think ill do one (1) more vhs before moving on to something else, probably just different fanart tho lol
i lied i'm doing more
my work is missing something but idk what. i keep practicing and see that im improving but it still doesn't seem to connect with anyone. starting to feel foolish to say im an "artist" or anything like that. i need some real critique or i think ill just continue to tread water out here
my work is missing something but idk what. i keep practicing and see that im improving but it still doesn't seem to connect with anyone. starting to feel foolish to say im an "artist" or anything like that. i need some real critique or i think ill just continue to tread water out here
youre doing a sorta mix of comic book and manga style, its fire tbh, its just not so different that it will inspire some ppl because theyve seen similar stuff before
my brother is a brilliant drawer, but he has the same problem, he follows the template too much, u need to design your own inner world and bring it to life in a unique way
i might be biased because i am an abstract artist
this was rly easy to make, but it is unique, ive never seen anything like it, and it tells a story, its abstract and hard to define yet simultaneously it evokes a concerted emotion, its kinda creepy too, but all of that makes it special
it also has a rough amatuer charm that makes it harder to replicate
my problem is i cant draw, at all, so i have so many cool ideas but i cant bring them to life
youre doing a sorta mix of comic book and manga style, its fire tbh, its just not so different that it will inspire some ppl because theyve seen similar stuff before
my brother is a brilliant drawer, but he has the same problem, he follows the template too much, u need to design your own inner world and bring it to life in a unique way
i might be biased because i am an abstract artist
thanks for the reply and i totally agree that my style isn't that distinct. honestly, ive been more focused on trying to improve my anatomy / posing and only just recently turned my attention to how I render (the vhs tape proj was me trying it out something "new" rendering-wise lol). i've thought about adding more texture outside of the 'noise' i apply at the end but maybe color choice would spruce things up?
thanks for the reply and i totally agree that my style isn't that distinct. honestly, ive been more focused on trying to improve my anatomy / posing and only just recently turned my attention to how I render (the vhs tape proj was me trying it out something "new" rendering-wise lol). i've thought about adding more texture outside of the 'noise' i apply at the end but maybe color choice would spruce things up?
i get the practice part, my brother does the same thing practicing anatomy and perspective etc, i think maybe if u made it look more realistic would help
i think ur work is great, if you want to stand out more probably need to mess with the texture like u said, and emphasize perspective/shading to make it look more detailed
maybe its a lil too clean to rly feel like unique, id work on the dynamic range of the color, texture comes from style, if you want more texture id honestly make the drawing a lil rougher not so percise
i get the practice part, my brother does the same thing practicing anatomy and perspective etc, i think maybe if u made it look more realistic would help
i think ur work is great, if you want to stand out more probably need to mess with the texture like u said, and emphasize perspective/shading to make it look more detailed
maybe its a lil too clean to rly feel like unique, id work on the dynamic range of the color, texture comes from style, if you want more texture id honestly make the drawing a lil rougher not so percise
idk if i want to go too realistic. my skills def wouldn't do it justice and im just more of a fan of the stylization anime allows. maybe i could achieve that through pushing perspective more? idk
idk if i want to go too realistic. my skills def wouldn't do it justice and im just more of a fan of the stylization anime allows. maybe i could achieve that through pushing perspective more? idk
U can also jus find the right audience, ur work is rly good, but certain ppl probably not into the manga/anime style
U can also jus find the right audience, ur work is rly good, but certain ppl probably not into the manga/anime style
thanks fam i guess all i can do is just keep at it and maybe an algorithm will go my way one day lol
I like this, it reminds me of a kerry james marshall piece from an alternate universe
I like this, it reminds me of a kerry james marshall piece from an alternate universe
preciate it thats a interesting comparison
An extremely precise blueprint of how I hope to finish the piece. Might try oil pastels! They seem fun
Turns out it was precise. And fun! Last round of changes tmrw, can’t believe I’m gonna have a finished piece finally
So f***ing close (I know there’s probably no discernible difference with these images and yet I’m spending hours doing s***… I think)
So much goop shavings left over from the pastels for Snoop, so I made something truly extra garish to practice. Real messy. Predation Mask, 4 ft x 3.5
So f***ing close (I know there’s probably no discernible difference with these images and yet I’m spending hours doing s***… I think)
my dawg
First one is especially hard as hell would be such a dope cover for something, looks like a serious graphic novel that won the Angoulême Prix Révélation
First one is especially hard as hell would be such a dope cover for something, looks like a serious graphic novel that won the Angoulême Prix Révélation
Lmaoo i could see it