the new one being rolled out? ive been wondering if its worth checking out. I have like 200 data-cards to put into the main one still lol
yea out on the 30th
Beta Pelipper and Shiftry
its something about pelipper i just hate and always have
I wonder what the plan was with Trapinch as it's here even though there's a full Flygon line at this point
its something about pelipper i just hate and always have
was my hm slave first run of sapphire however many years ago
hated it too, and I was running swampert so what was even the point lmao
Bottom right is Altaria beta design and it was originally a roaming legendary. Swablu was created at the time was not attached to it.
A whole host of beta designs. Grovyle, Vigoroth, Relicanth, Beta Scrafty etc
niggas just drawing animals and neopets
niggas just drawing animals and neopets
Lol a lot of Gen 3 beta designs do look like neopets LMAO.
Born This Way by Lady Gaga is in the XY files
Gamefreak are Little Monsters?!
Born This Way by Lady Gaga is in the XY files
Better than Ed Sheeran in (I think) gen 8
From Khu, so take with a grain of salt
But man
Khu don't know anything lol Game Freak cut off the Chinese company he worked for.
Born This Way by Lady Gaga is in the XY files
The entire white album from the Beatles was in Gen 3 files lol. I think this is Masuda lol
man why cant gamefreak ever let bunnies be a bunny they always gotta do some extra s*** like diggersby n scorbunny line and now the beta gen 3 mon (mudkip better btw)
they need to put this overthinking into their fish mons onstead
beta lickitung evo is SO better and looks final wtf y didnt they use it - makes way mopre sense with its rollout evo method too and it looks like an actual upgrade
liepard beta is sick asl too how its a panther instead of a leopard
beta lickitung evo is SO better and looks final wtf y didnt they use it - makes way mopre sense with its rollout evo method too and it looks like an actual upgrade
liepard beta is sick asl too how its a panther instead of a leopard
beta liepard
fan art
beta lickilicki
fan render
we were actually robbed
beta liepard
fan art
beta lickilicki
fan render
we were actually robbed
I disagree on Lickilicky. Maybe a cool design in general but imo doesn’t really look like that’s what Lickitung should evolve into.