  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Jun 11, 2021

    Most of the niggas who post about struggling making you a man be the same ones stepping over homeless people in the street lol

    Exactly, they literally ARE the struggle... LOL

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Jun 11, 2021
    Twist Your Cap

    I can only speak for my experience, I grew up in a wild situation and it made me question and say f*** it in regards to running with the norm. I don't take s***, so in turn it did make me strong.

    Depends on how you personally operate

    Should it be glorified? No because it sucks, but it does help create some amazing things

    IMy upbringing was hell, my upbringing humbled me, but my mental health is a wreck because of the things i went through as a child and a teenager. Yeah its made me a lot more empathetic but ive always been naturally soft hearted without the trauma. I know how to move and adapt in circumstances others would KTS if they were going through it, but its all at the cost im suffering greatly mentally.

    I definitely can see where youre coming from. I dont wanna say that struggle doesnt create warriors, survivors, because it does. I just wish that people didn't think struggle is the only thing that makes people strong and without it people are weak.

  • Jun 11, 2021

    Not even trying to sound like a d*** but the whole "struggle makes you a man" thing is bullshit.

    Most of yall who have been around since ktt 1 know a lot of the s*** ive been fighting and going through for years. Hell even in the last year. None of my trials and tribulations have been character building for me. I go through hell every day because of the circumstances life has thrown at me. Making it through things hasn't made me "strong" im tormented by the trauma of a lot of things.

    Saying s*** like "hard times creates strong men" is honestly a cop out for how unfair life is for some people. Especially when majority of the people who use quotes like this have been silver spoon and privleged since birth and dont have the right.

    mby this’ll just sound fake motivational cus i dunno any of the details of ur life (however i mean it sincerely despite its potential to sound vapid), but there absolutely is strength in persisting thru difficult s***, even if it affects you in a traumatic way. that’s one of the tropes typically ascribed to ppl who do go thru genuinely trying things, like war, poverty, death of a loved one, or other forms of srs emotional/bodily distress. it leaves a mark and it’s not all peachy after whatever stimulus event/situation has ended. it obviously ain’t desirable, and you had the option to not deal with whatever things affect you, yet you did. i think that’s strength; it’s not necessarily a quality that makes anyone altogether better than anyone else, but it is no doubt worth commending in my eyes. mby it’d feel weird to be commended over s*** you didn’t like doing — i can see how that’d feel strange or useless. nonetheless, hope u can feel a sense of relief, even if it’s a solemn sense of relief, sometime soon. mby then it’d be easier to look back w a strange kind of appreciation for the efforts u have made

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    I mean i don't see why hard times are unequivocally incapable of making people tougher
    What do you mean by it makes you worse lol
    Like more of a b**** or somn?
    so can good times make people strong?

    psychological issues etc not saying everyone is like that.

    I think good times make for stronger people, if you look at the countries where the standard of living is higher you see people are happier. Educated & happy people know how to live their lives. They understand compassion and empathy for others. i’m not saying this is for everyone either

  • Jun 11, 2021

    Not even trying to sound like a d*** but the whole "struggle makes you a man" thing is bullshit.

    Most of yall who have been around since ktt 1 know a lot of the s*** ive been fighting and going through for years. Hell even in the last year. None of my trials and tribulations have been character building for me. I go through hell every day because of the circumstances life has thrown at me. Making it through things hasn't made me "strong" im tormented by the trauma of a lot of things.

    Saying s*** like "hard times creates strong men" is honestly a cop out for how unfair life is for some people. Especially when majority of the people who use quotes like this have been silver spoon and privleged since birth and dont have the right.

    Thank you

    There were too many people on ktt struggling someone eventually losing their lives too

  • Jun 11, 2021

    psychological issues etc not saying everyone is like that.

