The third episode about Drake and his dad is the saddest s***. That's a father who was hip to the bullshit early and everybody turned on him and made him look like the bad guy. Just for him to have been right the whole time.
He was tryna protect his son and they didn't let him
I just wanna give a hug to Drake Bell 🫂
Drake & Josh was cool asf growing up I can’t believe he was going through that while doing it man it must’ve been hell
The first Drake I was stanning
Grew my hair out like him and made moms buy me an electric guitar
I’m only two episodes in and this s*** is disturbing af
Like I’ve seen documentaries on topics like this but damn these pedos need to be burned at the stake smh
child stars shouldn't exist tbh if I'm keeping it a stack.
One of the things that are shocking me so far (we been talking about "pedos" at nick for years) was hearing the kids on all that talking about how vastly overworked they were. And seeing how shows like Dare were legit traumatizing to them.
I dont know how that kind of s*** can even be avoidable tbh. Even by today's more "woke" standards.
Gotta stop seeing human beings as mere cogs to be exploited to the point you disregard they humanity (That "charcoal" comment had me wanting to hop through the screen and beat whoever said that to that black boy to death bro.)
child stars shouldn't exist tbh if I'm keeping it a stack.
One of the things that are shocking me so far (we been talking about "pedos" at nick for years) was hearing the kids on all that talking about how vastly overworked they were. And seeing how shows like Dare were legit traumatizing to them.
I dont know how that kind of s*** can even be avoidable tbh. Even by today's more "woke" standards.
Gotta stop seeing human beings as mere cogs to be exploited to the point you disregard they humanity (That "charcoal" comment had me wanting to hop through the screen and beat whoever said that to that black boy to death bro.)
Tbh I was weighing back and forth about it while watching because I had a lot of good memories with these shows and a lot of shows/movies have children actors but it’s like what’s the solution? Even the people in the doc couldn’t come up with anything to make it better
Beyond the real horrible stuff their lives are still being ruined by being put in the spotlight so young
I feel like kids with acting aspirations should stick to their school plays until they hit college but then what do they do with all the stories that require kids in them to be told? It’s tough
i agree w that 100%. dude is a piece of s*** and deserves all of the backlash he’s getting for sure
not gonna lie tho, watching the doc did make me feel like he’s being scapegoated by the internet. a lot of people who enabled or aided in the harm of these kids are not getting nearly as much attention, mostly because their names aren’t known like his
like all of those sick jokes in his shows were approved by Nickelodeon and its representatives at the end of the day. Brian Peck was only given 16 months in prison for raping a kid and the other pedophile on The Amanda Show only got 3 years for molesting a 9yo and having a s*** ton of child p***; there were Disney and Nick execs who still continued to hire these men w that s*** on their records. so many foul people involved in the abuse of these children
like i said before, Schneider ain’t s*** and is rightfully catching smoke. but this s*** goes beyond him, it’s basically systemic
burn that whole f***ing industry
He's a creepo, maybe a pedo, but not legally by any standards compared to the other two arrested. He just was a s*** person who had a soft spot for kids for some weird reason.
Watched all 4 episodes tonight. S*** had me feeling angry ngl.
I have lots of memories of watching all of these shows, including the Pickle Guy. It's crazy how much went over our heads as kids.
The John Wayne Gacy reveal was f***ing WILD. As was the reveal of the celebrities who defended Brian Peck.
It's absolutely pathetic and disgusting that no one in charge of Nickelodeon at the time could even reach out to Drake Bell (who continued to work for them for several years ). Hollywood really is made of scumbags man.
