Intelleon 3D Model doesn't do it any justice. It actually probably is the better thought out starter.
I wanted grookey before but I’m not sure anymore, damn. That final evo looking like some hot trash
Ultimately the leaks had enough interesting stuff in there that I’m definitely more interested now, can’t believe this is only a couple weeks away
Intelleon 3D Model doesn't do it any justice. It actually probably is the better thought out starter.
This looks way better than the first pic but I still need to see more.
This looks way better than the first pic but I still need to see more.
Yeah it probably looks way better in action vs that ripped 3d Model
Rolycoly's final evo looks dope as f*** I want that dude in my team asap haha hopefully it isn't a trade one though... probably will be.
ktt fam will help u get any trade mons
every pokemon so far i.imgur.com/nUU6Llz.jpg
so much soul in this pic...something the new games will never have
hit me in the feels
A decent amount of my favs got in. A few at the top of my list including my ace are gone though. I can't believe they couldn't even hide the Charizard favoritism this time.
Gonna have to get a starter and just hold B to stop them from evolving every single battle
Sobble still the best starter while the grookey's evos are trash & scorbunny is ok, but SpoilerAppletun/spoiler is my fav out of everything.
Team based solely off of looks will probably go like this:
I think everything has been leaked now, & I like to do my first run through of a new gen with all brand new Pokemon of that gen.
There is a few Pokemon of new I don't like & lot I'm middle of the road on, but I absolutely adore a decent amount of designs too though.
But most of these Pokemon really don't feel like Pokemon with their designs, proportions & really rounded lines. You can tell they really wanted to hit that left turn, & with the dude that made Vanillish line + more is the lead this round, its no wonder a lot of them are off the wall. Only Corviknight comes off as the most "normal" that could fit with most other gens. But old Pokemon, especially 1 - 3 (3rd gen is my Fav oat) are gonna look really out of place next to this gen.
The top 3 designs are spoiler Appletun, Frosmoth & Corviknight /spoiler for me. I do think those 3 & a few others are still really fantastic designs no matter what.
Finna finally pick up a Switch sometime after this drops.