  • Dec 13, 2023
    2 replies

    Solutions (that no one will implement because lobbyism also results wont be immediate, the problems are multi-generational):

    -increase the wages of these teachers. You already got niggas having to be parents, armed vigilantes, counselors, etc. might as well give em an increase in they pay.

    -mandatory therapists in schools starting from elementary tbh.

    -get the f*** rid of standardized testing. The USA d***riding this s*** for decades when data shows it just doesn’t work. It doesnt measure your intelligence just how much you remember s***.

    -bring back cursive, this troubles me we essentially killing off a type of handwriting because (goes back to the reading thing), this is essential to reading historical documents.

    -address these kids situations at home. Increase funding in social programs (and s*** even these schools). Increase minimum wage so parents can be at home and not out working 3 jobs to make the bills pay. Sometimes it’s not neglectful parenting as much as it just is poverty lol. It’s VERY hard to concentrate when your stomach growling (shoutout to schools getting rid of free lunch)

    -free adulting literacy classes because as ppl have said itt, it is a LOT of grownups…that are borderline illiterate. And those tend to be the ones having kids

    controversial one but I’d say get rid of charter schools

    My pops was a teacher for decades, I saw the s*** take a toll on him before he essentially called it quits around like ‘08.

    as a person who comes from a family full of teachers, this is exactly why i chose not to go this route...shit is BAD bro. i love the idea of working with kids and being around them to help them grow, but it's a death sentence nowadays, especially here in Florida

  • Dec 13, 2023

    It is already addressed. It mostly effects people of lower social economic status. That's how they addressed it

  • Zach LaBeam
    · edited

    This too. Schools in poor neighborhoods get less funding from the jump

    and that just extends and perpetuates the already bad problems in our society like lower income neighborhoods not getting as good of an education as the next town over so they are then set on to be low income workers outside of anomalies

  • Dec 13, 2023
    1 reply
    Sir Swagalot

    as a person who comes from a family full of teachers, this is exactly why i chose not to go this route...shit is BAD bro. i love the idea of working with kids and being around them to help them grow, but it's a death sentence nowadays, especially here in Florida

    I moved out of florida finally, lost everything to do it but worth it

  • Dec 13, 2023
    Delete this now

    I moved out of florida finally, lost everything to do it but worth it

    damn im gonna ride out my time here till i get my BSN and do travel work when the opportunity arises...realistically i can't see myself leaving permanently because i'm a sucker for keeping the family close, but it wouldn't hurt to make a couple $$$ going around the country lol

  • Dec 13, 2023

    nah dont get me wrong I really want them but I know im not the right fit for that just yet

    I'm not set on passing on my genes or anything, I could see myself adopting in the future

  • Dec 13, 2023
    2 replies
    Sir Swagalot

    as a person who comes from a family full of teachers, this is exactly why i chose not to go this route...shit is BAD bro. i love the idea of working with kids and being around them to help them grow, but it's a death sentence nowadays, especially here in Florida

    The Broward County School System is a God damn joke.

  • Dec 13, 2023
    2 replies

    The Broward County School System is a God damn joke.

    f*** broward, f*** hillsborough, f*** pinellas, f*** miami-dade...fuck em all!

  • Dec 13, 2023

    this is why I cant have children at this point in life, if I f*** up they f*** up tenfold. need to get my s*** together first, physically mentally politically and financially

    same here

  • Dec 13, 2023
    1 reply
    · edited

    I wonder how many kids are just burnt out.

    besides the lack of parental reinforcement at home, where is the inner desire to learn supposed to come from for these kids?

    How do you make students stay engaged in waking up everyday at 8am to go somewhere where it's questionable if they're even being treated with respect, to memorize a bunch of information that's presented to them without any real context regarding how that information will enrich them or could be applied.

    How do you make kids give a s***(besides lying and telling them they can be whatever they want when they grow up) when they feel like any issue they have can be solved with the small computer in their pocket? When their favorite twitch streamer/tiktoker is making millions over their 2-job-having parent by playing fortnite and teaching them to be mean to girls?

    yea i think this is a big issue too

    today, kids know the precarity of their own futures

    they are smarter than most people think

  • Dec 13, 2023

    yea i think this is a big issue too

    today, kids know the precarity of their own futures

    they are smarter than most people think

    they have tons of knowledge presented to them but very little guidance on how to digest it
    i genuinely feel bad for the next gen cause they aren’t even made aware of what a normal life of substance was before the “new normal” came about

  • Dec 14, 2023

    Bring this back to TV asap

    When I was little sometimes I would stay up instead of taking a nap, and this would come on. It was for adults, but we watched this after Big Comfy Couch, Magic School Bus, Lamb Chop or Barney or some s*** went off.