There's a big difference between adult jokes in animation vs being used in actual children shows with actual kids. It's f***ing crazy
What’s wild about the James Marsden stuff is that he met that Brian Peck pedo when he was underage then went on to work with Brian Singer (another pedo) on X-Men and someone else from the crew on X-Men wrote a letter in support of Peck
Doesn’t excuse anything but I feel like Marsden probably got touched too
Tbh I was weighing back and forth about it while watching because I had a lot of good memories with these shows and a lot of shows/movies have children actors but it’s like what’s the solution? Even the people in the doc couldn’t come up with anything to make it better
Beyond the real horrible stuff their lives are still being ruined by being put in the spotlight so young
I feel like kids with acting aspirations should stick to their school plays until they hit college but then what do they do with all the stories that require kids in them to be told? It’s tough
I’m spitballing here and truly I don’t know if this is feasible/already a thing, but can’t they have reps on set who’s directive is to ensure a safe workplace for child actors and are independent of the studio? Sort of like the people who are on set when animals are involved in a scene?
I’m spitballing here and truly I don’t know if this is feasible/already a thing, but can’t they have reps on set who’s directive is to ensure a safe workplace for child actors and are independent of the studio? Sort of like the people who are on set when animals are involved in a scene?
That’s a good idea and I’m not sure if it is a thing or not but I feel like when you have a show runner or director with too much power there still might be some things that slip through
For example, it’s already required that parents are on set the whole time their kids are but then you have people on set pitting the kids against their parents and the kid actors agents telling the parents that they’re ruining their kid’s career unless they shut up which in the doc we saw how it put a strain on the relationship of a mom who did speak up and her son
I just finished watching the doc
And man these corporations an’t s***, these celebrities that support pedos an’t s***, these scum ass directors an’t s*** and these parents that let this happen to these kids an’t s***
That’s a good idea and I’m not sure if it is a thing or not but I feel like when you have a show runner or director with too much power there still might be some things that slip through
For example, it’s already required that parents are on set the whole time their kids are but then you have people on set pitting the kids against their parents and the kid actors agents telling the parents that they’re ruining their kid’s career unless they shut up which in the doc we saw how it put a strain on the relationship of a mom who did speak up and her son
For sure. That's why I'm thinking the rep could be a third party that has some power of their own so that they can't be influenced by the showrunner or director. Like if they catch wind of something or if a parent expresses concerns, the rep has the power to put a pause on the production to investigate.
You gotta realise there are some idiosyncratic reasons people choose the career path they do, namely casting directors teachers etc, one of them is access
man seeing drake's dad break down just made my heart break bro
I STILL think Dan did something with Amanda btw, you can definitely tell brodie just didn't value women/girls as humans a much as he did boys/men the fact he showed what I'd say is the BARE MINIMUM of care that you should for one of your child actors that was a victim is proof of that.
That’s a good idea and I’m not sure if it is a thing or not but I feel like when you have a show runner or director with too much power there still might be some things that slip through
For example, it’s already required that parents are on set the whole time their kids are but then you have people on set pitting the kids against their parents and the kid actors agents telling the parents that they’re ruining their kid’s career unless they shut up which in the doc we saw how it put a strain on the relationship of a mom who did speak up and her son
That’s the thing, idk if anything you can change is possible without rapidly changing how we view s*** like tv production.
Like think about the fact that we JUST started talking about mental health and daily checkins with humans in the workplace like…a couple years ago. I’m (if I am thinking like a capitalist) looking at all of those as time and money consumers. Time and money that could’ve been spent finishing a scene for example.
I feel (once again, from they pov. NOT mine) they thought or think that things like empathy and care for the common man will lose them money. Hell I seen online discussions about nick’s “declining quality” and some ppl saying comments like “Bring back shows like Dare.” Which we now understand traumatized a LOT of those kids.
I just don’t know how many attempts you try to “fix” an industry that dont even protect the adults within it before we come to the conclusion that, child stars just shouldn’t exist.
Like a MIND like Drake Bell in its essence?
If Nickelodeon never happens, with his looks (cause thats what pop stardom relies on) and his innate love for the stage (you can tell even in his interview how much love he has for performance) he would have blown up or found a non-Brian Peck filled pathway to the stage that doesn’t f*** up his psyche permanently y’know?
The end of episode 3 really did a great job at just demonstrating how f***ed up this industry is on kids.
