  • Feb 5, 2022
    Handsome Bachelor

    However you wanna look at it bruh

    All I hear is “GTA 6 is otw”

  • Feb 5, 2022
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    This optimistic af Games generally don't get announced when they're 70% complete. They announce games far earlier to increase hype and have enough time for marketing. GTA 5 was not 70% done when that first trailer dropped in late 2011, RDR 2 was not 70% done when it was announced in October 2016. Both games got delayed from their original release date, that wouldn't be the case if only 30% of development needed to be done in the almost 2 years from announcement to original release date

    And for the record you dont work for Rockstar (unless you do, or did, let me know) so you have no idea how far along RDR2 was when they announced it.

  • Feb 5, 2022

    replies killing me son like who are these people irl😭😭

    M rated game having a family friendly option

  • Feb 5, 2022

    replies killing me son like who are these people irl😭😭

    Tell them go play cake bash instead

  • Feb 5, 2022
    1 reply
    Handsome Bachelor

    And for the record you dont work for Rockstar (unless you do, or did, let me know) so you have no idea how far along RDR2 was when they announced it.

    Why you getting this touched at me for pointing out how the game industry works AAA games aren't announced when they're at least 70% done unless its Fallout 4. GTA 5, RDR 2, Cyberpunk, Starfield, Halo Infinite - do you really think these games were 70% done when they were first announced? Even 50% done would be a reach

    You didn't work for Rockstar either, so foh with your sassy comments when you clearly don't know s*** about game development

  • Feb 5, 2022

    Technically, this isn't even an announcement for the game. Just confirmation that they are developing the game. It's not like a trailer or screenshots, most people won't even see/hear about this. 70% complete is just unrealistic at this stage. You gonna be asking "WHERE TF IS THIS GAME?! " at the end of the year because of your own unrealistic expectations

  • Feb 5, 2022
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    Why you getting this touched at me for pointing out how the game industry works AAA games aren't announced when they're at least 70% done unless its Fallout 4. GTA 5, RDR 2, Cyberpunk, Starfield, Halo Infinite - do you really think these games were 70% done when they were first announced? Even 50% done would be a reach

    You didn't work for Rockstar either, so foh with your sassy comments when you clearly don't know s*** about game development

    Dude the game being 70% done, and yes, that is just a guess on my part, is very realistic. These things take several years to get done, and before the even announce the game, I would think a very huge portion of the game needs to be done. That way they know they can safely announce it and have their vision implemented and know that there will likely not be any major changes. Them being 70% or 60% whatever who knows, does not mean that they still dont have a s*** ton of work to do on the game. imo I would think to announce a AAA game, they would have quite a bit of it done when they announce it. Trailer for GTa v came out Nov 2 2011 and then the game came out like what 2 years after September of 2013. That's two years, so when they announced it obviously they were very far along and had just 2 years of development left. They were probably 60 or 70% done. Who knows though idgaf

  • Feb 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Idk why it's so hard to believe for some of yall that they are probably pretty deep into development. R* is one of the biggest gaming industries of the world with studios all over. They have no doubt been working on this, to some degree at least for a few years. The fact that they announced means they probably just crossed a big milestone in the development, so now they are ready to finally announce. I'm betting maybe 2 more years and will have it. That will be 2024. That will mean they probably really went full steam on development in 2017/2018ish after RDR2 was finished, or at least wrapping up. That would he 6, 7 years of development which makes sense considering how long the previous gta, and even rdr2 took 8 years. They learned a lot on RDR 2 so probably wont take quite as long to finish this, but probably close to it.

    Could he wrong about all this, but they officially announced the game, so I'm optimistic they didnt start the s*** last week.

  • Over here writing novels and s***

  • Feb 5, 2022
    Handsome Bachelor

    Dude the game being 70% done, and yes, that is just a guess on my part, is very realistic. These things take several years to get done, and before the even announce the game, I would think a very huge portion of the game needs to be done. That way they know they can safely announce it and have their vision implemented and know that there will likely not be any major changes. Them being 70% or 60% whatever who knows, does not mean that they still dont have a s*** ton of work to do on the game. imo I would think to announce a AAA game, they would have quite a bit of it done when they announce it. Trailer for GTa v came out Nov 2 2011 and then the game came out like what 2 years after September of 2013. That's two years, so when they announced it obviously they were very far along and had just 2 years of development left. They were probably 60 or 70% done. Who knows though idgaf

