Verdugo is one spongey motherfucker on hardcore
Finally bought the rocket launcher and one shotted his ass just to have the satisfaction of killing him then reloaded and ran to the elevator
Verdugo is one spongey motherfucker on hardcore
Finally bought the rocket launcher and one shotted his ass just to have the satisfaction of killing him then reloaded and ran to the elevator
I didn’t even kill Verdugo I would just dodge, freeze & drop kick everytime until the elevator arrived. Can you actually kill him? I also didn’t kill the first Garrador. I will on my next play through though
you’re insane
By endgame I had infinite typewriter and infinite handcannon and had enough bread to buy a rocket launcher to one shot saddler. Having the handcannon made this 10x easier
By endgame I had infinite typewriter and infinite handcannon and had enough bread to buy a rocket launcher to one shot saddler. Having the handcannon made this 10x easier
Ah s*** guess I gotta do mercenaries then
Gf finally beat Hogwarts so I can finally sink my teeth into this so good. Been so long I barely remember anything.
I don’t know what it is with good RE games, but something about them make them hard to get burnt out on compared to other games.
Had no idea how to damage Krauser after he mutated, only figured out when I was close to death that you have to shoot his feet. Died, tried again and I realized they hint towards it in the cutscene before the fight when Leon stabs Krauser's ankle when he's close to falling off the tower
Just brilliant
I don’t know what it is with good RE games, but something about them make them hard to get burnt out on compared to other games.
Because they switch things up. Buddy who was in here just after release saying "You just shoot enemies and go to the next area" was tripping. There's puzzles, exploration, boss fights that you need to use your brain in and the pacing/switches in tension are just so well done
I can't speak for repeated playthroughs, but I'm over 15 hours into my first playthrough of the OG RE4 and it hasn't felt repetitive at all
There are definitely aspects of this game that are better in the original. No game is perfect of course and I am still very happy with what we got.
I am mostly annoyed by the narrative and stylistic changes.
For example, Saddler in the OG version doesn't give a f*** about his cult. He just hates the USA (FUCK EM) and wants to earn money. He taunts Leon and doesn't even need to kill him for his plan to succeed. He is actually pretty relaxed and calls you just to f*** with you. he is wayyyy more generic in the remake.
The calls between you and Salazar have also been removed. Salazar was a little annoying mini Napoleon in the OG, they could have kept him that way. At least they expanded his boss fight. I miss some of the goofy stuff like the statue chase. The game takes itself too seriously at times and misses the quirkiness of the original.
Krauser has more significance in the remake which is cool. Luis as well.
Some of the lines they removed could have stayed in, like the kumbaya line in the beginning. I guess they thought black folks would have been offended by that lmao
Ada takes a step down. There are less interactions and the voice actress Lily Guo is horrible at times, genuinely sucks ass in some scenes (but not in all). Also don't know why they changed her dress. Overall, way less of a dangerous femme fatale vibe in this game. I know American audiences are super sensitive about this s*** nowadays but they nerfed her sexy vibes a lot, and that was the whole appeal of her interactions with Leon. You were never sure if she would kill you or if she loved you as a man. The remake tones this down heavily.
They could have kept the white Ashley outfit from the OG.
The shooting gallery is a bit off.
Could have added the "It" bossfight with the cages. Not sure why they cut that out.
Hoping they add Ada, Wesker to Mercenaries and add the waterworld stage.
Hoping fot Assignment Ada and Separate Ways.
I don’t know what it is with good RE games, but something about them make them hard to get burnt out on compared to other games.
not me lmfao i be getting burnt the f*** out on anything
There are definitely aspects of this game that are better in the original. No game is perfect of course and I am still very happy with what we got.
I am mostly annoyed by the narrative and stylistic changes.
For example, Saddler in the OG version doesn't give a f*** about his cult. He just hates the USA (FUCK EM) and wants to earn money. He taunts Leon and doesn't even need to kill him for his plan to succeed. He is actually pretty relaxed and calls you just to f*** with you. he is wayyyy more generic in the remake.
The calls between you and Salazar have also been removed. Salazar was a little annoying mini Napoleon in the OG, they could have kept him that way. At least they expanded his boss fight. I miss some of the goofy stuff like the statue chase. The game takes itself too seriously at times and misses the quirkiness of the original.
Krauser has more significance in the remake which is cool. Luis as well.
Some of the lines they removed could have stayed in, like the kumbaya line in the beginning. I guess they thought black folks would have been offended by that lmao
Ada takes a step down. There are less interactions and the voice actress Lily Guo is horrible at times, genuinely sucks ass in some scenes (but not in all). Also don't know why they changed her dress. Overall, way less of a dangerous femme fatale vibe in this game. I know American audiences are super sensitive about this s*** nowadays but they nerfed her sexy vibes a lot, and that was the whole appeal of her interactions with Leon. You were never sure if she would kill you or if she loved you as a man. The remake tones this down heavily.
They could have kept the white Ashley outfit from the OG.
The shooting gallery is a bit off.
Could have added the "It" bossfight with the cages. Not sure why they cut that out.
Hoping they add Ada, Wesker to Mercenaries and add the waterworld stage.
Hoping fot Assignment Ada and Separate Ways.
Yeah I miss the calls with Salazar. He was such a doofus.
I didn’t even kill Verdugo I would just dodge, freeze & drop kick everytime until the elevator arrived. Can you actually kill him? I also didn’t kill the first Garrador. I will on my next play through though
Yeah he just takes loads of bullets and not really worth it
Gf finally beat Hogwarts so I can finally sink my teeth into this so good. Been so long I barely remember anything.
Big contender for goty