that one was amazing. one of those episodes where it seemed every line of dialogue was funny. def need to rewatch
this one + episode 1 my favorites so far this season
Also why haven’t they used a portal gun so far this season? Something just feels off this season honestly
anyone notice how we haven't seen the portal gun this season yet? They also were driving in there car in this episode rather then rick's ship. Also rick is hella nerfed here
Whole episode felt like a giant s***post
definitely felt like a 'Rick & Morty episode generator' plot at first but once it got going I enjoyed it. The president was great in this one
judging by the making of for this episode they know how ridiculous the premise is, but Dan Harmon doesn't seem like the type to nix even the most far fetched of ideas
I’d say this episode was decent but nothing crazy
episode 7 leaked. Another random ass episode but was much better then yesterday's episode. The incest baby returned tho Of all the characters to be reoccurring. Feels like im watching a different show with these latest eps
episode 7 leaked. Another random ass episode but was much better then yesterday's episode. The incest baby returned tho Of all the characters to be reoccurring. Feels like im watching a different show with these latest eps
i thought episode 7 was hard tbh felt like a Scorsese spoof at times
and the portal gun is in it for everybody crying in this thread about it