Did y’all use bonus weapons for Hardcore/Professional playthroughs to get S+.
Keep debating on whether I want to or not (already have the head cannon).
Feels like it would trivialize it a bit if I did so, but then, I don’t know how doable it actually is otherwise.
I used the bonus weapons and honestly it’s still a f***ing menace. Realistically you don’t get the infinite typewriter until I think chapter 7 at the earliest which means the entire village section is done without bonus weapons. Professional S+ is no f***ing joke s*** is damn near impossible even with bonus weapons
I used the bonus weapons and honestly it’s still a f***ing menace. Realistically you don’t get the infinite typewriter until I think chapter 7 at the earliest which means the entire village section is done without bonus weapons. Professional S+ is no f***ing joke s*** is damn near impossible even with bonus weapons
Is it same with the magnum you can unlock through mercenaries, or does that have infinite ammo from the jump?
Is it same with the magnum you can unlock through mercenaries, or does that have infinite ammo from the jump?
Same with magnum. You gotta either get the exclusive upgrade ticket with spinels or fully max it with money and both generally don’t happen until the castle so you struggle through the village. Even with maxed typewriter I still died a fair bit just cuz you gotta rush s*** to get S+ and minimum saves
Did y’all use bonus weapons for Hardcore/Professional playthroughs to get S+.
Keep debating on whether I want to or not (already have the head cannon).
Feels like it would trivialize it a bit if I did so, but then, I don’t know how doable it actually is otherwise.
So hard to do without them tbh. I used the typewriter and handcannon and by endgame I had them both unlimited
re5 is 8 bucks on the playstation store bouta grab it and have a homie come over
Whenever y’all replay RE games do you find yourselves always speedrunning them as opposed to playing them “normally” like you would on your first playthrough?
Think that’s the biggest drawback to ranking systems. It’s hard to resist not trying to go for the highest one possible.
Whenever y’all replay RE games do you find yourselves always speedrunning them as opposed to playing them “normally” like you would on your first playthrough?
Think that’s the biggest drawback to ranking systems. It’s hard to resist not trying to go for the highest one possible.
Yeah unfortunately lmao. Now I'm burnt out i've achieved everything. Was at the castle on a "fun" victory lap playthrough using cool weapons like the shaker.
Waiting on PSVR2 update so I can do this s*** in VR
Dusk Golem tweeted out earlier saying these rumors were fake & that every rumor about 9 he’s seen so far has been false
He’s the go to guy as far as RE news is concerned sorry bro just wanted you to know to take it with a grain of salt
glad this is practically confirmed fake cuz it sounds cringe as f***
re5 is 8 bucks on the playstation store bouta grab it and have a homie come over
Co op classic
Man, will Jill Valentine ever star in another mainline RE game?
doesn’t even matter, RE3 Jill is GOAT all by herself
glad this is practically confirmed fake cuz it sounds cringe as f***
@Loco6520 Well yeah it's fake I guess... So I guess we'll know what it'll really be this year or next year maybe
@Loco6520 Well yeah it's fake I guess... So I guess we'll know what it'll really be this year or next year maybe
Yeah hopefully soon bro
Yeah hopefully soon bro
Capcom is doing good so far so I hope they will give us another good Resident Evil game soon. I wonder how Resident Evil 9 will be? A mix of Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil 8 maybe? Or something unexpected maybe... I won't mind them taking their time with it so we do get something good
Capcom is doing good so far so I hope they will give us another good Resident Evil game soon. I wonder how Resident Evil 9 will be? A mix of Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil 8 maybe? Or something unexpected maybe... I won't mind them taking their time with it so we do get something good
Capcom really is blessing us with great remakes & new stories. Idk what we’ll get honestly. I figured it’d continue the mythological inspired creatures we’ve seen lately like the lycons. I was digging that but if golem says all the rumors & leaks aren’t true I’m clueless. I have faith it’ll be another classic
All I’m truly hoping for is more remakes bc they’ve been so enjoyable, I’d love a CV remake at some point
1, CV & 5 would be a great Wesker trilogy honestly
The more RE right now the better. We eating
Capcom really is blessing us with great remakes & new stories. Idk what we’ll get honestly. I figured it’d continue the mythological inspired creatures we’ve seen lately like the lycons. I was digging that but if golem says all the rumors & leaks aren’t true I’m clueless. I have faith it’ll be another classic
All I’m truly hoping for is more remakes bc they’ve been so enjoyable, I’d love a CV remake at some point
1, CV & 5 would be a great Wesker trilogy honestly
The more RE right now the better. We eating
For sure Capcom is doing good so far so I agree remake as many Resident Evil games as possible and make Resident Evil 9 as good as possible so the Resident Evil series keeps making us the fans of it excited and happy every time there's a remake or new game out