big fan of the new (end castle spoiler) salazar boss fight so much more interesting and engaging than the original
he f***ed me up last night, can’t wait to finish him off tonight
plays 20 hour action/survival horror masterpiece
“where’s the titty joke?”
Like there will surely be mods for him . They got all those h**** anime games he will be okay . While I do get having select lines give to the b movie feel some s*** especially now would feel out of character . Leon not flirting with her isn’t a game breaker
Like there will surely be mods for him . They got all those h**** anime games he will be okay . While I do get having select lines give to the b movie feel some s*** especially now would feel out of character . Leon not flirting with her isn’t a game breaker
Pretty sure he still flirts with her anyways lmao it’s just more natural and not cringe af
he f***ed me up last night, can’t wait to finish him off tonight
you got this
Pretty sure he still flirts with her anyways lmao it’s just more natural and not cringe af
Oh damn this Nigga h**** h**** to miss cringe flirting in a video game
You have to max the gun first before you can do the exclusive upgrade
Gotchu thnx broski
Soon as RE2 remake first dropped I knew this was gonna be the s***. Never played the original
Nigga you this h**** ?
It’s not a big deal but you gotta stand for something bro. It starts with removing swimsuit costumes, then relationship dialogue is altered so that it’s platonic in the west, now they removing harmless jokes, what’s next?
I don’t fw censorship and cutting content to be PC. Just sets a bad precedent. Let’s see what they do with the San Andreas remake
big fan of the new (end castle spoiler) salazar boss fight so much more interesting and engaging than the original
Never played the og but it’s one of my fav boss fights period, up there with Miranda in re8
It’s not a big deal but you gotta stand for something bro. It starts with removing swimsuit costumes, then relationship dialogue is altered so that it’s platonic in the west, now they removing harmless jokes, what’s next?
I don’t fw censorship and cutting content to be PC. Just sets a bad precedent. Let’s see what they do with the San Andreas remake
oh you deadass
I got to respect that level of h****.
they started with swimsuits then relationship dialogue altered next they covered her face
Never played the og but it’s one of my fav boss fights period, up there with Miranda in re8
how old are you??? so many mfs playing this s*** for the first time lmao
i was late as hell and only just now played the OG like 4 years ago, so glad i did tho. never would’ve thought it’d be getting remade so soon, it still plays surprisingly well.
how old are you??? so many mfs playing this s*** for the first time lmao
i was late as hell and only just now played the OG like 4 years ago, so glad i did tho. never would’ve thought it’d be getting remade so soon, it still plays surprisingly well.
27, I just got into resident evil back in 2021. After I played re2 and re3 remakes I heard rumors that re4 was next so I just waited.
It’s not a big deal but you gotta stand for something bro. It starts with removing swimsuit costumes, then relationship dialogue is altered so that it’s platonic in the west, now they removing harmless jokes, what’s next?
I don’t fw censorship and cutting content to be PC. Just sets a bad precedent. Let’s see what they do with the San Andreas remake
feel like the tonal difference between this and GTA is what will allow the San Andreas remake to retain a lot of the crude and controversial humor that the series is known for despite the cutbacks on the hornier content from RE4.
RE4 didn’t need to be h**** at all, that was just some weird s*** that Capcom inserted so dude bros could laugh about it and neck beards could obsess over it.
GTA thrives on the edgy humor though, and everyone knows that. It’s part of the brand at this point
27, I just got into resident evil back in 2021. After I played re2 and re3 remakes I heard rumors that re4 was next so I just waited.
oh ok that makes sense, do you normally enjoy horror games? RE was one of the first games i played as a kid, so i’m always surprised when gamer mfs haven’t played RE4 at least
oh ok that makes sense, do you normally enjoy horror games? RE was one of the first games i played as a kid, so i’m always surprised when gamer mfs haven’t played RE4 at least
Yeah I was a p**** lol and never had an appreciation for horror, so I stayed away from games like resident evil and dead space. Now I’m obsessed.
Nigga said you gotta stand for something 😂😂😂😂
over here
"First they came for the swimsuits"
Nigga said you gotta stand for something 😂😂😂😂
That line almost made me play the original ngl
Sold the combat knife by mistake , tell me am I screwed or not 😭. And I managed my saved files poorly .
Sold the combat knife by mistake , tell me am I screwed or not 😭. And I managed my saved files poorly .
You’re f***ed
Sold the combat knife by mistake , tell me am I screwed or not 😭. And I managed my saved files poorly .
LMFAO bro turned the difficulty UP UP