    Idk why I got so lazy with deck building after that, was a lot of fun copying a meta deck and making changes systematically to craft something unique

  • Feb 22
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    I'm down, what you need? I'm sl0wp0ke on there

    Do u got Monferno or Arcanine Ex? Just tell me whatchu need with a similar rarity to those two 👌

  • Feb 22
    1 reply

    Do u got Monferno or Arcanine Ex? Just tell me whatchu need with a similar rarity to those two 👌

    I have an extra arcanine. I need mewtwo ex or aerodactyl ex

  • Unity 💯
    Feb 22
    1 reply
    Ōzaru Nayuta

    this meta is putrid

    Better than the coin flip meta at least

    Darkrai/Magnezone deck is way too good though

  • Feb 22
    1 reply

    Better than the coin flip meta at least

    Darkrai/Magnezone deck is way too good though

    just slow build up stalling decks at the top dragging things out

    makes it so boring

  • Unity 💯
    Feb 22
    1 reply
    Ōzaru Nayuta

    just slow build up stalling decks at the top dragging things out

    makes it so boring

    Idk it might just be me but I'd rather play against that 10 times out of 10 than play people who get lucky on Misty flips and win the battle in their first turn

  • Feb 22
    1 reply

    Idk it might just be me but I'd rather play against that 10 times out of 10 than play people who get lucky on Misty flips and win the battle in their first turn

    well that still exist with palkia decks lol

  • Unity 💯
    Feb 22
    1 reply
    Ōzaru Nayuta

    well that still exist with palkia decks lol

    I guess, but that deck is nowhere near as widely used as Starmie/Articuno were before this expansion

    I'm facing mostly dark and grass decks in the event

  • Feb 22
    1 reply

    I guess, but that deck is nowhere near as widely used as Starmie/Articuno were before this expansion

    I'm facing mostly dark and grass decks in the event

    From what I've played against I'm either getting darkrai mirror matches 40%, water palkia deck 40%, then celebi/egg 15%, random deck 5%

  • Unity 💯
    Feb 22
    Ōzaru Nayuta

    From what I've played against I'm either getting darkrai mirror matches 40%, water palkia deck 40%, then celebi/egg 15%, random deck 5%

    Are people still quitting if their Misty doesn't hit on the first turn

  • Feb 22

    I was playing a Palkia deck at the beginning when the new expansion was out because I got two Palkias right away.
    But the deck was honestly not that fun to play. I switched to a Garchomp deck a couple days ago and I have way more fun playing but the meta is still a bit boring.

  • Feb 24
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    I have an extra arcanine. I need mewtwo ex or aerodactyl ex

    ok, i'm finally ready to trade haha. Switchin up my offer... Just sent a request to trade my Aerodactyl Ex. Would you do an Aerodactyl Ex for a Darkrai Ex? And then I also have the Mewtwo Ex to trade. If Darkrai doesn't work for you, the order of things i'm interested in is then Pikachu, Gyrados, Exeggutor, and Palkia.

  • Feb 24
    1 reply

    ok, i'm finally ready to trade haha. Switchin up my offer... Just sent a request to trade my Aerodactyl Ex. Would you do an Aerodactyl Ex for a Darkrai Ex? And then I also have the Mewtwo Ex to trade. If Darkrai doesn't work for you, the order of things i'm interested in is then Pikachu, Gyrados, Exeggutor, and Palkia.

    Damn, outta all those the only double I have is Exeggutor. Sending now. I do have an extra of the immersive art Dialga if you need it

  • Feb 24
    Zach LaBeam

    Damn, outta all those the only double I have is Exeggutor. Sending now. I do have an extra of the immersive art Dialga if you need it

    Thanks brodie! 🙏 Would it even let you trade the immersive Dialga for the Mewtwo Ex?

    Edit: I just looked it up and you can't trade cards at that rarity unfortunately

  • Feb 26
    1 reply

    anyone able to trade me a celebi ex or exeggutor ex?