jill is so overdue, and capcom is way too aware of her popularity now to miss this opportunity
I wonder what a 50-60 year old jill would look like due to the virus slowing her aging. Hope 9 takes place post village and doesn’t have anything to do with the winters family. Bring back survival horror we just had re4 which was incredible but it’s time to get scary again
RE4 remake and Village were so good
Want to play any of the others but don't want them to not be as good lol
RE4 remake and Village were so good
Want to play any of the others but don't want them to not be as good lol
Re2 remake is incredible. Re7 is good but falls off a cliff in the 3rd act. Re1 remake is incredible. Re3 remake is mid but worth it if you can get both re2&3 raccoon city bundle for the low
copped re4 remake on psn sale..tried the demo like a year ago but felt a bit clunky, just a matter of getting used to it I guess?
copped re4 remake on psn sale..tried the demo like a year ago but felt a bit clunky, just a matter of getting used to it I guess?
Yeah just get used to it cuz that s*** smooth like butter
copped re4 remake on psn sale..tried the demo like a year ago but felt a bit clunky, just a matter of getting used to it I guess?
I felt the same too, you’ll get used to it
copped re4 remake on psn sale..tried the demo like a year ago but felt a bit clunky, just a matter of getting used to it I guess?
Felt the same way when I first played RE2make. What made it worse was how zombies wouldn't go down even with multiple headshots Played for like an hour and dropped it
Played the original RE4 on PS4 last year and felt the same way at first. Like why tf can't I walk and aim But you really do get used to it and it adds a lot to the games
Felt the same way when I first played RE2make. What made it worse was how zombies wouldn't go down even with multiple headshots Played for like an hour and dropped it
Played the original RE4 on PS4 last year and felt the same way at first. Like why tf can't I walk and aim But you really do get used to it and it adds a lot to the games
Have you gone back and played RE2 Remake? That game is peak
Have you gone back and played RE2 Remake? That game is peak
Nah, I'm currently playing Nier Automata, then I need to get 2 trophies so I can platinum Bloodborne. But it's on the list Still have RE7 too, copped it years ago but I haven't touched it
Nah, I'm currently playing Nier Automata, then I need to get 2 trophies so I can platinum Bloodborne. But it's on the list Still have RE7 too, copped it years ago but I haven't touched it
I mean you are playing the best of the best with those other three games you mentioned lol so you do you
Would fit nicely behind RE7 so you could compare the best first person and 3rd person REs back to back
RE9 rumored to drop January 2025, so wonder if we’ll get a reveal at the Sony State of Play that’s supposed to be coming this month.
played re2 remake, amazing
playing RE1 remake now and wow
RE1 might be the greatest remake of all time
I only ever played RE5 back in the day when it came out and even tho it’s a controversial entry I really do dig the collectible aspect of the game.. are all the other resident evil games like that?
Pretty sick. No dino crisis ever tho