I think their main priority is money. Mario kart X could be like one of the best selling games of all time if it sells well on switch 1 and switch 2
There will be enough hype from other exclusives to like 3d mario, ac and Zelda. Also remember that the visual upgrade on mkx will be a selling point. The best version is exclusive to switch 2, if you think about it like that.
Ps5 is still selling well even though sack boy, Mike’s morales, ragnarok, forbidden west, and a bunch of other big exclusives went cross-gen. COVID shortages be damned, ps5 has had an incredible trajectory.
I see where you're coming from, agree to disagree I guess
I see where you're coming from, agree to disagree I guess
I could be totally wrong though
we’ll see who’s right in about 4 weeks
Told y’all Tepig mid
https://twitter.com/pokemon/status/1895120741538152923https://twitter.com/lordpringles/status/1895200444886208864Totodile gang since day 1. Picked him in like 90% of my save files back in G/S on my GBC.
yo y tf no one told me bout these chronicle episodes
arbok tries to straight up eat a nidoran too
Feels kinda random to have two starters from the same generation and then randomly drop Tepig into the mix. Put some respek on Cyndaquil.
Feels kinda random to have two starters from the same generation and then randomly drop Tepig into the mix. Put some respek on Cyndaquil.
Cyndaquil already got respek
It was a starter in Arceus and gotta whole new regional form in its final evolution. Hisui Typholosion is that nigga and that ghost/fire combo sensational.
My nigga Totodile carrying the FUCK out of them Legends ZA starters
I’m interested to see what they do with Emboar. I always thought it was solid but in the grand scheme of fire starters nobody gives af about it
I’m interested to see what they do with Emboar. I always thought it was solid but in the grand scheme of fire starters nobody gives af about it
Emboar always been pretty ass to me just in general when it comes to starters. The worst kinda glass cannon. Slow af and can't take a hit at all. A weakness to Psychic, Ground, and Water types when moves like Psychic, Earthquake, and Surf exist? Might as well turn that boy into some pulled pork cause it ain't even gonna get the chance to do anything.
I think their main priority is money. Mario kart X could be like one of the best selling games of all time if it sells well on switch 1 and switch 2
There will be enough hype from other exclusives to like 3d mario, ac and Zelda. Also remember that the visual upgrade on mkx will be a selling point. The best version is exclusive to switch 2, if you think about it like that.
Ps5 is still selling well even though sack boy, Mike’s morales, ragnarok, forbidden west, and a bunch of other big exclusives went cross-gen. COVID shortages be damned, ps5 has had an incredible trajectory.
Nintendo makes around half of their revenue from consoles, they're the only ones not selling their consoles at a loss, because gaming is their only business. They want the new switch to sell, and so mario kart will be the main pawn they use to entice buyers. Yes you could argue they dont need it, as the switch brand seems strong enough to carry it on its own, but i heavily doubt Nintendo wants to take any risks with this console release. Also historically Nintendo releases 1 mario kart per gen (or rather per console). I could be wrong, but imo there's no way it drops on switch 1. They have Legends ZA as the major title anyway, plus MP4 and whatever else they got on the way (probably remasters tbh)
Yeah as I already said pokemon has waaaaaaay more in them than any of those. There's over 1000 models in gen 9, I don't know why people forget this.
They should just stop releasing new pokemon for a gen or two and strip back what's in the games.
Cut the games down in scope and focus on qol + looks
The others have also a ton of things though. Im not going to list them cause the post would be needlessly long, i think if you've played any of them you'd know, as the number of assets and animations arent the only metric for complexity (and still they do have a lot of them anyway). Gamefreak isnt even the company working on the pokemon models, its creatures inc.
Monolith soft games have huge, full of life open worlds with incredibile art direction, wildlife, enemies, towns and effects on screen and they all look amazing for being on a tablet (besides xc2 and even then, the problem is mainly resolution, not graphics).
Im not tryna hate on the game because there is stuff im liking (AZ's inclusion, a huge city being the explorable map which i've seen is an unpopular opinion, the combat system looks interesting), but its so depressing that a series with such high potential cant seem to come close to reach it.
Its like they saw that their most ambitious release in their history by far (b/w) sold poorly compared to the previous entries and decided to ditch all effort and release games that always are a couple steps away from being great
The others have also a ton of things though. Im not going to list them cause the post would be needlessly long, i think if you've played any of them you'd know, as the number of assets and animations arent the only metric for complexity (and still they do have a lot of them anyway). Gamefreak isnt even the company working on the pokemon models, its creatures inc.
