Beat the final boss first try
Game was easy outside of that one boss that I died 100+ time
Done with Claire’s story. I do not plan to play Leon’s story at this time because I have such a huge backlog and it will be more refreshing to come back to it someday.
Game Lowkey a 9/10, abosolutely loved it
Glad to hear you liked it
Glad to hear you liked it
Ended up playing Journey and now Killzone: Shadowfall after RE2 and now I miss RE2, its a way better game than both!
Ended up playing Journey and now Killzone: Shadowfall after RE2 and now I miss RE2, its a way better game than both!
Hit that Leon 2nd run
@Bad_Finger_Boogie goddamn
@Bad_Finger_Boogie goddamn
yeah saw em earlier some of those look hot as f***kk tbh
Ended up playing Journey and now Killzone: Shadowfall after RE2 and now I miss RE2, its a way better game than both!
Eww skip shadowfall
Brush, is that the Grave Digger? That thing looks freaky.
I thought so at first but it has legs. Think it’s a remodel of the frog hunter but who knows