    I think good times make for stronger people, if you look at the countries where the standard of living is higher you see people are happier. Educated & happy people know how to live their lives. They understand compassion and empathy for others. i’m not saying this is for everyone either

    aight i got you

  • Jun 11, 2021
    1 reply

    I mean i don't see why hard times are unequivocally incapable of making people tougher
    What do you mean by it makes you worse lol
    Like more of a b**** or somn?
    so can good times make people strong?

    na i think his pov is just the pretty realistic one, which is that genuinely complex and acutely serious problems affecting the general population will, for the most part, hurt those people. and i agree w/ that. i just also think that the idea has some truth in it re: struggle n strength -- cus some ppl will be incentivized (by their own intolerance of whatev the situation is) to figure out how to surmount it the best they can, even if that process itself is also grueling. n i think that stress is typically one of those stimuli that'll cause someone to choose whether or not they accept the conditions or try to do smthn bout em

  • Jun 11, 2021

    na i think his pov is just the pretty realistic one, which is that genuinely complex and acutely serious problems affecting the general population will, for the most part, hurt those people. and i agree w/ that. i just also think that the idea has some truth in it re: struggle n strength -- cus some ppl will be incentivized (by their own intolerance of whatev the situation is) to figure out how to surmount it the best they can, even if that process itself is also grueling. n i think that stress is typically one of those stimuli that'll cause someone to choose whether or not they accept the conditions or try to do smthn bout em

    oops geo alrdy replied lmfao sorry for speakin about/for u instead of to u ITT

  • Jun 11, 2021

    I feel like the people who still say this are racist 4chan losers

    Quote is likely true though when historical events are taken into account

  • Jun 11, 2021

    You're privileged as hell if you think these are easy days we're living in. I grew up in the 90s when s*** was so boring we had to make up problems like Y2k and the president getting his d*** sucked. Life is trash now compared to then.

    We're a couple decades away from complete environmental collapse, the economy is in shambles, so many people live in fear and resentment of others for real and imagined reasons fed to them in their online bubble, our political system is completely broken. It's a mess. And we have to overcome. Will we become stronger or more hateful if we make it through? That depends on the person.

  • May 26, 2024
    2 replies

    yes they do

  • May 26, 2024
    1 reply

    A strong person is literally anyone who is physically and mentally healthy and has some semblance of intelligence

  • May 26, 2024
    1 reply

    It’s a cope

    There’s no b****es to f*** in hard times so the guys who say this prolly don’t get p**** anyway

  • May 26, 2024
    1 reply
    BIG early

    yes they do

    What is wrong with u

  • May 26, 2024

    It’s a cope

    There’s no b****es to f*** in hard times so the guys who say this prolly don’t get p**** anyway

    On gawd

  • May 26, 2024
    1 reply

    What is wrong with u

    it’s a lot to unpack

    do you have 26 years to spare

  • May 26, 2024
    BIG early

    it’s a lot to unpack

    do you have 26 years to spare

    I thought u were 14

  • May 26, 2024

    Nah u just a crybaby

    cooked that dumbass

  • Kengi 💭
    May 26, 2024
    1 reply

    its a dumb quote that glorifies war

  • May 26, 2024
    1 reply

    its a dumb quote that glorifies war

    what if good war is good

  • Kengi 💭
    May 26, 2024
    1 reply

    late stage boomers after they retire with 52 and live in their fully paid off house they bought for 200k in the 80s after teenagers tell them climate change and racism is real

  • Kengi 💭
    May 26, 2024

    what if good war is good

  • May 26, 2024

    late stage boomers after they retire with 52 and live in their fully paid off house they bought for 200k in the 80s after teenagers tell them climate change and racism is real

    There's a town in Idaho with residents receiving the largest amount of CA state pension money outside of California cuz of all the boomers that left Cali, yet they don't see the irony in the fact that their pension check is more than active duty cops/ems/firefighters make in that Idaho town

  • May 26, 2024
    1 reply

    Nah u just a crybaby

    Good riddance. This lame is gone lol

  • May 26, 2024
    · edited

    Good riddance. This lame is gone lol

    bro said