  • Jul 26, 2020

    Everything is political now

    I don’t remember it being this way. Is it because social media? Is it because people are turning away from religion and using politics to give them identity?

  • Jul 26, 2020
    3 replies

    S*** always been political. Social media just amplifies the hot takes.
    It's the megaphone for dumbasses

  • Jul 26, 2020

    S*** always been political. Social media just amplifies the hot takes.
    It's the megaphone for dumbasses

    This along with the internet making us exposed to more information

  • Jul 26, 2020
    2 replies

    Man went PC just like Dell and Windows some man been those

  • Jul 26, 2020

    S*** has always been political

  • Jul 26, 2020
    2 replies

    Politicians have done serious damage to the working class of America but everyone was too busy making tiktoks when they should’ve been voting

  • Jul 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Politicians have done serious damage to the working class of America but everyone was too busy making tiktoks when they should’ve been voting

    Yea the 15 year olds on tik tok should have been voting

  • Gojira 🦖
    Jul 26, 2020

    Man went PC just like Dell and Windows some man been those

  • Jul 26, 2020

    S*** always been political. Social media just amplifies the hot takes.
    It's the megaphone for dumbasses

    As well as how polarizing trump is as president. I think this is out of the norm (hopefully).

  • Jul 26, 2020
    2 replies

    The nature of Social media allowed politics to be dumbed down to sports team type fandom. My team is better than your team so there.

  • Jul 26, 2020
    1 reply
    fun guy

    Yea the 15 year olds on tik tok should have been voting

    Yes the joke went over your head, the new generation old enough to vote has their priorities f***ed up because their turnout numbers didn’t mirror their expected potential

  • Jul 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Yes the joke went over your head, the new generation old enough to vote has their priorities f***ed up because their turnout numbers didn’t mirror their expected potential

    Tik Tok is completely unrelated tho u just mentioned it for clout

  • Jul 26, 2020
    1 reply

    To those of us who are mid twenties and older KNOW
    it was never ALWAYS been this political.
    Its sad that this is normal to alot of you younger ones i feel sorry for yall but whatever

  • PIMP 💿
    Jul 26, 2020

    Man went PC just like Dell and Windows some man been those

  • all that trump guys fault

  • Jul 26, 2020
    1 reply
    fun guy

    Tik Tok is completely unrelated tho u just mentioned it for clout

    I’m gonna assume everyone old enough to vote who is not voting is either a) a felon or b) thinks they’re still a child unconcerned about who makes decisions for them in politics and spends their day making tik tok

    You’re probably still a child or fall under b by how dumb you seem

  • Jul 26, 2020

    Everything has and always will be political, next

  • Jul 26, 2020

    Everything has always been political. Politics hasn't always been entertainment though. It's become a spectator sport. Team Edward vs Team Jacob. It's all advertising. It's American Idol with a pretense of intellectualism. People ventilating anxiety and dissatisfaction by yelling into the void of the internet.

    Specifically in the US, the rising tension coincides with all kinds of crises. The post-war boom period is long gone. The "American century" is coming to a close. An ugly one.

  • Jul 26, 2020

    Seriously? Have you guys not figured out by now that we're being f***ing played and poked and prodded by a higher power throughout all of this? Can you please wake the f*** up already so we can be on the same page about what to actually do next?

    Newsflash, this election is going to be an absolute s***show as well, if it even happens. America is not as it was in, say, 2010, and it will never go back, even if Biden somehow manages to win and get into the office.

    They have already done this EXACT SAME THING to Ukraine and Yugoslavia, among others. Paul Manafort was literally the one Putin used to make it happen in Ukraine. They are now doing the same to the UK and US. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump does the same thing the puppet president in Ukraine did.

    Again, please start waking the f*** up. This is not normal and it is BY DESIGN.

  • Jul 26, 2020

    It’s been political

  • Jul 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Trump has f***ing federal police now who only answer to him. All he needs to do next is stage a major crisis. Putin did it. Mussolini did it. Hitler did it. Just f***ing watch what happens next.

  • Jul 26, 2020
    1 reply

    I’m gonna assume everyone old enough to vote who is not voting is either a) a felon or b) thinks they’re still a child unconcerned about who makes decisions for them in politics and spends their day making tik tok

    You’re probably still a child or fall under b by how dumb you seem

    "Waaaaaaa people arent voting because of tik tok! f*** that app its probably the reason im still a 30 year old virgin"

    and youre calling me the dumb one

  • Jul 26, 2020

    It’s always been this way, you were just too young to see it

  • Jul 26, 2020
    fun guy

    "Waaaaaaa people arent voting because of tik tok! f*** that app its probably the reason im still a 30 year old virgin"

    and youre calling me the dumb one

    You think mentioning tik tok gives someone clout

  • Jul 26, 2020

    Idk why y’all think these presidents care about us, they just puppets lmao