they milking us
i aint even got a 2nd palkia or dialga
need those rumored gen 1-3 ports, can keep everything else
all the old games should be on NSO anyway
nintendo some greedy w****s
nostalgia spam
they finally capitalizing on showdown
How long is this showcase supposed to be?
19 min
chikorita and f***ing tepig bruh
who asked for them to be invited
I was expected better graphics for this title tbh
It's still an OG switch title so I expected it to be on par with Legends Arceus
I'm pleased tbh
I like that the mega evolutions are coming back
I was expected better graphics for this title tbh
TOTK look better lol that had better been running off switch footage
chikorita and f***ing tepig bruh
who asked for them to be invited
Totodile run in this game is going to be generational
chikorita and f***ing tepig bruh
who asked for them to be invited
I'm sure they'll get megas, but good lord man lol
Not to be hating already but I think Arceus lowkey looks better.
Lumiose city looks kind’ve, ugly, hope we can leave the city at some point
I'm sure they'll get megas, but good lord man lol
mega meganium
Nah y'all wyling. Chikorita, Totodile, and Tepig are most likely all getting Kalos regional evolutions AND mega evos. They all three need the upgrade as they're the weakest starters from a competitive standpoint. They're very niche. GF has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever.
Also with the inclusion of Chikorita and Totodile getting new forms. I think we're getting something Gen 2 related as apart of the 30th anniversary next year. Cyndaquil got it's new evolution in PLA.
Don’t know how I set my expectations low and I’m still annoyed. These streams are basically just for them to give us yearly mobile game updates and updates on whatever November game is dropping.
Don’t know why I actually thought red and blue were coming to NSO today lmao