    You‘re 100% right. Especially Rockstar is always calculating every single move. The next GTA is at least 70% finished and they basically said to us yesterday that GTA V is on his last steps imo

  • Feb 5, 2022
    1 reply
    Handsome Bachelor

    Idk why it's so hard to believe for some of yall that they are probably pretty deep into development. R* is one of the biggest gaming industries of the world with studios all over. They have no doubt been working on this, to some degree at least for a few years. The fact that they announced means they probably just crossed a big milestone in the development, so now they are ready to finally announce. I'm betting maybe 2 more years and will have it. That will be 2024. That will mean they probably really went full steam on development in 2017/2018ish after RDR2 was finished, or at least wrapping up. That would he 6, 7 years of development which makes sense considering how long the previous gta, and even rdr2 took 8 years. They learned a lot on RDR 2 so probably wont take quite as long to finish this, but probably close to it.

    Could he wrong about all this, but they officially announced the game, so I'm optimistic they didnt start the s*** last week.

    This isn't even an announcement though There's no trailer, no screenshots, it wasn't done at E3. This is just a post on the internet to say "We are in fact developing GTA 6". I'm just warning you not to get your hopes up, it's likely that we go the rest of the year without a trailer or anything really. This is dropping in like late 2024-2025 at the earliest but Rockstar gonna keep getting s*** because people like you have your expectations set way too high. But yeah, we'll see though

  • Feb 5, 2022

    Where’s Bully 2

  • Feb 5, 2022
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    This isn't even an announcement though There's no trailer, no screenshots, it wasn't done at E3. This is just a post on the internet to say "We are in fact developing GTA 6". I'm just warning you not to get your hopes up, it's likely that we go the rest of the year without a trailer or anything really. This is dropping in like late 2024-2025 at the earliest but Rockstar gonna keep getting s*** because people like you have your expectations set way too high. But yeah, we'll see though

    Dude they don't have to show a trailer or screenshots lol. They are Rockstar, they have earned the right the be silent for as long as they want. Have you followed them? When's the last time they were at e3, or showed a trailer at e3. They hardly have ever participated at that s*** going back several years. Just because they are CHOOSING to not show the game yet doesn't mean they dont have a good portion of it done. R* is a company who thrives off of perfection and having the highest quality. They wont show this until they are ready and have a jaw dropping trailer done. One of the things I've noticed is they hardly ever do interviews and showcases of their games (gta at least, and RDR)until late in the development process. They don't waste time and resources on that stuff. They just put their heads down, and get their game done and dont show it until they are ready. I'm just going off of this companies past history bro.

    Who knows, the culture may have changed, important ppl did leave the company.

  • Feb 5, 2022
    1 reply
    Handsome Bachelor

    Dude they don't have to show a trailer or screenshots lol. They are Rockstar, they have earned the right the be silent for as long as they want. Have you followed them? When's the last time they were at e3, or showed a trailer at e3. They hardly have ever participated at that s*** going back several years. Just because they are CHOOSING to not show the game yet doesn't mean they dont have a good portion of it done. R* is a company who thrives off of perfection and having the highest quality. They wont show this until they are ready and have a jaw dropping trailer done. One of the things I've noticed is they hardly ever do interviews and showcases of their games (gta at least, and RDR)until late in the development process. They don't waste time and resources on that stuff. They just put their heads down, and get their game done and dont show it until they are ready. I'm just going off of this companies past history bro.

    Who knows, the culture may have changed, important ppl did leave the company.

    I agree, I'm just saying this isn't an announcement. GTA 5 and RDR 2 were announced with trailers or trailers within days after being announced. This is not an announcement meant to garner maximum attention - just confirmation that they are developing the game. When that trailer does drop - that is the announcement you can compare to their other games and then you can assume the game is 60-70% done Rn all we have is a confirmation that development has began - and as you said, RDR 2 took 8 years. Even if you give that "well underway" statement a lot of weight, that could mean 3 years into development making a 2026 release date possible

  • Feb 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Ppl excited for Vice City, but honestly that is too similar to the sunny, palm trees of LA to me. I want a different more exotic setting. But it wouldn't surprise me if its VC again as they know that's many ppls favorite entry in the series. I want a change of scenery though. Not a New York type, and not sunny palm trees. Something different and unexpected, like London, Amsterdam. The only way I'll be happy with VC, is if they include part of Cuba, or other surrounding Caribbean islands. Hell even Jamaica would be dope.

