  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    Champions is gonna be nuts if they don’t f*** it up. Actual competitive matches on mobile

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Feb 27
    Free YoungBoy

    Champions is gonna be nuts if they don’t f*** it up. Actual competitive matches on mobile

    They’ll f*** it up. I’m watching how they are massively f***ing up tcgp

  • TCGP updates were dope and AZ coming back is hype af

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Feb 27
    2 replies

    Nah y'all wyling. Chikorita, Totodile, and Tepig are most likely all getting Kalos regional evolutions AND mega evos. They all three need the upgrade as they're the weakest starters from a competitive standpoint. They're very niche. GF has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever.

    Also with the inclusion of Chikorita and Totodile getting new forms. I think we're getting something Gen 2 related as apart of the 30th anniversary next year. Cyndaquil got it's new evolution in PLA.

    It's not even about their new forms, Chikorita is one of the least popular grass starters with only that one ugly b**** chestnut in competition

    On top of that what mid ass pokemon has been saved by getting a mega? The pokemon that were already good and get megas stayed on top, the mid pokemon stayed mid with a mid mega

  • Feb 27

    mega meganium

    Pokemon Elite Redux did a really good job with their version of Mega Meganium imo.

    Granted the whole purpose of the hack is making most mons incredibly cracked, but Mega Meganium is a cheat code in that game with priority healing moves

  • Feb 27
    2 replies

    I’m not mad at the starter choices.

    All three of them could use a boost to make them good

  • Feb 27

    Don’t know how I set my expectations low and I’m still annoyed. These streams are basically just for them to give us yearly mobile game updates and updates on whatever November game is dropping.

    Don’t know why I actually thought red and blue were coming to NSO today lmao

    Yeah I'm not sure why anyone expected that the old titles to drop this year on NSO. Y'all should wait until next year. That's the big stream y'all probably waiting for. The 30th anniversary.

  • what did i miss

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Feb 27
    Free YoungBoy

    I’m not mad at the starter choices.

    All three of them could use a boost to make them good

    the boost

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    It's not even about their new forms, Chikorita is one of the least popular grass starters with only that one ugly b**** chestnut in competition

    On top of that what mid ass pokemon has been saved by getting a mega? The pokemon that were already good and get megas stayed on top, the mid pokemon stayed mid with a mid mega

    And this is the opportunity to make Chikorita viable. Looks is subjective, you may not like Chikorita, but there's millions of others that do like it.

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    Nah y'all wyling. Chikorita, Totodile, and Tepig are most likely all getting Kalos regional evolutions AND mega evos. They all three need the upgrade as they're the weakest starters from a competitive standpoint. They're very niche. GF has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever.

    Also with the inclusion of Chikorita and Totodile getting new forms. I think we're getting something Gen 2 related as apart of the 30th anniversary next year. Cyndaquil got it's new evolution in PLA.

    chikorita and totodile in the same game is kinda overkill they could’ve saved one of ‘em for a third game

  • totodile hate?! bizarre. love that little dude

  • Feb 27
    so much pain

    chikorita and totodile in the same game is kinda overkill they could’ve saved one of ‘em for a third game

    I think they're planning something for Gen 2 next year. It's the only time they do something like this. It's like how Blaziken was the only Hoenn starter in X/Y and got a mega and then we got Treecko and Mudkip in the actual remakes.

    Plus I think y'all looking at this from a "I'm just playing the game" standpoint. Most likely they pick those three for competitive purposes for when Gen 10 release next year. It also gives a refresh on two old Pokemon that have been ignored for decades.

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Feb 27
    1 reply

    And this is the opportunity to make Chikorita viable. Looks is subjective, you may not like Chikorita, but there's millions of others that do like it.

    i can only go off what gamefreak has shown us and in the past with megas it's not caused significant change for a pokemon

    now they could surprise us, but gamefreak has not surprised many of us at all in many iterations at this point lol

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    It's not even about their new forms, Chikorita is one of the least popular grass starters with only that one ugly b**** chestnut in competition

    On top of that what mid ass pokemon has been saved by getting a mega? The pokemon that were already good and get megas stayed on top, the mid pokemon stayed mid with a mid mega

    Kengiskhan and Charizard

  • Feb 27
    2 replies

    legends ZA was the ONLY new serious title announced ?! wtf

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    i can only go off what gamefreak has shown us and in the past with megas it's not caused significant change for a pokemon

    now they could surprise us, but gamefreak has not surprised many of us at all in many iterations at this point lol

    Yes it has bro lol. Mega Blaziken was banned on Showdown ladders lol. Mega Kangaskhan was so broken in X/Y that game freak was forced to nerf it in Sun and Moon. Megas absolutely can significantly upgrade a pokemon.

    Mega Metagross
    Mega Gardevoir

    All were demons during Gen 6/7 meta for competitive lol

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Feb 27
    1 reply
    Free YoungBoy

    Kengiskhan and Charizard

    a color swap and kngiskan stopped hiding it's child

    out of a total of 48 megas

    the designs haven't been crazy, they're pretty predictable. whatever you picture the megas to look like for these starters will probably be close to what we get

  • Feb 27

    a color swap and kngiskan stopped hiding it's child

    out of a total of 48 megas

    the designs haven't been crazy, they're pretty predictable. whatever you picture the megas to look like for these starters will probably be close to what we get

    Bro, you're thinking on designs lol. Game Freak doesn't care about that. They're focused on what can help refresh VGC. The actual games are small potatoes in their grand money making scheme.

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Feb 27

    Yes it has bro lol. Mega Blaziken was banned on Showdown ladders lol. Mega Kangaskhan was so broken in X/Y that game freak was forced to nerf it in Sun and Moon. Megas absolutely can significantly upgrade a pokemon.

    Mega Metagross
    Mega Gardevoir

    All were demons during Gen 6/7 meta for competitive lol

    blaziken wasn't mid though, blaziken was good back in the day and a liked starter. kangas i'll give you

    chikorita has been irrelevant for a decade tho

  • They might have me back with Z-A, that’s literally a step in the right direction on how Pokemon should’ve been playing for the last 10 years

    Champions looks crazy too

  • 3 prizers back

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    Z-A looks fun


  • Free YoungBoy

    I’m not mad at the starter choices.

    All three of them could use a boost to make them good