Never been a fan of mons that resembled humans in any way. Scorbunny’s final evolution is a big no no
All three starters are terribly designed I think Cinderace is the worst offender of this new art direction.
Never been a fan of mons that resembled humans in any way. Scorbunny’s final evolution is a big no no
He's too bland. I honestly don't see how anyone doesn't have a issue with Cinderace. While Rillaboom is clearly a homage to DBZ, and Intelleon is pretty meh, Cinderace is completely bland. It's just adult Scorbunny with pants on. They could have done so much better with a fire rabbit.
Todays set of leaks were pretty nice tbh.
Impidimp's evolution line did NOT disappoint. I was on the fence with him but I got knocked the f\*\*\* off it tn, lol.
Frosmoth is absolutely beautiful. Probably gonna be a beast competitively too. We quiver dancing.
Wooloo2 was just what I hoped for. Instant bro.
Rolycoly fam took an interesting, surprising, nostalgic turn into kaiju territory. I fw it, even though I was expecting more from the wheel gimmick.
Bro how do you spoiler?
Most exciting thing this gen for me has to be the regional forms, they all seem pretty interesting especially the new leaks
He's too bland. I honestly don't see how anyone doesn't have a issue with Cinderace. While Rillaboom is clearly a homage to DBZ, and Intelleon is pretty meh, Cinderace is completely bland. It's just adult Scorbunny with pants on. They could have done so much better with a fire rabbit.
Hopefully he has something going on like Typhosion. Typhosion looks pretty plain without his fire.
Every fire starter has had fire coming for some part of their body. Except Delphox I think.
He's too bland. I honestly don't see how anyone doesn't have a issue with Cinderace. While Rillaboom is clearly a homage to DBZ, and Intelleon is pretty meh, Cinderace is completely bland. It's just adult Scorbunny with pants on. They could have done so much better with a fire rabbit.
This is a shame too cause the mid evo had a bit of promise.
Hopefully he has something going on like Typhosion. Typhosion looks pretty plain without his fire.
Every fire starter has had fire coming for some part of their body. Except Delphox I think.
Delphox fire is on its stick. Cinderace fire seems to come from it running
Rolycoly's final evo looks dope as f*** I want that dude in my team asap haha hopefully it isn't a trade one though... probably will be.
It's only 400 total pokemon. Also RIP to majority of the starters, RIP to Gen 2 and Gen 3. They didn't survive the purge.
Wow, scrolling through these new leaks. Some of these s***s are bold as hell lmao. Gotta gather my opinions. Instantly I gotta say that teapot elephant evo looks absolutely insane from it's menu sprite.
Eternatus looking like some Dark Souls x Yugioh s*** lmao
Out of all the starter designs....These are easily the worst
Nah the starters are dope imo.
Now their evolutions on the other hand....
But gen 5 and 7 easily had the worst starters
It's only 400 total pokemon. Also RIP to majority of the starters, RIP to Gen 2 and Gen 3. They didn't survive the purge.
They couldnt even get all the starters in?? Jesus Christ
These starters ugly af wth going on
that water one
He looks cool in the pic of him shooting the bubbles out of his fingers like a gun.
The 3D model doesn’t do him justice
He looks cool in the pic of him shooting the bubbles out of his fingers like a gun.
The 3D model doesn’t do him justice
Apparently that was fanart.