Monolith soft games have huge, full of life open worlds with incredibile art direction, wildlife, enemies, towns and effects on screen and they all look amazing for being on a tablet (besides xc2 and even then, the problem is mainly resolution, not graphics).
Im not tryna hate on the game because there is stuff im liking (AZ's inclusion, a huge city being the explorable map which i've seen is an unpopular opinion, the combat system looks interesting), but its so depressing that a series with such high potential cant seem to come close to reach it.
Its like they saw that their most ambitious release in their history by far (b/w) sold poorly compared to the previous entries and decided to ditch all effort and release games that always are a couple steps away from being great
I have played them. They have far different aims which is the problem. Pokemon labour is more intensive in relations to character designs and usages than any of those others. That takes a ton of labour to create, and they let other issues slide to compensate and be able to release at a far faster rate than any of the other examples. Balancing a 30 year old IP is FAR different from making a single player game work. And they've done very well avoiding power creep while making the new pokemon exciting and new. It's pokemon, the designs need to be near peak everytime. Just look at how Magic has been f***ing this up and it's just cards.
I'm still agreeing, I just wish people would appropriately include the reasons for why the problems persist. They don't have to be excuses at all. It's so much more complex than "it looks worse graphically when compared to a remake of an old game" - I feel that should just be expected. Gen 9 pushing too hard was stupid, and the game requiring hot fixes to work right while online still is broken for raiding is a joke though.
I would never in a million years say gen 5 was the most ambitious. That's just silly, and I'm not trying to be rude at all. It was up to that point, but if you've played 7/9 those are far more ambitious. I'd say 6 too but it's the only Gen I haven't tried yet though it seems to be more ambitious. Gen 5 is arguably peak though, if you mean "best" I could see that argument. Unless you mean story? I'd still say 9 is the most ambitious story while 5 is the best or tied for best (with g4)
Again, I agree there's huge issues. I just find it wrong to compare gen 9 or Arceus to switch games like zelda when pokemon inherently requires so much more outside of graphics. I agree they should slow down on new ideas or even new pokemon and strip things back to make for a better experience - and it's their fault for not doing that. It doesn't mean the games are shovelware slop like the internet keeps repeating. I also think most people complaining aren't playing the games how the makers intended adults to be playing them, or are ignoring the casual adult fanbase outright which is another TCP problem needing to be addressed. It's like they expect you to either be a literal toddler or an adult obsessed with comp play or shiny hunting with not much in between (Arceus did well finding that middle ground. I think it was a test to see if that market is actually profitable, obv it is, but the watered down battling sucked imo).
I’m interested to see what they do with Emboar. I always thought it was solid but in the grand scheme of fire starters nobody gives af about it
Emboar’s cool in the context of Gen V, he was my original BW starter when I was a kid and but I haven’t really cared about that line since then
Emboar’s cool in the context of Gen V, he was my original BW starter when I was a kid and but I haven’t really cared about that line since then
Delphox is in that same boat
Delphox is in that same boat
Greninja was the only one to make it out Kalos
I don’t play competitively but I feel like Alola was the last time the starters were consistently good/the fanbase liked them
Bold of you guys to assume a mainline Mario game is not on the way. Its almost been a decade since odyssey
Cyndaquil already got respek
It was a starter in Arceus and gotta whole new regional form in its final evolution. Hisui Typholosion is that nigga and that ghost/fire combo sensational.
Oh right. I totally forgot that Cyndaquil was in Legends Arceus. STILL woulda liked to see him next to his OG starter buddies Totodile and Chikorita in Z-A.
Oh right. I totally forgot that Cyndaquil was in Legends Arceus. STILL woulda liked to see him next to his OG starter buddies Totodile and Chikorita in Z-A.
The selection is just so bizarre to me. Two Johto and a Unova that wasn't well-liked from the generation it came from? Lol okay I guess
Even though I love Totodile I actually think that Piplup would've fit better seeing as Kalos/Lumiose City is based on Paris. Piplup's final evo name is literally a mash up of Emperor and Napoleon
Funnily enough, many leakers had Piplup as one of the starters too. Wonder if that really was gonna be the move, but they changed it because of the leaks?
Feels kinda random to have two starters from the same generation and then randomly drop Tepig into the mix. Put some respek on Cyndaquil.
Tbh those three were chosen cause they were the three that most needed new types
Probably gunna be Water/Dragon, Grass/Fairy, and Fire/Steel