  • May 14, 2023
    1 reply

    if GTA V didn't have online would anyone be talking about it or playing it to this day?

    May 14, 2023
    1 reply

    @BlackSlug this post is the post you skipped

    didn't skip it I saw the post. you just made a whole different one. combining those two posts together would've made sense but you didn't do that.

    I'm hoping I don't have to re explain everything over again for you to understand how it looks like you went from saying your opinion in your first post then saying something that speaks for everyone else in the other. even if you didn't mean it that way that's how it looks. it's that simple

    May 14, 2023


    I mean I don't see anything wrong with this. idk why you @'d me it either

    May 14, 2023

    actually man just please don't respond. you got it. we're like 2 pages in atp

  • May 14, 2023
    1 reply

    didn't skip it I saw the post. you just made a whole different one. combining those two posts together would've made sense but you didn't do that.

    I'm hoping I don't have to re explain everything over again for you to understand how it looks like you went from saying your opinion in your first post then saying something that speaks for everyone else in the other. even if you didn't mean it that way that's how it looks. it's that simple

    I was never speaking for everyone.......

    if you read it that way to the point where you thought I used the word everyone until I asked you to find where I used everyone.

    I didn't say " most people" "everyone" "unamiously" you read it that way. If I wanted to use any of those words I would. If you didn't want to start an argument you could have just asked what I meant by it then drag it out for multiple post assuming what I meant.

  • May 14, 2023
    1 reply

    if GTA V didn't have online would anyone be talking about it or playing it to this day?

    I still would. Cruisng in GTA and just doing wild s*** is fun af

  • May 14, 2023
    1 reply

    at launch being disappointed by 2013 GTA wasn't a hot take.

    saying something wasn't a hot take doesn't mean it was everyone
    doesn't mean it was just a minority. game still moved a billion. game isn't bad.

    May 14, 2023
    1 reply

    I was never speaking for everyone.......

    if you read it that way to the point where you thought I used the word everyone until I asked you to find where I used everyone.

    I didn't say " most people" "everyone" "unamiously" you read it that way. If I wanted to use any of those words I would. If you didn't want to start an argument you could have just asked what I meant by it then drag it out for multiple post assuming what I meant.

    is English your first language? that would explain things

    and honestly this wasn't an argument. it was just me explaining the same thing over and over to you and you refusing to admit that phrasing is a thing.


    I still would. Cruisng in GTA and just doing wild s*** is fun af

    that is real. In my opinion much of how it took off was roleplaying , streamers, updates to online and update to singleplayer (light). They made it more of a living world with the updates. Driving mechanics were fun. A lot of world to explore. Even if missions themselves specifically heist were oversold.

    It's undeniable that online changed the view of the game even more. That is a good thing.

    Rami calling it absolute mid I don't agree with but I understand why they feel that way more than many rockstar games.

    RDR2 is where they bounced back if you can even call it that since both games held in wide regard but RDR2 ended all doubt singleplayer wise

  • May 14, 2023
    1 reply

    is English your first language? that would explain things

    and honestly this wasn't an argument. it was just me explaining the same thing over and over to you and you refusing to admit that phrasing is a thing.

    "is english your first language"

    I already said the phrasing was vague. Its a post on a forum I made 2 days ago. You said your only issue was me using a word I didn't use in the post . That is where I took fault

    Thats it

  • May 14, 2023
    1 reply

    But anyway in terms of GTA VI I hope it brings back more RPG like elements of San Andreas. Take all of what they learned from GTA Online and RDR2 to bring it into the single player experience

    May 14, 2023
    1 reply

    "is english your first language"

    I already said the phrasing was vague. Its a post on a forum I made 2 days ago. You said your only issue was me using a word I didn't use in the post . That is where I took fault

    Thats it

    I said that a couple posts in.

    By then already I had already explained why your post looks like you're speaking for everyone

    you had ignored that point until I said the word everyone. I explained why I said everyone and you're still not getting it.

    Phrasing and wording your opinions are important. Because they often cause miscommunications like this one.

