Yeah story is vastly improved with the Korean dub, should’ve played like this from the start smh
time for the new game + run
might switch to korean too since yall are saying it improves the story's delivery
esp since my dumbass chose the standard bad ending even though i went through the trouble of finding most of the collectibles lol
Yeah story is vastly improved with the Korean dub, should’ve played like this from the start smh
English dub is trash lmao. I always go native for language.
time for the new game + run
might switch to korean too since yall are saying it improves the story's delivery
esp since my dumbass chose the standard bad ending even though i went through the trouble of finding most of the collectibles lol
Really really impressed with the ng+ and hard mode
Enemy locations are different and there’s not just new outfits, there’s mk2 versions of the exospines and other equipment, as well as new abilities and drone upgrades
It’s one of the highest quality ng+ experiences I’ve seen
Really really impressed with the ng+ and hard mode
Enemy locations are different and there’s not just new outfits, there’s mk2 versions of the exospines and other equipment, as well as new abilities and drone upgrades
It’s one of the highest quality ng+ experiences I’ve seen
ive been trying hard mode out here and there. might really get my s*** wrecked if im not focused lol so it might just be a something i turn on to test myself
i was really glad that the extra modules and etc immediately went towards something in ng+. made the effort to find it all still worth it
and having the new fits/exospines out there are nice bonuses for running it back though i might not track them all down this go-round
not that they are identical games but I just platinumed Rise of Ronin and after 15 minutes of Stellar Blade, I already prefer this game much more.
im nearly halfway through and this is already goty contender for me, soundtrack is amazing and i just fw the overall vibe/atmosphere. ion even play these type of games usually bc they’re too punishing but this one got me, got me doin every sidequest n s*** lool
so far is my goty so much fun the whole time through. i think the music rly pushes it to a different level if i didn't make that obvious from my other 8 posts abt the music lol.
All rise for the Stellar Blade national anthem
! third iteration has the goated guitar solo
I can really get lost in this game in a good way
The music, the atmosphere, the gameplay
A fresh mix where it's not as sweaty as souls game but not a button masher either takes some skill
This game might not reach my backlog
The feature when you complete a side quest and you have the option to fast travel right to the person you did it for
The feature when you complete a side quest and you have the option to fast travel right to the person you did it for
need this in every game tbh so convenient
need this in every game tbh so convenient
So many wasted hours traveling backwards and by that time I am tired and wanna take a break
So many wasted hours traveling backwards and by that time I am tired and wanna take a break
same makes the pacing wayy better
the sidequests are cool but a lot of them are like
“can you please find this person they are very dear to me”
“i found them and they are dead”