  • Jul 6, 2021

    Anyone else not feeling this ep?

  • Jul 6, 2021

    Definitely wasn't expecting anything like ep3 but it was a nice change of pace. Clearly an unpopular opinion but I think when this show is over it'll be looked back on as one of the series' best. It reminded me of one of the more emotional Futurama episodes.

    I felt that s*** when Morty was crying to Beth at the end

    Idk it didn’t feel emotional it felt very cynical

  • Jul 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Have you watched season 4 lmao?

    I loved season 4

  • Jul 6, 2021
    2 replies
    DarkCloud 29

    Episode was worth it for the Morty character stuff alone.

    Morty got mad / broke up with girl before this is not new

  • Jul 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Morty got mad / broke up with girl before this is not new

    Yeah but that was using a time remote this is a legit relationship that'll probably come up later in the story

  • Jul 6, 2021

    Yeah but that was using a time remote this is a legit relationship that'll probably come up later in the story

    It felt so rushed tho like I was happy for him for a second and that’s it

  • Jul 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Something felt really off about the writing. They used to be sharper

  • Jul 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Morty got mad / broke up with girl before this is not new

    So all the parts with him and Beth just weren’t in the version of the episode that aired wherever you live?

    Can’t recall that many superhero girlfriends Morty has had either. But yeah your right on this one big dog you got it Lol

  • Last season was weak
    This is also kinda weak starting

    Hope it gets better and finishes strong

  • Jul 7, 2021

    Something felt really off about the writing. They used to be sharper

    the writing is definitely different

    I like some parts more but some parts are definitely less sharp

  • Jul 7, 2021

    Man S5 e1 was f***ing jokes hahahaha

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jul 7, 2021
    6 replies

    Feel like I’m the only one really liking this season so far

  • Jul 7, 2021
    1 reply

    these last two episodes were garbage

  • VVV

    these last two episodes were garbage


  • Kr0niic

    Feel like I’m the only one really liking this season so far

    nah you not alone. its been pretty good overall. feels like we are seeing the show from a slightly different angle and the characters have grown a lot.

  • Jetpack

    I loved season 4

    I thought I “liked” Season 4. Now after viewing the first three episodes of Season 5, I realized that I was just deprived of new Rick & Morty at the time

  • Jul 7, 2021
    DarkCloud 29

    So all the parts with him and Beth just weren’t in the version of the episode that aired wherever you live?

    Can’t recall that many superhero girlfriends Morty has had either. But yeah your right on this one big dog you got it Lol

    The scene with Beth felt forced to me. In a better episode it would've been established that Morty doesn't listen to Beth and doesn't see her as a supporting mother, and then when the episode ends with her comforting him, that's character development happening.

    Instead in the episode Beth confronts Morty twice in two short scenes. She doesn't give him money to go to Planetina and he says I'll just go myself, and she doesn't allow Planetina to stay with them so instead he runs away with her.

    Thematically, this is a very linear plot but with no emotional resonance. It was predictable that Planetina would go evil (a thing that happens often in Rick and Morty) and that they would break up. So it's not surprising or shocking when it happens. It would be better if they compared Morty and Planetina's relationship to Morty and Beth's as a narrative, but they didn't so the ending didn't have impact.

    Also the Rick part wasn't funny and was again a weak plot for Rick (just like in the first episode) so it didn't work as a comedic relief for the serious Morty plot, but instead a distraction that ended up not giving enough time for the Morty plot to develop. Instead it just felt like it moved from point A to point B and there was a lot going on.

  • Jul 7, 2021

    This episode is similar to Rick's episode with Unity, but the reason that episode's ending hits harder is because:

    1. It's surprising to see Rick that heartbroken over what happened. We learn new things about Rick. It sheds more light about his current and past dysfunctional relationship and about his self destructive nature. This is unlike the Morty episode that doesn't teach us anything new about Morty.

    2. During the episode there's a narrative about why their relationship in particular couldn't work. It's not because Unity is evil which would be the easy way out, but it's because they're both too toxic for each other. Which feels relatable unlike the Morty reasons.

  • Morty found someone and rushed into something that he felt was real and tangible for once in his life, it felt natural for him.

    The pacing of that narrative felt like how the relationship was going, extremely quick and abrupt tbh.

    In his prior “love interests” they were mostly seen as goals for Morty to achieve not actual people that he would have proper chemistry with.

    he was blind sided until she went off the deep end but to me it kinda threw me off that he felt that way about her actions because Morty has been going off the deep end in recent seasons going as far to kill his bullies, police & army who are trying to stop him.

    So i don’t know maybe it’s just me but that’s kind of telling of how he feels his moral compass doesn’t align with hers and that it was a necessary yet painful choice for the relationship to be severed.

    I don’t know i have to think about this one for a bit, not sure how i really feel about the episode all too much.

    I enjoyed it but i feel like this episode (akin to most of the show) has been really inconsistent on WHO these characters are and what values they truly hold.

  • Jul 9, 2021

    Finally watched episode 3

    Bruh how are you guys not enjoying this season, episode was funny af

  • Jul 9, 2021

    Feel like I’m the only one really liking this season so far

  • PIMP 💿
    Jul 9, 2021

    Feel like I’m the only one really liking this season so far

    I liked season 4 so i suppose imma f*** with this

  • Jul 9, 2021
    DarkCloud 29

    These three episodes have better than anything from the 1st half of season 4.

  • Jul 9, 2021

    Feel like I’m the only one really liking this season so far


  • Jul 12, 2021

    that episode was one of the best from 5