    That's it.

    May 14, 2023

    Uhh no I'm not? More assumptions

    May 14, 2023

    oh you deleted that one

    May 14, 2023

    lmao out

  • May 14, 2023

    But anyway in terms of GTA VI I hope it brings back more RPG like elements of San Andreas. Take all of what they learned from GTA Online and RDR2 to bring it into the single player experience

  • May 14, 2023
    2 replies

    I said that a couple posts in.

    By then already I had already explained why your post looks like you're speaking for everyone

    you had ignored that point until I said the word everyone. I explained why I said everyone and you're still not getting it.

    Phrasing and wording your opinions are important. Because they often cause miscommunications like this one.

    That's it.

    Stop it. It was a miscommunication and nothing else. I hate that “is English your first language” bs.

    No more beefing

  • May 14, 2023
    1 reply
    U R Fking Weird

    Stop it. It was a miscommunication and nothing else. I hate that “is English your first language” bs.

    No more beefing

    its ironic because Black has openly said they are mexican and I am black. Just weird to go that personal. When I have made clear it was a miscommunication if they read it that way,but if I wanted to use the word everyone, majority, everyone I would.

    when it dropped critics loved it and some fans were disappointed that is the way all games go. if someone laid out why GTA V disappointed them in 2013 people would be receptive vs now they are more defensive like that.

    I am not saying the game itself is actually mid or bad at all. Saying the game has grown over the years.

    I say that paragraph after paragraph. This isn't even our first discussion of GTA V on here or that I have had in person. I have heard all takes on it. If Rami thinks the game is genuinely bad then thats a discussion to have with him lol not I

    May 14, 2023
    1 reply
    U R Fking Weird

    Stop it. It was a miscommunication and nothing else. I hate that “is English your first language” bs.

    No more beefing

    well don't tell me what to do cuz now ill get ignorant

    but atp I've conceded anyways

    May 14, 2023
    1 reply

    its ironic because Black has openly said they are mexican and I am black. Just weird to go that personal. When I have made clear it was a miscommunication if they read it that way,but if I wanted to use the word everyone, majority, everyone I would.

    when it dropped critics loved it and some fans were disappointed that is the way all games go. if someone laid out why GTA V disappointed them in 2013 people would be receptive vs now they are more defensive like that.

    I am not saying the game itself is actually mid or bad at all. Saying the game has grown over the years.

    I say that paragraph after paragraph. This isn't even our first discussion of GTA V on here or that I have had in person. I have heard all takes on it. If Rami thinks the game is genuinely bad then thats a discussion to have with him lol not I

    my nigga what does this have to do with me being Mexican? like why mention it? and you're making it seem like it was my fault for misunderstanding it when it's your post that's phrased that way. regardless of what you said before, THAT post can easily be seen as you speaking for others. that's been my issue. that I've explained over and over

  • May 14, 2023
    1 reply

    my nigga what does this have to do with me being Mexican? like why mention it? and you're making it seem like it was my fault for misunderstanding it when it's your post that's phrased that way. regardless of what you said before, THAT post can easily be seen as you speaking for others. that's been my issue. that I've explained over and over

    I understand how that post could be interpreted that way . I have said it was vague. Asking if english is my first language while saying I said the word everyone is just funny. On the same page you say "no one I talked to had anything bad to say about GTA V" when I am not even making definitive statements like that. I am simply saying something wasn't a hot take in the sense you would hear it. thats all.

    the one making the assumption is you in the sense I never said everyone. Critically it was a slapper. I am simply saying it wasn't some niche minority that disagreed with the 10/10.

    Not to the level of bad or mid but overrated ? Yes lol .

  • May 14, 2023
    1 reply

    if you don't think people thought GTA V was overrated with 10/10 in 2013 I don't know what to tell you

  • May 14, 2023
    3 replies

    "my nigga what does this have to do with me being mexican "

  • May 14, 2023

    Rami starting a discussion of GTA V being Mid then exiting