Myhala is ppls… can confirm directly from her this is heat. (Or not)
Tell her I would like to f***. Thank you
Damn I’m the only one who liked it lol
Hopefully watching soon
Feel lucky enough to have new Esmail, but I’m hoping this is good lol
This almost as scathing as his The Marvels review smh
Brutal review
Brutal review
Lol I didn’t even realize that tweet means he didn’t like it
Esmail is still a dope director. Airplane scene and Tesla scene are stand outs
He’s a wizard behind the camera. This script needed work tho fasho
Really disappointing. Started off strong but then just went into preachy metaphorical soliloquies about misinformation and it trusting your neighbor or whatever. I bet there was a better script here before the Obamas got their hands on it.
Ending was dogshit
Smh the whole third act reeked of corporate influence
Got damn it bama stay in ya lane
This was based on a book though. Not sure how faithful they were
Idk how faithful my ex was either
Another war crime from Barry smh