Disrespected album with some of his most personal content. S***s on C4 in terms of rapping. I was there and don't care about big of a "moment" C4 was, nor will the next generation that goes back to discover these albums without knowing about their context. C5 is solid.
exactly if C4 wasnt as popular as it was no one would be sayin C4 > C5 at all.
Yeah, but I wouldn't consider that "a moment".
C3 definitely, but C4...nah.
C4 was definitely a moment
his first album after coming home
came off the hype of 6’7’, John, How To Love, and She Will
Wayne had a crazy feature run around that time too, with Motivation, I’m Into You, Fire Flame, and so many more crazy verses out (i think The Motto & The Real Her had leaked by then, too), plus Drake & Nicki were gaining a lot of hype, which also brought Wayne hype
& after it dropped, EVERYBODY had Blunt Blowin lyrics on their Facebook, there was hype over It’s Good bc of the Jay Z diss, and Mirror was a huge single
C4 was definitely a moment
his first album after coming home
came off the hype of 6’7’, John, How To Love, and She Will
Wayne had a crazy feature run around that time too, with Motivation, I’m Into You, Fire Flame, and so many more crazy verses out (i think The Motto & The Real Her had leaked by then, too), plus Drake & Nicki were gaining a lot of hype, which also brought Wayne hype
& after it dropped, EVERYBODY had Blunt Blowin lyrics on their Facebook, there was hype over It’s Good bc of the Jay Z diss, and Mirror was a huge single
he wasn't on I Luh Yuh Papi lmao.
But yeah, C4 era was a classic and definitely nostalgic
he wasn't on I Luh Yuh Papi lmao.
But yeah, C4 era was a classic and definitely nostalgic
I’m Into You*
same album lol
Props for the commitment to releasing after the whole Cash Money holdup
Nothing in the Carter series beats that one line on C4 tho, "I get money to kill time, dead clocks"
Props for the commitment to releasing after the whole Cash Money holdup
Nothing in the Carter series beats that one line on C4 tho, "I get money to kill time, dead clocks"
Lmao such a bad line with such a fire delivery.
And let’s not forget how jadakiss on the same album said, shoot me in the watch I got time to kill
C5 sounds like Wayne forgot how to rap and had to learn again from a Slaughterhouse album
What the f*** is this take
Lmao such a bad line with such a fire delivery.
And let’s not forget how jadakiss on the same album said, shoot me in the watch I got time to kill
I remember folks defining that line as the moment he fell off but boy did he prove them wrong with a vengeance since.
And Jadakiss murders every vocal note he produces shame he was taken off Bath Salts. We got done dirty with that butchering
Props for the commitment to releasing after the whole Cash Money holdup
Nothing in the Carter series beats that one line on C4 tho, "I get money to kill time, dead clocks"
"Blind eyes could look at me and see the truth, wonder if Stevie do" is the greatest bar of all time
"Blind eyes could look at me and see the truth, wonder if Stevie do" is the greatest bar of all time
Only artist to keep the edginess consistent with every bar in his career
C5 IMO is at the very bottom of his discography along with No Ceilings 2
disgusting take
Might be my favourite in the Carter series. It has a little bit of everything and some of Wayne's best performances and personal tracks. OG C5 is also seriously elite.
Carter 3 has too many filler tracks tbh, compared to C2 for example
Whats filler on c3