  • Dec 12, 2023

    Imagine not being paid a living wage and having to provide your own classroom supplies while working in what amounts to an active war zone


  • Dec 12, 2023
    2 replies
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    Went to both public and private school. The difference in education is just saddening. Public school really has a problem teaching fundamentals that you'll use in college, especially with English.

    I've been screaming at the top of my lungs about the quality of Americans English and comprehension

    I was in 3rd grade when I realized some of my teachers couldn't really read all that great lol

  • Dec 12, 2023

    I've been screaming at the top of my lungs about the quality of Americans English and comprehension

    I was in 3rd grade when I realized some of my teachers couldn't really read all that great lol

    I noticed a lot of people don’t read, they just do until they are corrected or given an answer they could have easily read. Like a sign on a door type s*** lmao

  • Dec 12, 2023

    I've been screaming at the top of my lungs about the quality of Americans English and comprehension

    I was in 3rd grade when I realized some of my teachers couldn't really read all that great lol

    This s*** only gonna get worse with technology too. The more tools like grammarly and chatgpt use doesnt get regulated. The more we'll see of what you're talking about

  • Dec 12, 2023
    2 replies


  • Dec 12, 2023

    but ktt told me school is for nerds

  • Dec 12, 2023

    Its too late. This is the result of years of lobbying and lack of education reform. In 5-10 years youll be able to put your kids in trumpy private school with public tax dollars. Conservatives really hijacked education after covid. Look up glenn youngkin

  • people in america are conditioned not to care about the education system unless its superficial. those who pass laws don't even understand schools

    no child left behind was one of the worst laws for schools and it was meant to benefit students

  • Dec 12, 2023

    leave it to the people and books get banned

  • Dec 12, 2023

    The crisis starts at home and well before the children have any meaningful schooling

    There is a lack of emphasis on education when it should be made a priority in children’s lives from pre-k

    If children care about school from pre-k to 3rd grade literally every single grade level benefits. Better students means better schools and better learning environments.

    Unfortunately a few bad apples in a classroom can have a huge negative impact on learning so we need as many future parents on board as possible.

  • Dec 12, 2023
    1 reply

    This dude is sassy I had to turn that off

  • Dec 12, 2023

    But seriously tho these kids are cooked. School can’t save em. Their parents raised a dummy

  • Dec 12, 2023

    An uneducated populace is easier to control. Also tend to have more children

    Ronald regan said he didn’t want an “educated proletariat” in the 80s (along with other horrible s***) and americans let that slide unchecked

  • Dec 12, 2023

    that what happen when school becomes a glorified daycare

  • Dec 12, 2023
    2 replies

    this is why I cant have children at this point in life, if I f*** up they f*** up tenfold. need to get my s*** together first, physically mentally politically and financially

  • Dec 12, 2023

    This is the true aftereffects of the No Child Left Behind program that people were so afraid of happening decades ago.

    We let a lot of kids slip through the cracks in my generation and those kids started having kids.

  • Dec 12, 2023

    Also shoutout to late stage capitalism that keeps parents out the homes due to having to work 2-3 jobs just to pay the rent.

    Real spit, when u came up in your local public school and start befriending the “knuckleheads” in your classes, a LOT of them niggas are essentially parenting themselves who’s gon be at home teaching them when their peoples are too busy working?

    Also s***education non existent due to niggas that SHOULD NOT BE PARENTS that are having babies (or in states forcing kids to be parents), it’s pretty clear what time niggas is on.

    I saw this coming from private school all my life to attending public high school and bruh the competitive edge a nigga had on a lot of kids was borderline hilarious. And mind you I was “underachieving” partially due to having that big of an advantage.

    It’s clear the future landscape is public schooling is gonna be just the place to “babysit” kids while private school is where you get actual education. And that’s such a f***ed up racist (cause we know demographics that’ll be able to afford the most) way of education ever.

    Tl;dr: I’m a hypocrite tho, cause my kids going to an all black private school cause in the words of Kendrick: you b****es aint never been cool

  • Dec 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Seems like the school system isn’t doing anything for anybody. Zero tolerance fighting policies, bullies going unchecked, and teachers are miserable too.

    The school system are not parents or guardians.

    This all comes down to a cultural problem around family and how education is viewed.

  • Dec 12, 2023

    Problematic behaviors stem from individualistic society where everyone is for themselves and no one cares about each other. I have my bank account. You have yours. We share nothing. We don't hold each other accountable.

  • Dec 12, 2023
    3 replies

    Solutions (that no one will implement because lobbyism also results wont be immediate, the problems are multi-generational):

    -increase the wages of these teachers. You already got niggas having to be parents, armed vigilantes, counselors, etc. might as well give em an increase in they pay.

    -mandatory therapists in schools starting from elementary tbh.

    -get the f*** rid of standardized testing. The USA d***riding this s*** for decades when data shows it just doesn’t work. It doesnt measure your intelligence just how much you remember s***.

    -bring back cursive, this troubles me we essentially killing off a type of handwriting because (goes back to the reading thing), this is essential to reading historical documents.

    -address these kids situations at home. Increase funding in social programs (and s*** even these schools). Increase minimum wage so parents can be at home and not out working 3 jobs to make the bills pay. Sometimes it’s not neglectful parenting as much as it just is poverty lol. It’s VERY hard to concentrate when your stomach growling (shoutout to schools getting rid of free lunch)

    -free adulting literacy classes because as ppl have said itt, it is a LOT of grownups…that are borderline illiterate. And those tend to be the ones having kids

    controversial one but I’d say get rid of charter schools

    My pops was a teacher for decades, I saw the s*** take a toll on him before he essentially called it quits around like ‘08.

  • Dec 12, 2023

    I don’t think it’s a schooling issue, it really is a parenting issue

    As a teacher, there is only so much I can do with the little block of time I have with my students, and unfortunately, if parents aren’t helping their children practice what they learn in school at home, it’s literally just forgotten about the next day.

    This is the case for almost every single teacher I know. We do the best we can, but all of that is negated as soon as they leave the building.

  • plants 🌻
    Dec 12, 2023

    kids are out of control because their parents didn't parent em and teachers have been neutered. add that the curriculum has been essentially sabotaged and this is what you get, kids failing up year after year where all they learn is that there is no consequences for their lack of action. literacy spiked in a couple generations and now we going backwards, it's high schoolers who literally cannot read or reason, real sad s***

  • Dec 12, 2023

    My girlfriend has been a middle school teacher for only 2 years now, and seemly wants to quit because of how much of a hardship it is on her mentally and physically..

    She is employed in a lower class district, but the s*** that she tells me, is ridiculous..

    Even the board of directors is clueless to what is going on.. the teachers went on strike because they wanted their contracts fixed and they barley made that happen..

  • Dec 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Almost like it's designed to fail and they make private schools to keep their children away from yours

    But yes there needs to be a complete overhaul
    Public schools deserve a great plan and leaders who care about children who don't come from money