So p*** for the rich exclusively ?
No just a $100 monthly p***hub pass or something which will be a roadblock for most kids and gooners who now have a finite resource wasting on it instead on it being everywhere unlimited. The same way you need money to get your fix of any other addiction
Free money for the gov to use on helping other things
Weren’t you just talking about how we live in a simulation? Don’t see why p*** is a problem if that’s true
Ruins people’s minds and it’s literally is the same effect as the currently illegal d****- instant dopamine that ruins your receptors, except it’s free and unlimited so even worse
So for the “free will this is America” folks there should be at least a regulation that puts a big ass fee for a subscription to be able to access those sites. Then there’s a big incentive not to watch it and you can redirect that money from the h**** niggas to UBI or some s***
Also world birth rates going down while everyone is lonely and satisfying themselves. And cant even imagine the effects on kids that are more online now and checking p***hub at age 8. Even me, who unlike this generation didn’t even have a cellphone or my own computer, stumbled across p*** at age 12
I agree that p*** addiction is a problem but you shouldn’t restrict other people’s freedoms because you have less self control.
I agree with some sort of regulation but not what you described.
I also think it’s insane that the minimum age for twitter is 13 yet the site is littered with p***
P*** is horrible until I watch it
It’s crazy p***s like the greatest thing then all of a sudden it’s gross and perverse
Stupid ass idea
If you have a problem with p*** that's a YOU problem, don't make it everyone else's
I agree that p*** addiction is a problem but you shouldn’t restrict other people’s freedoms because you have less self control.
I agree with some sort of regulation but not what you described.
I also think it’s insane that the minimum age for twitter is 13 yet the site is littered with p***
The illegal part was just to make a title but how is it reducing anyone’s freedoms by linking its consumption to a finite resource (money)? Anyone can still watch or make it
And there's already fees on much less detrimental things like a license for being able to sell things or do certain work, tax on capital gains from stocks etc.
i hate p*** but this aint the play dawg
when smth is illegal there is no regulation/oversight of it. this means even more rancid practices. this means more human trafficking, scenes of actual rape on clearweb sites, etc. it's just a bad play top to bottom.
Stupid ass idea
If you have a problem with p*** that's a YOU problem, don't make it everyone else's
Essentially this. I don’t even watch it anymore but I know that there are some benefits. I’ve learned how to blow some s*** out watching p*** but also learned some wack s*** it’s all trial and error. I don’t think I would be anywhere near as good if I never saw the competition.
The illegal part was just to make a title but how is it reducing anyone’s freedoms by linking its consumption to a finite resource (money)? Anyone can still watch or make it
And there's already fees on much less detrimental things like a license for being able to sell things or do certain work, tax on capital gains from stocks etc.
It’s consumption is already linked to money
It’s consumption is already linked to money
If you subscribe to Onlyfans sure but that’s just what an individual site chose to make money for themselves. A minimum tax for EVERY p*** company like a cigarette or weed license tax would raise more money for building roads and s*** and be at least a barrier for kids
Stupid ass idea
If you have a problem with p*** that's a YOU problem, don't make it everyone else's
Not me it’s a human problem. Read last paragraph in op. And anyways with that logic then there should be 0 laws, licensing, or anything for guns, substances, property, food standards or anything because that’s stupid right.
They should let 15 year olds be able to get 10000 percs from the Vitamin section because that’s on him if anything bad comes from it
If you subscribe to Onlyfans sure but that’s just what an individual site chose to make money for themselves. A minimum tax for EVERY p*** company like a cigarette or weed license tax would raise more money for building roads and s*** and be at least a barrier for kids
Even beyond onlyfans the professional s*** like brazzers is also subscription based.
Making the sites pay additional taxes isn’t the same as charging a subscription fee to the people who view the site.
Really the only way to stop this s*** is to have parents step up and really teach/monitor their kids.
Weren’t you just talking about how we live in a simulation? Don’t see why p*** is a problem if that’s true
if it was a simulation, what would change? itd still be the same
if it was a simulation, what would change? itd still be the same
Whats the concern over a virtual birth rate?
Even beyond onlyfans the professional s*** like brazzers is also subscription based.
Making the sites pay additional taxes isn’t the same as charging a subscription fee to the people who view the site.
Really the only way to stop this s*** is to have parents step up and really teach/monitor their kids.
P***stars that moved to Onlyfans, Brazzers and all that all get traffic by putting free, even FULL clips on free sites like Xvideos. Less consumption overall if that wasn’t free
The tax thing is an alternative and you can make p***stars get licensed like real estate agents need to. Either way costs will get passed down to consumers if Xvideos/pornstars arent making enough money, so bigger costs to consume
Parents teaching their kids is never a solution to anything lol doesn’t work. You can be raised a super square religious person who was raised to never touch alcohol and be the complete opposite when you get away from home, in fact that’s the story of life and youthful rebellion