  • Feb 5, 2022
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    I agree, I'm just saying this isn't an announcement. GTA 5 and RDR 2 were announced with trailers or trailers within days after being announced. This is not an announcement meant to garner maximum attention - just confirmation that they are developing the game. When that trailer does drop - that is the announcement you can compare to their other games and then you can assume the game is 60-70% done Rn all we have is a confirmation that development has began - and as you said, RDR 2 took 8 years. Even if you give that "well underway" statement a lot of weight, that could mean 3 years into development making a 2026 release date possible

    Both are possible. I'm just choosing to be optimistic is all. If the game is still that far off I wont lose sleep this stuff ain't my life. We'll see how it all plays out though. Honestly though, I'm even optimistic that we will get the first trailer within the next 6 months. One can dream. And if ppl are upset that the game doesn't come out that soon that's their own fault lol everyone is responsible for their own expectations. Ppl are allowed to speculate and give opinions though. They can get mad at no one but themselves and the company developing the product if they are disappointed.

    Lowkey is disappointing and odd we didn't at least get a logo and official name...

  • Feb 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Anyone here think they wont go with Grand Theft Auto VI and possibly another subtitle, like Vice City and San Andreas?

  • Feb 5, 2022
    Handsome Bachelor

    Anyone here think they wont go with Grand Theft Auto VI and possibly another subtitle, like Vice City and San Andreas?

    GTA: VIce city

  • Feb 5, 2022
    2 replies
    Handsome Bachelor

    Both are possible. I'm just choosing to be optimistic is all. If the game is still that far off I wont lose sleep this stuff ain't my life. We'll see how it all plays out though. Honestly though, I'm even optimistic that we will get the first trailer within the next 6 months. One can dream. And if ppl are upset that the game doesn't come out that soon that's their own fault lol everyone is responsible for their own expectations. Ppl are allowed to speculate and give opinions though. They can get mad at no one but themselves and the company developing the product if they are disappointed.

    Lowkey is disappointing and odd we didn't at least get a logo and official name...

    As long as you understand this and don't blame Rockstar if we still don't have a trailer by this time next year, I'm satisfied. I personally think they would show more if the game was really that far along. I just don't want Rockstar to get flack because people got their own hopes up because of this confirmation that they're developing the game

  • BlueChew Sean

    As long as you understand this and don't blame Rockstar if we still don't have a trailer by this time next year, I'm satisfied. I personally think they would show more if the game was really that far along. I just don't want Rockstar to get flack because people got their own hopes up because of this confirmation that they're developing the game

    Lol r is going to get flack no matter what though. They did that to themselves for milking the hell out of gta v, which is likely a big reason why its taken longer than ppl hoped to get this new game. Dont get me wrong, they are a business and gta v became one of the biggest cash cows of all time, I dont blame them. A lot of ppl are already disappointed with Rockstar and that's not likely to change soon. Plus, the gta trilogy debacle, though t themselves didn't make that. A lot of fans jumped ship. All they have to do to get back in the good Grace's of most of those fans is to just make a stellar game and all will be forgiven like always. Though there will be ppl who are disappointed no matter when it comes out, or how good the game will be.

  • Oohh.. I like this fan made logo a lot

    Can tell its Vice City inspired, which I already stated I dont want the game set, but this is still dope.

  • Feb 5, 2022

    This is all we're gonna hear until 2024

  • Feb 5, 2022
    BlueChew Sean

    As long as you understand this and don't blame Rockstar if we still don't have a trailer by this time next year, I'm satisfied. I personally think they would show more if the game was really that far along. I just don't want Rockstar to get flack because people got their own hopes up because of this confirmation that they're developing the game

    Lol they obviously showing nothing this year because GTA V is coming out for the next gen consoles soon.

    I still think the new GTA is already 60-70% done, they‘re just riding out the last straw right now. They literally said „What‘s next“ in their statement and that implies that this might be the last year for GTA V until they start the official promo for the new one imo

  • Feb 5, 2022
    2 replies
    Beast Man

    It should take place in Atlanta tbh

    Atlanta got no beaches/sea. They purposely pick cities built next to the sea.

  • Feb 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Atlanta got no beaches/sea. They purposely pick cities built next to the sea.

    Didnt even consider that. I forgot of course any place they pick gotta have water, it's such a big part of the gameplay. Really kind narrows their choices of where the game can be set though. But there are still tons of cool places than can pick.

    I don't want no damn Vice city though man like its rumored to be. They already did that s*** I want something new.