Legit might get an aneurysm from this professional s+ run helicopter part on the island is infuriating
I never used it I had the gas mask but I’ve heard it does wonders
Finally joined the pro s+ club next run is minimalist
Finally joined the pro s+ club next run is minimalist
I’m doing a pistol/knives only, no merchant no heal run rn
I’m doing a pistol/knives only, no merchant no heal run rn
no heals!? Idk how to do that. What’s your strat for all that? I’m doing NG+ assisted with cat ears and Matilda
no heals!? Idk how to do that. What’s your strat for all that? I’m doing NG+ assisted with cat ears and Matilda
Doing the same run as you. Your health replenishes on assisted
Doing the same run as you. Your health replenishes on assisted
Oh yeah I’m doing it rn this s*** a cake walk because the Matilda maxed out with cat ears is insane I did not expect this thing to be this cracked. Most op gun in the game
Oh yeah I’m doing it rn this s*** a cake walk because the Matilda maxed out with cat ears is insane I did not expect this thing to be this cracked. Most op gun in the game
So much fun lol it’s literally a joke
Just finished Village
Lowkey tho it had the same issue that biohazard had w/ me the final boss fight just didn’t seem as epic as it should have. And it was awkward cus you couldn’t tell if you were actually shooting the right thing
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new account
already s***posting
blocked loser
You're insufferable, f*** off
You're insufferable, f*** off
0 threads
new account
already s***posting
blocked loser
0 threads
new account
already s***posting
blocked loser
he made another new account to tell you that
he made another new account to tell you that
Nope, this guy is just a detestable user here it needs to be said, i've seen, hes always with these antics and being annoying out of nowhere and posting smiley