Yeaaa. And yall itt telling me dan aint do nothing sexual with any of them young girls
man seeing drake's dad break down just made my heart break bro
I STILL think Dan did something with Amanda btw, you can definitely tell brodie just didn't value women/girls as humans a much as he did boys/men the fact he showed what I'd say is the BARE MINIMUM of care that you should for one of your child actors that was a victim is proof of that.
no disrespect to you bc i feel like you mean well, but your second paragraph is why i wish they would have just left Amanda out of the doc, except for the tv show clips and Penelope Taint discourse. it’s pointless to speculate about what her experience was when she’s been deliberately keeping quiet about it
as a CSA survivor, i know how much it sucks to have your trauma put out there to other people before you’re ready to reveal it and i can’t imagine experiencing that on a global scale. that’s even IF Amanda was assaulted in the first place
she hasn’t said anything about her experience w Nickelodeon or Dan yet people are using her current mental state as undeniable PROOF that she was raped or molested, which is so f***ed up and kind of ableist to me
it seems like a lot of people believe that having a schizoaffective disorder and being a CSA survivor are supposed to go hand-in-hand and that notion is so offensive to people who have dealt w either of those things. or people lowkey WANT this girl to have been molested so they can feel vindicated about being right and hating Schneider, which is odd because there are already plenty of legit reasons to want to push that mf off of a cliff
between this and the dumbasses who are currently online harassing former Nickelodeon actors for not speaking out, it makes me wonder if this doc really taught the general public anything when it comes to respecting these child stars
no disrespect to you bc i feel like you mean well, but your second paragraph is why i wish they would have just left Amanda out of the doc, except for the tv show clips and Penelope Taint discourse. it’s pointless to speculate about what her experience was when she’s been deliberately keeping quiet about it
as a CSA survivor, i know how much it sucks to have your trauma put out there to other people before you’re ready to reveal it and i can’t imagine experiencing that on a global scale. that’s even IF Amanda was assaulted in the first place
she hasn’t said anything about her experience w Nickelodeon or Dan yet people are using her current mental state as undeniable PROOF that she was raped or molested, which is so f***ed up and kind of ableist to me
it seems like a lot of people believe that having a schizoaffective disorder and being a CSA survivor are supposed to go hand-in-hand and that notion is so offensive to people who have dealt w either of those things. or people lowkey WANT this girl to have been molested so they can feel vindicated about being right and hating Schneider, which is odd because there are already plenty of legit reasons to want to push that mf off of a cliff
between this and the dumbasses who are currently online harassing former Nickelodeon actors for not speaking out, it makes me wonder if this doc really taught the general public anything when it comes to respecting these child stars
Ayo hol up son what?
Your last paragraph kinda leaving a sour note when I feel like…idk a lot of people are rightfully saying child stars (of any medium) shouldn’t exist in the 1st place.
Like, the entertainment industry and what it involves contradicts with child psychology (had a few courses in college) and imo, shouldn’t have ever existed in the 1st place. But we born and programmed into thinking it's fine (I’m with @captainmurphy that it aint just Nickelodeon. I been giving Disney the side eye for a minute lol.)
Second, with all due respect and i mean with ALL due respect to your situation do NOT project your fears of people “hoping that amanda was molested” on ME or most of us of all people.
People harassing old Nickelodeon stars are dumb and those people need to be lobotomized but finding things said about Amanda and Dan’s relationship off putting is a normal reaction (and a reason why it was put on was to show the way the adults that ran Nickelodeon didn’t really treat these kids like…kids. Even if we wanna say Dan didnt do anything are YOU as a potential parent cool with dan in a hot tub with your 15-16 year old daughter?)
Rhetorical question. At best dan guilty for being way too close to a CHILD then what shoulda be allowable. I dont think that is some goddamn hot take or a “sick fantasy” that people are putting on Amanda dawg. Cool it.
Like the fact the doc aint even talk about the other female kid actresses that was forced to kiss older actors is also a huge red flag about dan. Come on bro.