I’ve been seeing an influx of actual teachers talking about their experiences and it sounds like hell everytime
We all know education reform has been overdue but this is now being combined with a parenting problem for a lot of households when will it finally be addressed when you have real life teachers starting to give up when they just started their teaching careers
Seems like the school system isn’t doing anything for anybody. Zero tolerance fighting policies, bullies going unchecked, and teachers are miserable too.
Education and healthcare are in the gutter. Sadly, his complaints will only be heard by a select few. Those who do hear, by the time the stresses of life come up again, they’ll forget all about this video. He even points it out himself, people are tired and it’s too easy to keep your kids busy today with technology so they stop annoying you so you can relax. The best option may be to minimize classes in day and extend time with teachers (block schedule)
The millennials are the most educated generation in history. I don’t think it’s a coincidence the children cant read today.
Went to both public and private school. The difference in education is just saddening. Public school really has a problem teaching fundamentals that you'll use in college, especially with English.
The Pandemic really changed a lot when it comes to work & school
Just like Adults feeling like their is no need to work onsite at a job
Kids are also feeling the same way about school even though their obligated to go plus a lot of them have short attention spans and probably can’t function without mindlessly scrolling for hours.
The millennials are the most educated generation in history. I don’t think it’s a coincidence the children cant read today.
The millennials are the most educated generation in history. I don’t think it’s a coincidence the children cant read today.
"most educated"
An uneducated populace is easier to control. Also tend to have more children
It’s a fact, look it up
My nigga respectfully that's dumbest s*** ever
Niggas got sold a dream and a BAG
Teachers like the person in OP are saints. It must be so demoralizing trying to help out young kids and seeing so much of it falling on deaf ears
My nigga respectfully that's dumbest s*** ever
Niggas got sold a dream and a BAG
Idk what to tell you bro lol there are multiple studies that say so
So glad i graduated right before covid/tiktok
He's literally saying that the issue he's talking about isn't directly correlated with covid, but you wanna act like thats the issue
The Pandemic really changed a lot when it comes to work & school
Just like Adults feeling like their is no need to work onsite at a job
Kids are also feeling the same way about school even though their obligated to go plus a lot of them have short attention spans and probably can’t function without mindlessly scrolling for hours.
The parents mindlessly scrolling too