  • Dec 14, 2023

    I will say tho, most African countries ain’t having this issue. Education is a competition and highly regarded from the youngest kid all the way through high school. Kids literally get parades in their cities for being number one and two on country/county examinations, it’s really dope to see. Not having a higher education degree is heavily frowned upon

  • Dec 14, 2023
    1 reply

    As a teacher, I can say the standards have gotten exceptionally low. High schoolers throw a fit when you ask them to write more than 2 pages about a topic. A month ago, one kid complained because I was asking them to use skills for writing her essay that other teachers hadn't. I was like Sorry your other teachers were trash

    Middle schools let everyone through and HS teachers are left to clean up the mess that the system left behind. I teach 10th grade and have immense respect for 9th grade teachers who have to correct the errors of others.

    So yeah, schools play a role, but it starts at home. Many of my students who struggle have parents who can't or won't communicate with teachers regularly. How the f*** are we supposed to resolve the issues at hand when the student doesn't give af and there's no one to reinforce positive behaviors at home?

    I had a kid talk s*** to me because I told her to put her phone away during a class assignment and she stormed out of class. The dean got involved, set up a parent-teacher conference and of course I never heard a word from her guardian. Maybe they have their reasons, but it really makes no difference to me in the end what their reasons are. Someone needs to step up for these kids and we're doing our best over here.

  • Dec 14, 2023

    Tbh I was one of the worst behaved kids in my school and always performed far above those around me… basically I was the worst

  • Dec 14, 2023
    1 reply

    as long as funding is dependent on attendance and graduation rate it is going to be extremely hard on teachers

  • Dec 14, 2023
    1 reply

    Solutions (that no one will implement because lobbyism also results wont be immediate, the problems are multi-generational):

    -increase the wages of these teachers. You already got niggas having to be parents, armed vigilantes, counselors, etc. might as well give em an increase in they pay.

    -mandatory therapists in schools starting from elementary tbh.

    -get the f*** rid of standardized testing. The USA d***riding this s*** for decades when data shows it just doesn’t work. It doesnt measure your intelligence just how much you remember s***.

    -bring back cursive, this troubles me we essentially killing off a type of handwriting because (goes back to the reading thing), this is essential to reading historical documents.

    -address these kids situations at home. Increase funding in social programs (and s*** even these schools). Increase minimum wage so parents can be at home and not out working 3 jobs to make the bills pay. Sometimes it’s not neglectful parenting as much as it just is poverty lol. It’s VERY hard to concentrate when your stomach growling (shoutout to schools getting rid of free lunch)

    -free adulting literacy classes because as ppl have said itt, it is a LOT of grownups…that are borderline illiterate. And those tend to be the ones having kids

    controversial one but I’d say get rid of charter schools

    My pops was a teacher for decades, I saw the s*** take a toll on him before he essentially called it quits around like ‘08.

    Cool for president

  • Dec 14, 2023

    Cool for president

    Niggas dont want me to be president. all my policies would be stonewalled by dems, repubs, and the progressives. 😂😂😂😂

  • Dec 14, 2023

    As a teacher, I can say the standards have gotten exceptionally low. High schoolers throw a fit when you ask them to write more than 2 pages about a topic. A month ago, one kid complained because I was asking them to use skills for writing her essay that other teachers hadn't. I was like Sorry your other teachers were trash

    Middle schools let everyone through and HS teachers are left to clean up the mess that the system left behind. I teach 10th grade and have immense respect for 9th grade teachers who have to correct the errors of others.

    So yeah, schools play a role, but it starts at home. Many of my students who struggle have parents who can't or won't communicate with teachers regularly. How the f*** are we supposed to resolve the issues at hand when the student doesn't give af and there's no one to reinforce positive behaviors at home?

    I had a kid talk s*** to me because I told her to put her phone away during a class assignment and she stormed out of class. The dean got involved, set up a parent-teacher conference and of course I never heard a word from her guardian. Maybe they have their reasons, but it really makes no difference to me in the end what their reasons are. Someone needs to step up for these kids and we're doing our best over here.

    Writing more than 2 pages for a topic

  • Dec 14, 2023

    I'm so happy illiteracy is affecting lives than just mine

  • Dec 15, 2023
    Jim Halpert

    as long as funding is dependent on attendance and graduation rate it is going to be extremely hard on teachers

    This is literally business practice

    “The amount of consumer retention & subscriber goals must be met for proper funding” That’s twisted

    there’s so many variables that go into a child even showing up to class that isn’t a teacher fault in itself

  • Dec 15, 2023

    Whoever captioned that TikTok can't f***ing read. He clearly saying grade not great. Also A TEAM not 18. Tf

  • Dec 15, 2023

    Also TA's are a big help if they are any good. Classroom sizes are a lot less now, but it's hard still for the teacher to check up on every student. If every core class had 1-2 TA's who helped students struggling to understand fundamentals or even with essay outlines, things would be a lot better.

  • Dec 15, 2023

    who tf is this cracker ass cracker devil ass mayoface and why you gotta post jumpscares like that w no spoiler nigga

  • Dec 15, 2023

    Haven't seen anyone say this but is Idiocracy unironically coming to life?