  • Jan 2, 2024
    2 replies

    Recently did some research on 9/11. As a non-American, I didn't understand how bad it truly was. Hundred thousands of people watching TV while the first building was on fire saw the second plane fly into the tower. At that point nobody knew what was going on for sure, but that confirmed it was definitely a terror attack. All that smoke, apparently it took days to clear up. And the dust from the collapse too, seen pictures of mfs covered in dust

    That's like some real life Avengers 1 s***. Actually watched the live broadcast of Regis and Kelly on YouTube, someone who was trapped in the building called in and said they're fine, they just can't get out. The families of employees in the tower shouldn't be worried. He passed away that day, it's eery hearing someone's last moments on TV

  • emucakes 🇺🇸
    Jan 2, 2024
    Not Like Josuke


  • Jan 2, 2024

    being able to go to walmart at 3am drunk af to get some pizza rolls >>

    shout out to Winco for keeping the tradition alive

  • Jan 2, 2024

    All I know is listening to the greatest hip hop album of all time (the blueprint) on the same day the towers fell musta been insane

    911 sweeps 4-0

  • Jan 2, 2024
    1 reply

    You can still find a good amount of 24/7 McDonalds around here but yeah 24/7 Walmarts and grocery stores in general have been phased out.

    your avy is giving me crazy seymour flashbacks, im playing final fantasy X rn

  • Jan 2, 2024
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    Recently did some research on 9/11. As a non-American, I didn't understand how bad it truly was. Hundred thousands of people watching TV while the first building was on fire saw the second plane fly into the tower. At that point nobody knew what was going on for sure, but that confirmed it was definitely a terror attack. All that smoke, apparently it took days to clear up. And the dust from the collapse too, seen pictures of mfs covered in dust

    That's like some real life Avengers 1 s***. Actually watched the live broadcast of Regis and Kelly on YouTube, someone who was trapped in the building called in and said they're fine, they just can't get out. The families of employees in the tower shouldn't be worried. He passed away that day, it's eery hearing someone's last moments on TV

    All major cities were on huge lockdown too in case of other attacks

    San Francisco, LA, Miami, Chicago, DC and a few others

    Major coastal towns/areas and then major places within that are either world tourist famous or have a lot of military/political things there

    There was also a lot of false decoy and false threats too to add more to the confusion which iirc is one of the things that led to them almost hitting the pentagon getting so far with it

  • Jan 2, 2024

    are we debating which is worse or better lol

    Reviewing social dysfunction so the worse the better

  • Jan 2, 2024
    hot pancakes

    i’m old enough to really remember 9/11. it was mad scary times but so was covid.

    but during 9/11 i remember all the anthrax scares and them telling us not to touch mail if it had smudges on it and s***

    but those days outside of the all the tragedies were simpler times for me because i wasn’t an adult so

    post 9/11

  • Jan 2, 2024

    Time just flew by after the pandemic, I hate it

  • Jan 2, 2024
    1 reply

    9/11 started a war so ima go with that one

  • Jan 2, 2024

    are we debating which is worse or better lol


  • Jan 2, 2024

    explain in siege terms

    covid would be jynxzi era of seige

    idk the adjacent to when seige first came out

  • Jan 2, 2024

    9/11 started a war so ima go with that one

    i’m pretty much asking which new normal in america seems worse

  • Jan 2, 2024
    1 reply

    personally post covid bc I was too young to even know what the world was like before 9/11.

  • Jan 2, 2024
    1 reply

    post 9/11
    the patriot act

  • Jan 2, 2024

    personally post covid bc I was too young to even know what the world was like before 9/11.

    i feel the same even though ik if you research post 9/11 america you will see how things changed within the public consciousness of america, like it reignited nationalism is certain folks and made propaganda more potent again, in a way both catastrophes have intersected once covid hit which is a double whammy for those who stay aware

  • Jan 2, 2024

    post 9/11
    the patriot act

    i hate how the patriot act feels like the biggest preparation for the age of information, which follows directly into todays activities

  • Jan 2, 2024
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    Recently did some research on 9/11. As a non-American, I didn't understand how bad it truly was. Hundred thousands of people watching TV while the first building was on fire saw the second plane fly into the tower. At that point nobody knew what was going on for sure, but that confirmed it was definitely a terror attack. All that smoke, apparently it took days to clear up. And the dust from the collapse too, seen pictures of mfs covered in dust

    That's like some real life Avengers 1 s***. Actually watched the live broadcast of Regis and Kelly on YouTube, someone who was trapped in the building called in and said they're fine, they just can't get out. The families of employees in the tower shouldn't be worried. He passed away that day, it's eery hearing someone's last moments on TV

    All of that is crazy, absolutely, and having lived through it, the aftershocks were extensive. Everyone has a 9/11 story. My aunt was on a flight to NYC the morning it happened that got delayed.

    But you know what else is crazy that gets overlooked?

    More than 1 million Americans dying of covid and millions of other Americans pretending it didn't happen because it flew in the face of their lifestyles and ideology.

    That's f***ing wild.

    Post-9/11 America was a tough place to be, I was 10 years old at the time and remember it well, but the fallout from 9/11 just made me look at my government differently. It actually brought a lot of citizens together at the time, binding them together with common anxieties. The response to covid made me look at everyone around me differently, and I was already pretty cynical. 2020 was as divided as we've been in a long time.

    So yeah, I would say post-covid America is worse.

  • Jan 2, 2024
    slime wrld

    yeah but theres already a generation of kids who don’t know how to go 3 mins of idle time without a device or instant gratification on demand

    What on earth does that have to do w covid

  • Being able to actually go to the gate and see your family off is def a time we need to get back.

  • Op your comparisons are so off base. I don’t think sports and those events can be synonymous like that. But the discussion you’re trying to start is interesting though lol

  • Jan 2, 2024

    Was only 1 when the towers fell. Games were only $60 before covid. My answer is obvious

  • Jan 2, 2024
    slime wrld

    yeah but theres already a generation of kids who don’t know how to go 3 mins of idle time without a device or instant gratification on demand

    Fax, adults too

  • Jan 2, 2024

    At first I thought OP was using Kobe and Shaq as examples of military propaganda

  • Jan 2, 2024
    Water Giver

    All major cities were on huge lockdown too in case of other attacks

    San Francisco, LA, Miami, Chicago, DC and a few others

    Major coastal towns/areas and then major places within that are either world tourist famous or have a lot of military/political things there

    There was also a lot of false decoy and false threats too to add more to the confusion which iirc is one of the things that led to them almost hitting the pentagon getting so far with it

    Can't imagine the panic the whole country was facing. And the next day, how do you just go on like everything is normal after that