Nah the x/y cut content is crazy
Stab boost and base stats improvement to unevolved pokemon after some levels is CRAZY
I disagree on Lickilicky. Maybe a cool design in general but imo doesn’t really look like that’s what Lickitung should evolve into.
to me it would have worked if it was a regional or mega form
I disagree on Lickilicky. Maybe a cool design in general but imo doesn’t really look like that’s what Lickitung should evolve into.
It's based off that bubblegum tape.
aint no way that's hydreigon
Yup that was around the time they was converting it from the tank theme it was based on to a dragon.
XY sounded very ambitious, held back by time and the technology at the time
XY sounded very ambitious, held back by time and the technology at the time