What’s worst actually is when you carry the entire game full on winning drastically and your team doesn’t go for Zapdos and you lose because they score 500 right at the end while your team thinks scoring 49 points each is going to help us so f***in stupid
What’s worst actually is when you carry the entire game full on winning drastically and your team doesn’t go for Zapdos and you lose because they score 500 right at the end while your team thinks scoring 49 points each is going to help us so f***in stupid
Damn then it’s a game that requires a discord + vc imo
If we get like confirmed 5+ players on KTT, we could do a discord
Damn then it’s a game that requires a discord + vc imo
If we get like confirmed 5+ players on KTT, we could do a discord
There’s voice chat but who the hell has a wired headset
I do s*** like this carrying abysmal teammates
Then start the next game and get idiots like this that pick 3 speedsters and get smacked
I get it's a new game and a lot of people probably don't have any moba experience, but s*** the game gotta do a better job introducing people to the genre or something
Or have people queue in ranked with an already allotted character type so team comp won't be god awful. I'm probably asking too much from a pokemon game tho
What is communication like on the switch?
This game looks pretty great, but I absolutely will not play a moba with 4 other people that are just doing their own thing.
What is communication like on the switch?
This game looks pretty great, but I absolutely will not play a moba with 4 other people that are just doing their own thing.
switch only supports wired headsets
switch controllers dont have mic port
game itself needs update bad
no lobby mic chat at all
gotta enable mic chat start of each game
switch only supports wired headsets
switch controllers dont have mic port
game itself needs update bad
no lobby mic chat at all
gotta enable mic chat start of each game
There’s voice chat you just need the compatible mic
I get it's a new game and a lot of people probably don't have any moba experience, but s*** the game gotta do a better job introducing people to the genre or something
Or have people queue in ranked with an already allotted character type so team comp won't be god awful. I'm probably asking too much from a pokemon game tho
Join the discord we can play I hate incompetent people too
There’s voice chat you just need the compatible mic
re read what i said
should be a general option for lobby-only mic chat that stays on when match starts with an option to switch to full team, or off fully
Here’s what I been doing, 2 on each lane let a speedster jungle (gengar or zera) I use ninetails so I like to be on the attack on bottom with a support character (eldegoss preferably) so it helps me live longer if no support I go with another attacker my boy plays pikachu we usually do well with that, we just try and get our levels to 5-6 while killing nearby audino’s and s*** like that around like 7:40 ish on the timer whoever is at top lane I have them come down to bottom with me along with jungler he should be at 6-7 at this point, we kill any nearby opps and bank as many points as possible. This leave the top empty, bad players will go to the top to try and score measly points which is nothing. At 7:00 we attack dreadnaw as a team and stall any opps comin to try and test us with the support helping to fight them when dreadnaw goes down we finish the rest of the enemies clear the first bottom one if it wasnt broke already then all head to the top to grab rotom if it isn’t gone already. If it’s gone defend the next goal and push hard to destroy. If we get rotom we just push and destroy the top 2 bases as a team then after head down and hit the last one as a team by now all 4 of the bases should either be blown out or close to it if you’re playing some decent people and all you need to do is defend the zapdos. I don’t even attack zapdos if it says we have a huge lead cause you risk them getting a good ult on you and clearing the team with a 20 second timer to respawn and they can easily score 400-500 in that time and end it all. So just defend them from getting it for 2 minutes and you’re good. If it’s a close game defend against them then kill zapdos and score as much as possible
If ya tryna play like that with me let me know I can play ninetails, Gardevoir and I’m picking up eldegoss slowly since people don’t like to play support I’ll do it on my own if need be
Is nobody playing this on here? It’s actually a lot of fun
My main game right now
The game is fun but like most games it’s only fun until you start playing ranked
The game is fun but like most games it’s only fun until you start playing ranked
Ranked is good if you have you a team solo is aids
Ranked is good if you have you a team solo is aids
That’s my main problem I’m slowly recruiting people to play with lol. I’m just now making it to great 4 solo and it’s been a f***ing nightmare. Would have made it to elite in my last game but the stupid mfs all rushed the Zapdos as expected I hate when my teammates do that instead of picking off people first
That’s my main problem I’m slowly recruiting people to play with lol. I’m just now making it to great 4 solo and it’s been a f***ing nightmare. Would have made it to elite in my last game but the stupid mfs all rushed the Zapdos as expected I hate when my teammates do that instead of picking off people first
Only like 1 person joined the discord in here lol I’m tryna build a team too me and my boy do decent but when 3 people are doing the bullshit we get nothing done
Climbed outta expert into veteran
Great string of teammates that weren't all completely idiots and good control on zapdos battle
Carry with cinderace makes life easy
Think I'll buy cramorant or eldegloss next