  • Jan 2, 2024

    All of that is crazy, absolutely, and having lived through it, the aftershocks were extensive. Everyone has a 9/11 story. My aunt was on a flight to NYC the morning it happened that got delayed.

    But you know what else is crazy that gets overlooked?

    More than 1 million Americans dying of covid and millions of other Americans pretending it didn't happen because it flew in the face of their lifestyles and ideology.

    That's f***ing wild.

    Post-9/11 America was a tough place to be, I was 10 years old at the time and remember it well, but the fallout from 9/11 just made me look at my government differently. It actually brought a lot of citizens together at the time, binding them together with common anxieties. The response to covid made me look at everyone around me differently, and I was already pretty cynical. 2020 was as divided as we've been in a long time.

    So yeah, I would say post-covid America is worse.

    I think the context needs to be considered. America in 2020 was different. Trump was in office and there were more conservative conspiracy theory types plus they were more vocal. 9/11 probably added to the problem too, there were others like you who distrusted the government after the attacks

    And it wasn't just an American thing, the vaccines were a touchy subject around the world but America has some of the most patriotic people in the world who value "freedom" (whatever that means to them) more than other countries

    I think 9/11 stands out to me more because it was a single event. And it was a blatant attack caused by human beings to make other human beings suffer. That makes it a bigger event to me. I'd rather die from Covid than be trapped in those buildings and burn to death or have to jump to my death

  • Jan 2, 2024

    I’m not sure if the winner is supposed to be who had it better or worse

  • Jan 2, 2024
    1 reply

    An iPad in 2010 was for rich people and there was no YouTube reels. High amounts of 3-5 year olds watching vine just wasn't something that was happening. In 2023 we have $30 tablets you can throw at any kid with YouTube reels and watch their brains melt for hours on end.

    There's research on free access to TikTok/YouTube reels on developing minds already, and the more that comes out the more negative it all looks

    Plus I work with kids a good amount of the time, I am speaking with full experience the tablet kids are going to have the most behavioral problems, and I've worked with pre teens that it affected as well. Only 4 year olds I seen trying to straight up kill people were the ones hyper-obsessed with their tablet and YouTube.

    This isn't going to end well at all, and we can just look at the trend already occuring. Idk if you know teachers but I know plenty and all agree this stuff is going to wreak tons more havoc

    Scary NGL. Do you come across any kids where their parents have successfully limited their kids tech use? It's about what the parent tmfives them surely? Like junk food

  • Jan 2, 2024

    Scary NGL. Do you come across any kids where their parents have successfully limited their kids tech use? It's about what the parent tmfives them surely? Like junk food

    Yes, a bunch, I recommend a lot of strategies around it plus parents who can't afford a tablet means the kid just doesn't have a tablet lol

    I tell everyone to never show a child real YouTube, keep them on YouTube kids, and have rules surrounding electronics use like none before X time or after bed time and whatever.

    Also I tell people to be very cautious about micro transactions (robux or renting movies) because a lot of kids don't have an understanding of money and I've seen that lead to some crazy contingencies (this one rich mom would blow hundreds on robux a week cause she knew it would make him stop tantrumming, even if it wasn't for robux, so then he would just slap her for robux)

    The best I've seen is locking electronics from YouTube, Google, and the ability to download games without a password. These kids get used to it and a lot of the times would rather do something else unless they're tired. I knew a family who only allowed tablets in cars which was very helpful.

    At the pre teen stage it gets more complicated based on family expectations for the kids.

  • Jan 2, 2024
    1 reply

    your avy is giving me crazy seymour flashbacks, im playing final fantasy X rn

    My favorite game of all time what part you on?

  • Jan 2, 2024

    My favorite game of all time what part you on?

    I'm in bevelle rn, just beat that giant flying dragon envae and I'm stuck on the cloister of trials

    Game is excellent tho perfect difficulty level, also started kingdom hearts

  • Jan 2, 2024

    Covid beating 9/11 butt