Songs like Rap God have very little replay value but it's not because it's bad. But it's gimmicky and gets tired easily.
Forcing yourself to like something is not possible
that’s super possible especially on first listens due to hype or over praise, lotta ppl gonna be easily impressed just to feel validated even if they didn’t really pay attention to what they listened
I love Tyler and the intro but album sounds like it was written by a edgy 13 year old girl who’s crush don’t like her
In contrast, each Drake album is an example of mediocre/bad projects with replay value.
How tf can an album be bad and mediocre if it has insane replay value lmao huh
Y’all say anything on here
How tf can an album be bad and mediocre if it has insane replay value lmao huh
Y’all say anything on here
How tf can an album be bad and mediocre if it has insane replay value lmao huh
Y’all say anything on here
Cus its not boring lol
Replay value is real though
I may listen to an album, like it or like it a lot, but may not be compelled to listen to it all that often
As opposed to some acts, who make music that are more easily digestible for daily consumption
Y'all mean to tell me an album like 3.15.20 doesn't have replay value? It's gotta be crack or d*** y'all smoking.
Every1 who likes the weeknd forces themselves 2 listen 2 hyped music. They shouldn't speak on music @ all
How can an album be soooo amazing if ppl don’t ever wanna listen to it?
Hot take: conditioning by labels and mass media alike has made us as a society like music far more than we actually do ducks
It depends on the person. Blonde is one of my favorite albums but I haven’t listened to it in like 8 months. Does that mean I’m pretending to like it?
Kind of a dumb point tbh
Damn I was just thinking about this last night lol. Guess I’m not crazy
Frank’s discog is definitely something I can’t casually throw in the car because I have to be in the mood to properly digest it.
But we all know his discog is absolutely incredible and each listen will be great
Replay value is real though
I may listen to an album, like it or like it a lot, but may not be compelled to listen to it all that often
As opposed to some acts, who make music that are more easily digestible for daily consumption
To expand on this, I think replay value is a for sure thing
But I question how good the record is if it has poor replay value
What is the point of song if we hardly ever wanna go back to it? Why do we think certain albums are classic despite us never wanting to go back to listen to it??
How can an album be soooo amazing if ppl don’t ever wanna listen to it?
Hot take: conditioning by labels and mass media alike has made us as a society like music far more than we actually do ducks
Didn’t it re-enter the charts this year lol?
Either way this is such a bad way to judge music.