u got a living dex for all the other gens?
Yea I waited on buying a switch until I had all pokemon in Pokemon bank from gen 1-7 on 3DS
Yea I waited on buying a switch until I had all pokemon in Pokemon bank from gen 1-7 on 3DS
bruh i'm in the process of doing that rn
i'm still missing a couple games like hgss cuz damn these ds games are expensive as hell
bruh i'm in the process of doing that rn
i'm still missing a couple games like hgss cuz damn these ds games are expensive as hell
Heart Gold one of the few I have physical 🤓 goat game
20 hours with 1 badge is insane
To be fair the gap between the first badge and second is pretty big. With a team galactic subplot in between.
bruh i'm in the process of doing that rn
i'm still missing a couple games like hgss cuz damn these ds games are expensive as hell
put homebrew on a 3DS and you can play these games for free. furthermore you can move your pokemon directly to a newer 3DS pokemon game.
normally you have to use 2 DS' to transfer from HGSS to Black/White in order to move them to pokemon bank
I had so much pain back when I caught an event mew on Emerald, transfered it to SoulSilver, then to Black2, then with pokemover to pokemon bank. it was successful all the way through but in the end Pokemon Home actually denied the import of Mew from the bank
Getting my ass beat on pokerogue I need a good starting strat
Training your mons up isn't the ideal, gotta focus on two max I feel and just catch anything else as you chug along
put homebrew on a 3DS and you can play these games for free. furthermore you can move your pokemon directly to a newer 3DS pokemon game.
normally you have to use 2 DS' to transfer from HGSS to Black/White in order to move them to pokemon bank
aside from tryna finish a living dex im also collecting physical copies of the mainline games for display/collection
either way im gonna have to homebrew my 3ds since the mfs at nintendo decided to kill the store and i didnt have poketransfer installed
Getting my ass beat on pokerogue I need a good starting strat
Training your mons up isn't the ideal, gotta focus on two max I feel and just catch anything else as you chug along
u kinda gotta meta-game in the beginning until u catch better mons to start with
bruh lance in johto is crazy. the whole elite 4 is easy af but lance keeps d***ing me down
playing rn
Dawg I'm loving it. Just the simple change of seeing iv's when you catch them is sick. I'm only familiar with gen 1-3 so idk if that was standard after that
Dawg I'm loving it. Just the simple change of seeing iv's when you catch them is sick. I'm only familiar with gen 1-3 so idk if that was standard after that
yea it has a lot of dope features, its been a lot of fun catching and evolving pokemon i always wanted as a kid
yea it has a lot of dope features, its been a lot of fun catching and evolving pokemon i always wanted as a kid
What region did you start in? I started in kanto
What region did you start in? I started in kanto
on my 3rd region, started in black white (forgot the region name), then did emerald, now im in jhoto/heart gold
ive beaten red and blue so many times i will prob do it last
not a huge fan of the fact that u cant use the repel trick to get the roaming legendaries in pokemmo. apparently it takes like literally days of play time to find any of the 3 legendary dogs from johto. i saved my master balls for this but ill probably never be able to catch all 3
For those interested in pokemmo just know the endgame is very sparse, most legendary especially aren't included there's rly not much worth doing once u beat all the regions
A trailer should be dropping next month or September.
Not happening. This is almost certainly a holiday 2025 game.
Next trailer drop will be February 27, 2025 on Pokémon day
Not happening. This is almost certainly a holiday 2025 game.
Next trailer drop will be February 27, 2025 on Pokémon day
don’t they have Pokémon direct every august though or something what will they show?
A trailer should be dropping next month or September.
Yo do you f*** with Emerald Rogue? I picked it up during a run of Unbound and never looked back lol
I dont remember what your opinion was on Battle Facilities but this scratched that itch for me. Had to pass along the recommendation