all these delayed films are probably gonna need new reshoots and some will need new marketing too
summer of flops is carrying over into 2024
Panels at this con I’m at are gonna be weird Lmao
Rn Shatner can’t talk about struck projects from the past so he’s talking about flying a plane from London to Australia
Man is a good storyteller tho
I’m sitting here wondering how D’Onofrio is going to have to dodge questions about Daredevil and Law & Order
gagged Anne Hathaway a bit
Nigga thinks we in ghost in the shell or some s***.
Also didnt answer the question at all
so uhm yeah, thats it for us TV watchers. its about to very dry for the next 2-3 years. time to find a new hobby. gonna cop a ps5 i think or get into fitness
That’s nasty work
Oh boy
Some of this s*** is for dis ey adults unless it’s about the person behind the mask I’m not watching a Barney movie much less paying 16 adult dollars to watch it
This man is ruining Cali and wants to help more
me trying to meet the minimum essay word requirement
Just get to the point where you saying ANYTHING
Folding already?
We're so back!
Folding already?
execs were talking all that big s*** for what