It's just hilarious to think about, what a prick
lmao I was like they could have just replaced her. I'm sure only real diehards would have cared lol
Besides Team Rocket cutting off Slowpoke tails to sell for food, Farfetch'd being mentioned as a delicacy, and Team Plasma kicking Munna.
I don't think there's anything in the games lore worst than Typhlosion forcing a kid to have s***with it.
lost and dead childrens souls being sucked into stumps (implying death of kid trainers who get lost in the woods after their parents are like "alright youre 10 now get the f*** out of the house and go make yourself a trainer")
driflbims pretending to be regular balloons to trick children in cities to grab them, then being dragged and sent to the afterlife without being able to let go in discrete locations
litwick sucking the soul out of the humans its around
fairy types too
not the exact same but theres a lot of f***ed up stuff in certain types
lmao I was like they could have just replaced her. I'm sure only real diehards would have cared lol
like I said they could have straight up re-used all the 'pika' noises recorded at this point and saved money anyways lmao
lost and dead childrens souls being sucked into stumps (implying death of kid trainers who get lost in the woods after their parents are like "alright youre 10 now get the f*** out of the house and go make yourself a trainer")
driflbims pretending to be regular balloons to trick children in cities to grab them, then being dragged and sent to the afterlife without being able to let go in discrete locations
litwick sucking the soul out of the humans its around
fairy types too
not the exact same but theres a lot of f***ed up stuff in certain types
That's just creepy ghost lore that matches actual japanese yokai folkstories. Stories japanese kids actually tell each other. Like Jynx had a dex entry that matches the yokai who's hair killed men but instead they changed it to a icy kiss. It may sound f***ed up to us but those are children stories in Japan.
It's like what we use to do back when we was kids and tell each other about Candyman and the boogieman.
I don't think that's anywhere as bad as Octillery Fleshlight lol
Oh yeah stuff might slow down because most of Gen 6 and Gen 7 are locked behind a password.
That's just creepy ghost lore that matches actual japanese yokai folkstories. Stories japanese kids actually tell each other. Like Jynx had a dex entry that matches the yokai who's hair killed men but instead they changed it to a icy kiss. It may sound f***ed up to us but those are children stories in Japan.
It's like what we use to do back when we was kids and tell each other about Candyman and the boogieman.
I don't think that's anywhere as bad as Octillery Fleshlight lol
Not as bad, but I still enjoy how theres some seriously f***ed up s*** sprinkled in
of course its based on folklore, but folklore in general is usually f***ed up too, idk, huge reason why ghost types are my favorite (and adds to why I love fairy types too)
Not as bad, but I still enjoy how theres some seriously f***ed up s*** sprinkled in
of course its based on folklore, but folklore in general is usually f***ed up too, idk, huge reason why ghost types are my favorite (and adds to why I love fairy types too)
I agree, I love all those stories. They remind me of creepypastas lol like we know it's not true obviously that children are becoming phantumps because you can literally breed trevenant and get phantumps. So I always looked at the dex entries as creepypastas or exaggerations. Like the Magcargo is hotter than the sun entry lol
Oh yeah stuff might slow down because most of Gen 6 and Gen 7 are locked behind a password.
surely AIs advanced enough they can crack that in a few hours
I agree, I love all those stories. They remind me of creepypastas lol like we know it's not true obviously that children are becoming phantumps because you can literally breed trevenant and get phantumps. So I always looked at the dex entries as creepypastas or exaggerations. Like the Magcargo is hotter than the sun entry lol
After arceus came out I felt that the fan theory of children writing the dex entries is more true than ever now
the typloshion and slakoth line lore is F***ING UNREAL
i really really need to know why this was written
Can someone expand on this? I see the Mortal Man tweet a couple of posts above but I'm not reading these leaks so Idgi
Edit: Nvm, think I know now
Leaks have slowed down now but damn all that Gen 3 stuff was hella interesting. Never thought that would ever see the light of day
Can someone expand on this? I see the Mortal Man tweet a couple of posts above but I'm not reading these leaks so Idgi
Edit: Nvm, think I know now
Let’s just say they’re umm… what’s the phrase I’m looking for… oh yea!💡 Not Like Us😅 (Mustard on the beat hoe!)
Leaks have slowed down now but damn all that Gen 3 stuff was hella interesting. Never thought that would ever see the light of day
Nah they cracked Gen 6 password. The flood gates have opened.
Why is everything on Reddit just people arguing if it's real or fake
Like there's nowhere to actually discuss the info itself lmao
Why is everything on Reddit just people arguing if it's real or fake
Like there's nowhere to actually discuss the info itself lmao
Because the discord introduced like two fake photos to trick Centroleaks and now everyone is confused lmao