Rest in peace to my fallen brothers. I'm sorry so many s***mons got in over ya'll.
swear every generation people are like "damn these designs suck, they don't look like pokemon!!!"
i've no problem with the new pokemon that i've seen so far, but the lack of starters suck.
i just wanted torterra!
Rest in peace to my fallen brothers. I'm sorry so many s***mons got in over ya'll.
I told you the dex wasn't going to be more than 400.
Word on the street is Japanese fans aren't to happy with SWSH. 2ch has been going crazy.
swear every generation people are like "damn these designs suck, they don't look like pokemon!!!"
i've no problem with the new pokemon that i've seen so far, but the lack of starters suck.
i just wanted torterra!
To be fair the last two gens and this one has had some really terrible designs.
I told you the dex wasn't going to be more than 400.
S*** is truly sad. I just don't know how they could leave out so many favorites if they were gonna do this.
I mean they have to have some idea of what the popular pokemon are. Instead we get the elemental monkeys in the game.
I'm legit shocked magnemite was cut
Tbh first time getting the version with the legendary I don’t like as much first, the shield exclusives just hitting harder. zacian is way better than zemzamzata whatever tho
swear every generation people are like "damn these designs suck, they don't look like pokemon!!!"
i've no problem with the new pokemon that i've seen so far, but the lack of starters suck.
i just wanted torterra!
Same thing I said. Then they invent all kinds of new reasons why the evolutions suck but ignore that fact previous Gens followed the same pattern.
It’s almost like when people complain about Klefki and Trubbish while ignoring the fact that Muk and Magnemite exist.
I just looked at the Pokémon leaks and I think Scorbunny has the best final EVO in terms of looks by far so I think I might be team Scorbunny now.
I was previously team Sobble.
Tbh first time getting the version with the legendary I don’t like as much first, the shield exclusives just hitting harder. zacian is way better than zemzamzata whatever tho
Yessss, this! The Shield exclusives are way too good to pass up.
idk what it is but i don't really like a lot of the designs this time around. there are some i really like but they're def a minority vs the entirety of the new pokemon
Yessss, this! The Shield exclusives are way too good to pass up.
Was so happy I read the snow bug is in shield one of my fav mons from leaks
S*** is truly sad. I just don't know how they could leave out so many favorites if they were gonna do this.
I mean they have to have some idea of what the popular pokemon are. Instead we get the elemental monkeys in the game.
I'm legit shocked magnemite was cut
this is what i'm struggling to understand. its not like "well they've put in the most popular ones" they've left out so many ones that you'd just expect to be in there.
i gotta think its going to be some sort of money spinning thing to get them in the game later on, it doesn't make any sense how many huge characters have been left out for ones i don't think anyone gives a f*** about.
S*** is truly sad. I just don't know how they could leave out so many favorites if they were gonna do this.
I mean they have to have some idea of what the popular pokemon are. Instead we get the elemental monkeys in the game.
I'm legit shocked magnemite was cut
To me it looks like they got rid of all the viable competitive pokemon and kept in stuff people didn't really want to use. It's only a handful left like Tyranitar, Ageislash, etc. It's heavily catered to Gen 1 and V. Majority of Gen 2, 3, and 4 got cut. No Salamance, no flygon, no garchomp, Dragonite, Metagross, Azumarill, Lucario, Crobat, etc smh
Apparently post game dex opens up to about 650-ish...
This is what I came for
To be fair the last two gens and this one has had some really terrible designs.
The best designs are up there with the other gens imo
It’s just that the quality is all over the place and the bad is really bad
Apparently post game dex opens up to about 650-ish...
This is false. That was a made up rumor from twitter. The dex is only 400, he completed the region dex and complied everything for us. He didn't receive anything for completing it. The leaker said its no other expansion. Its not really a post game either. The post game is mostly the wild area
This is what I came for
Nah this was false. The dex is actually only 400.
The best designs are up there with the other gens imo
It’s just that the quality is all over the place and the bad is really bad
This is true the good designs are up there.