I promised myself I wouldn’t lower the difficulty but I might have to....
Edit: the issue is when I throw the flash grenade at him he’s already too far over to the right side so he’s not stiffen in the right spot.
Claire limping so she can’t move full speed.....
I think it might be impossible at limp speed
I promised myself I wouldn’t lower the difficulty but I might have to....
Edit: the issue is when I throw the flash grenade at him he’s already too far over to the right side so he’s not stiffen in the right spot.
Claire limping so she can’t move full speed.....
I think it might be impossible at limp speed
Edit: was able to knock it off twice in a row. Finally getting timing down of everything. Now o have to master killing him with low amounts of ammo lol.
Edit: was able to knock it off twice in a row. Finally getting timing down of everything. Now o have to master killing him with low amounts of ammo lol.
My first run of RE2 wasn’t the greatest either, It took me a bit to beat this part
My first run of RE2 wasn’t the greatest either, It took me a bit to beat this part
I’ve died like 60 times now. The game has been easy up until this part.
dont give up
Why is this one part so hard? I died 2 times up until this boss fight where I have died around 65 times.
Doesn’t help that I’m doing the entire boss fight starting on danger health and I have no healing items for health.
Why is this one part so hard? I died 2 times up until this boss fight where I have died around 65 times.
Doesn’t help that I’m doing the entire boss fight starting on danger health and I have no healing items for health.
It’s all about item management
The boss fights are a great example of that
It took me time to learn how to conserve ammo, heal when absolutely needed, and how to keep items for wayy longer
It’s all about item management
The boss fights are a great example of that
It took me time to learn how to conserve ammo, heal when absolutely needed, and how to keep items for wayy longer
Well there’s nothing I can do about that now
Well there’s nothing I can do about that now
you’re so close man get his ass
You didn’t grab the 3 herbs on the way to the fight? If you’re having trouble with this boss you’re in for some s*** coming up lol
You didn’t grab the 3 herbs on the way to the fight? If you’re having trouble with this boss you’re in for some s*** coming up lol
Pretty sure I grabbed all herbs on the way
you’re so close man get his ass
Caved in a dropped down the difficulty and still can’t beat this boss fight. It feels easier but I just can’t beat it smh
You didn’t grab the 3 herbs on the way to the fight? If you’re having trouble with this boss you’re in for some s*** coming up lol
And aren’t I close to the end of the game
This worst part about this is now I have to leave My PS4 on because I’d have to do the chase scene again if I turned it off
This worst part about this is now I have to leave My PS4 on because I’d have to do the chase scene again if I turned it off
On like the 100th attempt
I’ll stop spamming this thread now
On like the 100th attempt
I’ll stop spamming this thread now
You're a soldier, I'm too scared to finish the game. I left off on Leon in the sewer when he goes to look for Ada. F*** that.
This worst part about this is now I have to leave My PS4 on because I’d have to do the chase scene again if I turned it off
Chase scene? You mean when he first ambushes you?
That's the perfect time to get a load of damage in on him lol. That way you only have to use the crane once.
And aren’t I close to the end of the game
Yep the lab gets wild so be careful and make sure you have flame rounds
I'm excited for this. Resi 2 Remake was really well done. I'm a fake fan though because I've only played RE4 and RE2Remake. I was shook the whole time playing though.
Doesn’t make you a fake fan bro lol just means that’s where you started not how big of a fan you. You may love the series more than someone who’s played them all tbh