  • Jun 10, 2021

    i used to be like that s*** made me complacent.

    Really? Keeps me going lmao. Two sides huh

  • master chief

    thats weird literally i just heard it like 2 minutes ago...

    We’re always watching

  • Jun 10, 2021

    I think its a fine statement, but there are other things that make people strong or weak. women mostly

  • Fries

    Quote is said by historical cosplayers, type of people who swear they want to reject the modern world but spend all their day on Twitter

    You’re on ktt

  • Jun 10, 2021

    Literally an loser school shooter phrase

  • Jun 10, 2021

    @op the great depression might be an easier example for people to understand.

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Stupid f***ing quote

  • Jun 10, 2021

    It applies but often the circumstance it is brought up is very off like mfs talkin about historical timeline, the war and stuff. It should only be used on a personal level, not on a zeitgeist and period of mankind

    i agree that’s how the quote may take use in current times/the future, but imo that’s the case due to the absence of something as shaking as those previous events

  • Jun 10, 2021

    and ik ppl been complaining bout the “why doesn’t covid count” thing but i’ve made my comparison pretty clear w/ what sets the bar in my view. u can argue for covid counting but one of the inherent differences i’ve been alluding to is simply how much better QOL has gotten for the avg person. some1 mentioned the depression as a better comparative point n i agree tbh that would’ve been more accessible w/o bringing in all dis war baggage that some itt r fixating too much on

  • It’s a lil bs though, you can be strong or weak no matter what era you live in, i do feel like we’re heading into a era where people gotta be strong to survive mfs is tired of what’s going on in the world

  • Jun 10, 2021

    How you think Joel from tlou2 got clapped so easily

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    most times i’ve seen this quote is by 14 year olds who want us to be living in ww2 or they say “germany should’ve won”

    or it’s been white people in general talking about how this is a weak generation

    meanwhile the “good times” that’s supposed to be now is completely garbage considering boomers are ruining everything for us

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    na this post wasnt it, gesu just doin the "let's demonize the thing in question so that i dont have to discuss it as much" when the reasonable thing to do when u dont wanna discuss smthn is to ignore the thred

  • Hard times gave me mental illness


  • Jun 10, 2021

    You can’t appreciate anything in life without having the bitter and the sweet

  • Jun 10, 2021

    History is maybe at a cyclic nature but history repeats itself yet we make the same mistakes.

  • Jun 10, 2021

    It would be more appropriate to say hard environments make strong men, easy environments make weak men. There are hardly any universal hard times like WW1 or 2 anymore and COVID did not come close since there were a ton of people thriving in that year, and coming up today from it.

  • Jun 10, 2021

    Will never forget this from the album Food and Liquor

    Struggle... yeah yeah, another sign that God love you
    Cause on the low, bein po', make you humble
    Keep they names in my rhymes to try and keep them out of trouble
    Cause bein po', also teach you how to hustle

    This is a reflection of Proverbs 3:11-12 & Hebrews12:6-7 where those that endure the hard times God places us in become great.

    Essentially that's the American experience as a whole. The best music, art, leaders etc. rise from the same hard times that we endure on a daily basis. Everyone's struggle is different but to overcome what we're faced with is what emboldens us to leave positivity on this earth.

    Classic album

  • Jun 10, 2021

    All ima say is there a reason immigrants are doing better than the general population rn

    They filling up the stems and medical schools

    Meanwhile American kids want to be rich off of entertainment and arts

  • Jun 10, 2021

    This is such a blanket statement - sounds like some s*** an edgy teen would say.

    What defines a strong person, first of all?
    To me, it's someone with a strong moral compass and sense of ethics, willing to fight for the progress and betterment of society/mankind. People who equate strong = "not a crybaby" are dumb af, imo.

    And to say "times are good" rn is very naive. But guess what, man severily lacks foresight.

    If yuh want mi to be honest wit yuh Trump is part of the great times create weak men era,/weak men create bad times

    so are the rest of di tea party and neo liberals

    they had it so good back inna day to the point they don’t wanna
    Change nun up and we ending up stagnant

    And we ain’t inherited a good economy or job market we don’t even have a good housing market no more

    Compared to pelosi and Trump generation

  • Jun 10, 2021

    This is probably more related to yt people tbh. Everyone else struggling they got s*** on easy mode

  • Jun 10, 2021

    F*** y’all doing talking about other men

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply

    na this post wasnt it, gesu just doin the "let's demonize the thing in question so that i dont have to discuss it as much" when the reasonable thing to do when u dont wanna discuss smthn is to ignore the thred

    but that’s the problem with this quote, it’s been used by right wing people to demonise anyone doing what they want or being “free.”, you’re not even doing much discussing yourself my guy.

    if you’re not white then you know that quotes like these don’t mean s***. born in a civil war went to the uk as a refugee face racism & other things…

    there are no real “good times” for majority of society. it’s ridiculous to think that there is.

    like i said, this quote is used by those who fantasise “good times” like the 1950s where black people were being lynched.

    the turning point meme is that in the 50s strong men created good times and now we’re in the supposed good times but boomers literally f***ed everything up for millennials AND gen z

    we will have to work 50x as hard and smarter than them to accumulate the wealth they have now. if you think that’s “good times” then you’re delusional.

  • Jun 10, 2021

    Comfort and growth cant coexist and people now want comfort more than anything else

  • Jun 10, 2021
    1 reply
    Twist Your Cap

    if you're weak
