  • Nov 5, 2019
    1 reply

    Nah this was false. The dex is actually only 400.



    F***kkkkk. haven’t seen the full list of galarian pokemon so hopefully there are enough good designs

  • Nov 5, 2019

    F***kkkkk. haven’t seen the full list of galarian pokemon so hopefully there are enough good designs

    Watch the video I posted. Shofu shows a chart of all the pokemon and its like I think 10 or 12 Galarian pokemon. Its 84(could be more)brand new pokemon(excluding Galarian and G-max forms).

  • Nov 5, 2019
    1 reply

    Gen 1 - Kanto: 55
    Gen 2 - Johto: 33
    Gen 3 - Hoenn: 42
    Gen 4 - Sinnoh: 38
    Gen 5 - Unova: 85
    Gen 6 - Kalos: 32
    Gen 7 - Alola: 36
    Gen 8 - Galar: 84

    adds up to about 405

    this doesn't include the different regional forms as well as Pokemon form changes like Morpeko and Toxtricity

    also Mew isn't considered in the 55 Kanto as right now Mew has no # in the Galar dex which makes me believe we don't have anyone who has fully datamined the game yet

  • Nov 5, 2019
    1 reply

    Gen 1 - Kanto: 55
    Gen 2 - Johto: 33
    Gen 3 - Hoenn: 42
    Gen 4 - Sinnoh: 38
    Gen 5 - Unova: 85
    Gen 6 - Kalos: 32
    Gen 7 - Alola: 36
    Gen 8 - Galar: 84

    adds up to about 405

    this doesn't include the different regional forms as well as Pokemon form changes like Morpeko and Toxtricity

    also Mew isn't considered in the 55 Kanto as right now Mew has no # in the Galar dex which makes me believe we don't have anyone who has fully datamined the game yet

    It's not 405. It's exactly 400. Eternatus is #400 in the dex, the last Pokemon. Mew isn't even in SWSH. There is no secrets or hidden things. Unless an event happen or an update that add it's model Mew got purged with the rest of the old legendaries.

  • Nov 5, 2019

    If this game fixed the problems of the franchise I probably would have bought a switch just for it. But as its turning out its worse than I could have imagined :(

  • Starter typings are such a let down 😪

  • Nov 5, 2019

    Honestly I'm just tryna see some stats, learnsets and if there are any changes to the Battle Tower.

    The dex thing is disappointing but I got all my frustration about that out when we first found out. I like enough new mons and there are enough of my bros (fucking RIP Gatr & Heracross, hometown heroes) to have some fun battling this gen. The new meta might be interesting.

  • Nov 5, 2019
    1 reply

    Bro they removed cyndaquil. The whole f***ing line. And they removed squirtle. I f***ing hate charizard. This game is WOAT im so f***ing angry.

    How hard could it have been to just transfer the models over man, its a flash drive at minimum you can fit 64gb of data like WTF

  • Nov 5, 2019
    hot pancakes

    I still don’t know if I want sword or shield

    Tyranitar is shield...

  • Nov 5, 2019
    1 reply

    Bro they removed cyndaquil. The whole f***ing line. And they removed squirtle. I f***ing hate charizard. This game is WOAT im so f***ing angry.

    How hard could it have been to just transfer the models over man, its a flash drive at minimum you can fit 64gb of data like WTF

    I was deadass thinking that at least Blastoise and Venusaur would be in, maybe without Gmax forms, thinking they didn't have the balls to literally only leave in the shill starter, but jesus christ dude they actually did it lol.

  • Nov 5, 2019
    2 replies
    no color

    I was deadass thinking that at least Blastoise and Venusaur would be in, maybe without Gmax forms, thinking they didn't have the balls to literally only leave in the shill starter, but jesus christ dude they actually did it lol.

    Its so f***ing sad because Heartgold is my baby. I was thinking about getting Sword and transferring my Johto starter but i guess now that's a dub.

  • Nov 5, 2019
    1 reply

    It's not 405. It's exactly 400. Eternatus is #400 in the dex, the last Pokemon. Mew isn't even in SWSH. There is no secrets or hidden things. Unless an event happen or an update that add it's model Mew got purged with the rest of the old legendaries.

    Mew is in. They confirmed that the PokeBall plus gift Mew is able to be redeemed in Sword/Shield

  • Nov 5, 2019

    Its so f***ing sad because Heartgold is my baby. I was thinking about getting Sword and transferring my Johto starter but i guess now that's a dub.

    Same. I started with Johto too, Crystal. Gatr been my ace for nearly two decades now. It's a damn shame. The Hoenn trio as well, even without their megas is a big loss to me.

  • They really had the whole 151 from kanto all 3D ready from lets go and still did magnemite dirty.

    I'm sorry but how did they cut magnemite!!!!!!!!

  • Nov 5, 2019
    1 reply

    The only interesting part about the cuts is the competitive side. Most the Pokémon that dominated competitive play are gone. It’s going to be interesting to see which Pokémon end up filling those gaps.

    It makes me glad I won’t have to see Landorus every other match now.

  • Nov 5, 2019

    I was fine with a reduced dex, but 400? F***ing yikes.

  • Nov 5, 2019

    Any game that will not let you catch or trade for typhlosion, infernape, swampert or greninja is a f***ing waste

  • Nov 5, 2019
    1 reply
    no color

    Mew is in. They confirmed that the PokeBall plus gift Mew is able to be redeemed in Sword/Shield

    It must doesn't have a dex entry because it's not in the dex.

  • Nov 5, 2019

    I’d be more disappointed about the Pokédex if the games still had amazing post-game content to use them in

    Bringing my guys to SuMo felt pointless after a few goes at the Battle Tree

  • Nov 5, 2019
    1 reply

    The only interesting part about the cuts is the competitive side. Most the Pokémon that dominated competitive play are gone. It’s going to be interesting to see which Pokémon end up filling those gaps.

    It makes me glad I won’t have to see Landorus every other match now.

    Ttar about to be Uber’s this gen bro.

    Yea they cut a lot of OU and up but they left s*** like toxapex and aegislash. Tbh I don’t mind if it goes back to weather wars.

  • Nov 5, 2019
    1 reply

    Ttar about to be Uber’s this gen bro.

    Yea they cut a lot of OU and up but they left s*** like toxapex and aegislash. Tbh I don’t mind if it goes back to weather wars.

    Idk about Ttar being uber with all these fighting types running rampant this gen.

  • Nov 5, 2019
    2 replies

    It must doesn't have a dex entry because it's not in the dex.

    It was like that for USUM transferred mons so it wouldn’t be surprising. Also we’ll see with the datamine, maybe there are some extra mons in the code to be added somehow later, events, etc. This generation mythical for example

  • Nov 5, 2019

    I'm more surprised Zubat and Tentacool got cut. Caves and oceans gonna be empty

  • Nov 5, 2019

    Its so f***ing sad because Heartgold is my baby. I was thinking about getting Sword and transferring my Johto starter but i guess now that's a dub.

    You can't transfer ANY old mons into this game anyways so rip that idea.

  • Nov 5, 2019
    1 reply
    no color

    It was like that for USUM transferred mons so it wouldn’t be surprising. Also we’ll see with the datamine, maybe there are some extra mons in the code to be added somehow later, events, etc. This generation mythical for example

    Give it a rest man. You people won't accept the truth until it's dead set in front of you 😂
