Gonna get back on today,I gotta defeat that giant troll before heading to the church but,combat wise,this one of the best games ive played in a minute. Everything just blends and works so well
The castle is OD annoying frustrating the tf outta me
I'm playing the original and I had to stop here last night after the part where the catapults are launching balls of fire. Died like 5 times and it was mainly Ashley's fault
I'm playing the original and I had to stop here last night after the part where the catapults are launching balls of fire. Died like 5 times and it was mainly Ashley's fault
Trust me the remake is just as f***ing frustrating at that part
F*** a job I’m tryna unlock the infinite rocket launcher and infinite durability knife :(
remake on ultra vs village on like mid high settings with low texture settings it aint even close lol. this weird blur they put on leon hair and face to hide the low polycount is weird. cant wait to replay village
best game in the series highkey
Just beat chapter 12 and am happy as s*** this s*** a 10
We’re at the same place this s*** a mf classic
Hardcore is whooping my ass so bad but i got too far to reset the difficulty.
that and re4 tbh
I liked village but it’s very goofy especially for a RE title. Definitely in the top 5 tho it’s a fun one
Hardcore is whooping my ass so bad but i got too far to reset the difficulty.
Same bro the castle part spiked in difficulty ima get through this tho
Hardcore is whooping my ass so bad but i got too far to reset the difficulty.
For me it got easier as I went on because of the upgrades, but only if you hunt for all the treasures otherwise you’ll be broke
I liked village but it’s very goofy especially for a RE title. Definitely in the top 5 tho it’s a fun one
acting like the whole series isn’t goofy
Same bro the castle part spiked in difficulty ima get through this tho
Damn i just got there
Gonna need a PC for that bud, the only way you should be gaming in 2023
True everyone is going to pc now but too bad I already own ps5 & xbox. That’s already overkill at this point
Great memories with 2 congrats bro let me know how you feel about 3 when you get to it
decided to play 4 because it looked more interesting to me
currently chapter 3
when the dude u kill on the toilet in the village chief house comes back as a zombie thing that s\*\*\* scared the hell out of me