The irony that this is how stupid any critique of strikes/unions generally sounds, yet you genuinely feel as if your silly tv shows matter more than the people who actually write them’s quality of life
A great way to support the strikers by calling their hard work "silly TV shows"... Show some respect
Greedy writers will ruin some great shows i remember the last strike....
Boo hoo
Boohoo, I want specifics. How long have they been in the industry, what were they actually being paid, etc. Until then it’s like, ok, maybe you’re just bad with money. How am I supposed to know based on this sob story?
Good riddance 😂
Greedy writers will ruin some great shows i remember the last strike....
This is what they call brainrot
Boohoo, I want specifics. How long have they been in the industry, what were they actually being paid, etc. Until then it’s like, ok, maybe you’re just bad with money. How am I supposed to know based on this sob story?
Bootlicking to an astronomical degree
how does this all work? all writers are part of a union or? there have to be some freelance writers out there no?