  • No one like him

  • Yeah Jeremy Strong should be getting a lot of calls rn. I thought he was great in Succession but after seeing this..phenomenal actor. Stan really proved his chops as well, tho the voice made it hard to really see him as Donald.

  • Unity 💯
    Feb 21
    1 reply

  • Unity


  • Been getting a lot of clips for this recommended to me, actually looks decent worth a watch?

  • Just finished, it’s amazing that a Persian dude got with a bunch of nords to film a Romanian playing an American in Toronto, and that they also let everyone f***ing act and not force some sort of ‘and just like that hitler was born’ narrative. The actor work in this s*** is top of the line

    The reception for this movie is kinda baffling, there’s no way Americans are this insecure about their leaders. It’ll get Stone’s JFK treatment some years down the line for sure. It’s an amazing tale of time, just like that movie is