Currently playing Platinum and the game feels extra grindy My Pokémon leveling up slow af, 20 hours played and I still need to get the second badge because I'm trying to get my team up to like Lvl 20. Been trying to level up some weaklings like Magikarp and Picharisu though, that added a lot to my time
Also feels like the AI on some bullshit. If my Pokémon confused, I feel like it definitely will hurt itself or if my Pokémon accuracy gets lowered, it's moves won't hit for like 4 turns in a row
20 hours with 1 badge is insane
20 hours with 1 badge is insane
I have like 20 Pokémon and I'm training all of them on wild Lvl 15 Pokémon Some real weaklings too like Abra, Picharisu, Bronzor and Magikarp
I actually over trained, swept the 2nd gym last night with Ponyta and Monferno
I have like 20 Pokémon and I'm training all of them on wild Lvl 15 Pokémon Some real weaklings too like Abra, Picharisu, Bronzor and Magikarp
I actually over trained, swept the 2nd gym last night with Ponyta and Monferno
Guy going out of his way to train three teams worth of Pokémon and wondering why it feels grindy
Guy going out of his way to train three teams worth of Pokémon and wondering why it feels grindy
Don't yall always play Pokémon like that? You only training 6 of them b****es?
Don't yall always play Pokémon like that? You only training 6 of them b****es?
I just have my main team of 6 that I’m actively training. rotate new mons in and out as needed and get them to the same level as the rest of the squad
need a new Pokemon game in the classic GBA pixel art sprite style but 16:9 with a massive world, cinematics and the detail/colours on a level that we have never seen
doesn't exactly have to be directly top down, it could be isometric or top-down but from a different angle
for content, lots to say but it would need at least 700 Pokemon + 8 gyms in the main world and another 8 gyms in either the expanded map, flipped/under/inside map, or travel to a new map
it would need a few legendaries, some roaming but one main legendary with mystery that u can't figure out until u actually complete the entire game and a difficulty at the half way point that makes the casual sweat - yes we're talking Yellow or Crystal vibes
examples of modern 2D rich-in-colour 16:9 pixel artwork:
any of yall try out pokerogue?
Got like 6 days in it Some def afk time while I'm working, but I have been incredibly addicted to it for the past 3-4 weeks.
Don't yall always play Pokémon like that? You only training 6 of them b****es?
Don't yall always play Pokémon like that? You only training 6 of them b****es?
Breh for almost every pokemon game I've never trained more than 3.
Then Catch the legendary and run the whole elite 4 with 4 pokemon.
Fire starter
Water type
Dragon or pseudo legendary that knows earthquake
You really gotta train like 2-3 pokemon in each game only.
Don't yall always play Pokémon like that? You only training 6 of them b****es?
Nah cause when you reach new areas you can catch higher lvl Pokémon anyways, I usually train a few at most and the rest are constantly rotating. Do whatever is fun for you though imo.
Breh for almost every pokemon game I've never trained more than 3.
Then Catch the legendary and run the whole elite 4 with 4 pokemon.
Fire starter
Water type
Dragon or pseudo legendary that knows earthquake
You really gotta train like 2-3 pokemon in each game only.
This wild to me. If you run into for example a psychic or flying type Pokémon, you don't have s*** that's super effective against it
Nah cause when you reach new areas you can catch higher lvl Pokémon anyways, I usually train a few at most and the rest are constantly rotating. Do whatever is fun for you though imo.
No wonder my playthroughs been taking 100s of hours and I always found Pokémon games grindy af Ima start doing this
This wild to me. If you run into for example a psychic or flying type Pokémon, you don't have s*** that's super effective against it
I power through. Usually by end game I'm super over leveled with those 3.
This wild to me. If you run into for example a psychic or flying type Pokémon, you don't have s*** that's super effective against it
Use the Pokémon you find the coolest and try not to have more than two of the same type in your team and you’ll be good
Hidden Power, boltbeam combo and many other things should give you great neutral coverage. Ghost type moves are awesome too
Dragon or ground/rock type that are godzillla inspired tend to learn moves from all elemental types
Currently playing Platinum and the game feels extra grindy My Pokémon leveling up slow af, 20 hours played and I still need to get the second badge because I'm trying to get my team up to like Lvl 20. Been trying to level up some weaklings like Magikarp and Picharisu though, that added a lot to my time
Also feels like the AI on some bullshit. If my Pokémon confused, I feel like it definitely will hurt itself or if my Pokémon accuracy gets lowered, it's moves won't hit for like 4 turns in a row
maybe pokemon isnt for u bruv
Use the Pokémon you find the coolest and try not to have more than two of the same type in your team and you’ll be good
Hidden Power, boltbeam combo and many other things should give you great neutral coverage. Ghost type moves are awesome too
Dragon or ground/rock type that are godzillla inspired tend to learn moves from all elemental types
I usually have like 3 or 4 Pokémon of the same types decently leveled up. Get to a new town, check out what the type of the gym is. Check out which of my Pokémon have effective moves/types against that gym. Get them up to the required level. Get the badge and repeat
Then Elite 4, I look up what their teams are. Compare the stats of my Pokémon that are the same type and their moves. The best ones are my team
Only training a few Pokémon throughout the game wild to me. I've always had options
maybe pokemon isnt for u bruv
I been playing Pokémon since like 2003. I woulda been a Pokémon Master if I lived in the Pokémon universe
Is there any mod out there where the AI isn't stupid? Like if my Pokémon already asleep, I want to play a Pokémon game where the AI recognizes that and doesn't do some dumb s*** like use Hypnosis
I almost completed my living dex for gen 9. Only gen left is gen 8 now
but I have to beat Violet again cause I traided my legendaries for the other legendary exclusives and now they're missing in Home
y’all think they’ll show this off again in the June direct? or saving it for Switch 2 reveal
I almost completed my living dex for gen 9. Only gen left is gen 8 now
but I have to beat Violet again cause I traided my legendaries for the other legendary exclusives and now they're missing in Home
u got a living dex for all the other gens?