My family cat died yesterday so I drew her in oil pastels. The small ones are fun but they don’t blend like the big ones. RIP to my sweet void :(
Returning to this one today, making some changes. Feel like I’m banging my head against a wall with some of these. But thats okay, just gotta scrape that s*** off and try again til it’s right
My family cat died yesterday so I drew her in oil pastels. The small ones are fun but they don’t blend like the big ones. RIP to my sweet void :(
I'm sorry for your loss
This is insanely cool looking
@nocomment yo how do u bounce ur work from touch designer? I use the moviefileout top but the .mov files are wqy too big
youtube degraded the s*** outta this but still cool i think
This is really great. What software did you work with?
This is really great. What software did you work with?
Thxs fam, i use touchdesigner
@nocomment yo how do u bounce ur work from touch designer? I use the moviefileout top but the .mov files are wqy too big
If you have pro version it lets you use h264/h265 which i think compresses better. I know thats what polyhop uses and then he just uploads that file to instagram without any external compression etc cause he was asked once. I dont have pro version
Mostly i just use my phone to take a vid of my screen tbh. I did set up a component for exporting either notchLC or MOV or PNG, but i cant remember all the weird small details right now. The mov files arent small but defs smaller than the notch files lol.
Im not sure what the best solution is for free version, i just woke up so might have a look at my setup again later.
Potentially you could set up an automated ffmpeg script to compress your outputs automatically.
youtube degraded the s*** outta this but still cool i think
Blur in a feedback loop
If you have pro version it lets you use h264/h265 which i think compresses better. I know thats what polyhop uses and then he just uploads that file to instagram without any external compression etc cause he was asked once. I dont have pro version
Mostly i just use my phone to take a vid of my screen tbh. I did set up a component for exporting either notchLC or MOV or PNG, but i cant remember all the weird small details right now. The mov files arent small but defs smaller than the notch files lol.
Im not sure what the best solution is for free version, i just woke up so might have a look at my setup again later.
Potentially you could set up an automated ffmpeg script to compress your outputs automatically.
Yea im not familiar with movie file types but thanks for the info imma see if i can figure this out
Yea im not familiar with movie file types but thanks for the info imma see if i can figure this out
Is the issue more your storage space (i have lots of HDDs so this isnt a problem for me) or that the files are too big to upload?
Is the issue more your storage space (i have lots of HDDs so this isnt a problem for me) or that the files are too big to upload?
Latter, and the quality degrades heavily usually but that might be something i cant do anything about
Latter, and the quality degrades heavily usually but that might be something i cant do anything about
try this
should be able to get smaller files without losing much fidelity
the quality is probably coming out bad because whatever compression algos these hosting websites use usually throw fidelity to the wind. If we can get the file smaller with axiom then they probably wont compress down as much
Another idea i just thought of:
using a screen recording program like OBS studio to record your screen? never tried this with TD