In a 7 game series in their prime, who winning the chip?
9/11 got islamophobia + military propaganda like kobe and shaq, what else is a better combo than 🇺🇸 vs brown people? loss of privacy and trust is generational. S*** got longevity like bron
post Covid a whole new beast, Social engineering in its prime hitting all cylinders like jokic, disillusion to the establishment a whole all star now(regardless of political affiliation) and A.I “innovation” hitting the league like wemby nobody knows what the f*** it’s capable of
Covid has absolutely nothing on 9/11. Not even comparable
And I ain't mad, that the Towers fell
I'm mad the coke price went up, and this crack won't sell 💯
Covid has absolutely nothing on 9/11. Not even comparable
9/11 aura was diff ( i was in diapers)
Its 2 entire generations of kids that dont know how it feels to get to an airport 30 mins before a flight takes off.
9/11 by far.
And I ain't mad, that the Towers fell
I'm mad the coke price went up, and this crack won't sell 💯
Its 2 entire generations of kids that dont know how it feels to get to an airport 30 mins before a flight takes off.
9/11 by far.
yeah but theres already a generation of kids who don’t know how to go 3 mins of idle time without a device or instant gratification on demand
yeah but theres already a generation of kids who don’t know how to go 3 mins of idle time without a device or instant gratification on demand
that literally has been the norm since vine bruh
i’m old enough to really remember 9/11. it was mad scary times but so was covid.
but during 9/11 i remember all the anthrax scares and them telling us not to touch mail if it had smudges on it and s***
but those days outside of the all the tragedies were simpler times for me because i wasn’t an adult so
post 9/11
that literally has been the norm since vine bruh
Not to this extent at all. iPad kids are a real thing and can have very severe behavioral problems as a result. An iPad kid 10 years ago was a rare rich kid playing some games, now it's 90% of all kids watching mini videos for non-stop instant reinforcement on at least a $30 piece of trash Amazon fire.
Give it 5 years, a lot of s*** is going to fall apart as a result. We can't even keep teachers working at this point in time, that's going to get worse and lead to worse education and everything that follows
Not to this extent at all. iPad kids are a real thing and can have very severe behavioral problems as a result. An iPad kid 10 years ago was a rare rich kid playing some games, now it's 90% of all kids watching mini videos for non-stop instant reinforcement on at least a $30 piece of trash Amazon fire.
Give it 5 years, a lot of s*** is going to fall apart as a result. We can't even keep teachers working at this point in time, that's going to get worse and lead to worse education and everything that follows
the ipad came out in 2010 fam
I'm literally a child of a teacher that's been dealing with these exact same issues since 2012 and why after decades he quit after like 2015 lol.
Yall are really underestimating the implications of what post 9/11 society did to us (and I can make a case that a lot of that s*** contributed to an emphasis on technology advancements in surveillance + keeping kids pre-occupied)
i’m old enough to really remember 9/11. it was mad scary times but so was covid.
but during 9/11 i remember all the anthrax scares and them telling us not to touch mail if it had smudges on it and s***
but those days outside of the all the tragedies were simpler times for me because i wasn’t an adult so
post 9/11
think whoever's answer depends on how old they were tbh.
Like if you were around + cognizant pre 9/11 America and post 9/11 America you understand why that s*** takes the cake over post covid America (which a lot of the after effects of that you can tally up to hilarious government neglect that has yet to be addressed)
Its 2 entire generations of kids that dont know how it feels to get to an airport 30 mins before a flight takes off.
9/11 by far.
when you fly out of an airport in a foreign country they get you through quicker than TSA
the ipad came out in 2010 fam
I'm literally a child of a teacher that's been dealing with these exact same issues since 2012 and why after decades he quit after like 2015 lol.
Yall are really underestimating the implications of what post 9/11 society did to us (and I can make a case that a lot of that s*** contributed to an emphasis on technology advancements in surveillance + keeping kids pre-occupied)
An iPad in 2010 was for rich people and there was no YouTube reels. High amounts of 3-5 year olds watching vine just wasn't something that was happening. In 2023 we have $30 tablets you can throw at any kid with YouTube reels and watch their brains melt for hours on end.
There's research on free access to TikTok/YouTube reels on developing minds already, and the more that comes out the more negative it all looks
Plus I work with kids a good amount of the time, I am speaking with full experience the tablet kids are going to have the most behavioral problems, and I've worked with pre teens that it affected as well. Only 4 year olds I seen trying to straight up kill people were the ones hyper-obsessed with their tablet and YouTube.
This isn't going to end well at all, and we can just look at the trend already occuring. Idk if you know teachers but I know plenty and all agree this stuff is going to wreak tons more havoc
Post Covid cause 24/7 McDonald’s and Walmarts are gone
being able to go to walmart at 3am drunk af to get some pizza rolls >>
Post Covid cause 24/7 McDonald’s and Walmarts are gone
You can still find a good amount of 24/7 McDonalds around here but yeah 24/7 Walmarts and grocery stores in general have been phased out.
yeah but theres already a generation of kids who don’t know how to go 3 mins of idle time without a device or instant gratification on demand
Been that way since before covid though